Random musings and general banter.


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Just watched a slice of the latest watch 'extravaganza'. Sean saying that he wanted to buy the watch he was demonstrating but was 'told' via his earpiece that he was going to be out of luck, as they were on course to sell out!

Couldn't he reserve one before the show?!
Just watched a slice of the latest watch 'extravaganza'. Sean saying that he wanted to buy the watch he was demonstrating but was 'told' via his earpiece that he was going to be out of luck, as they were on course to sell out!

Couldn't he reserve one before the show?!

Or say "Mam, I know you're watching....order this for me now, and I'll give you the money"...Heard a lot of them do that! Such a load of old bull. Same on tjc...shiling cashmere scarves for £30, the presenter said she paid 3 times that for a normal wool one but she can't wear it cos it's really scratchy round her neck..Yeah right, you'd blindly hand over £90 for a scarf without quickly trying in on to see what it looks and feels like?...yeah right!!!! I'm sure that the presenters do buy the odd bit from the channel here and there, but not to the scale they say...and isn't it always the case that they spent triple the amount just a week before on the same item elsewhere....like they don't get to see the schedules, actually products beforehand!
Just watched a slice of the latest watch 'extravaganza'. Sean saying that he wanted to buy the watch he was demonstrating but was 'told' via his earpiece that he was going to be out of luck, as they were on course to sell out!

Couldn't he reserve one before the show?!

At one stage he said he was going to get his ipad to order one. Other presenters have said that they can't order whilst on the air. It's all just theatre really. I just wonder sometimes how they sleep at night.
SHREQUE is shilling 200 days worth of Proto Col plonk. He boasted and boasted of it being 200 days worth but then slipped in that it ‘may not change your life after 14 days’, that being of course the time you could actually send it back for a refund. Precious!

Then he very sincerely introduced a film of a ‘Powerful Testimonial’ that speaks of the wonders of Proto Col. And who was it in the Testimonial?

Jimmy effin’ Savile!

Honestly guys, this lot are beyond hardfaced. They don’t seem to give a flying f..... :mysmilie_13:
He’s quite a guy isn’t he Mossie?

I still feel his talents were used best as an Art Expert when presenting the Thomas Kinkade Masterpieces.

Not quite up to Lisa Brash standards, but a worthy contribution non the less :mysmilie_59:

I had forgotten Lisa Brash, the memories come flooding back (unfortunately😣...)
Aah yes, the dulcet tones of Lisa, the true Bid TV Art Expert.
I think she still may be stuck somewhere on the mega bus! Hi Lisa, I know you read these xx

Ha ha I remember her saying "I haven't come all this way on the Megabus for this stuff not to sell". She was one classy lady...
I see Mason flogging the Bedray Cordless, lowest price ever £88, last time they were selling at £89.99 big saving.:mysmilie_17:

Oh and he did research on Beldray to see how good they were and his conclusion is you can't be around since 1872 unless you're doing something right.

He must be rubbish at research as he would have found out the present day Beldray hasn't been around since 1872, the 1872 company went out of business in 2004. The present day Beldray has absolutely no connection with the old one, apart from using their Brand/Trademark which has changed hands a couple times since they went bust. It's a bit like these old defunct watch brands being resurrected and claiming the old brands history.
I see Mason flogging the Bedray Cordless, lowest price ever £88, last time they were selling at £89.99 big saving.:mysmilie_17:

Oh and he did research on Beldray to see how good they were and his conclusion is you can't be around since 1872 unless you're doing something right.

He must be rubbish at research as he would have found out the present day Beldray hasn't been around since 1872, the 1872 company went out of business in 2004. The present day Beldray has absolutely no connection with the old one, apart from using their Brand/Trademark which has changed hands a couple times since they went bust. It's a bit like these old defunct watch brands being resurrected and claiming the old brands history.

I know this isn't Ideal World's fault, or any shopping channel's that trusted household names change hands, go out of business and sell their names to companies who manufacture inferior goods - there's no law against it.However, they shouldn't be allowed to state or imply that the heritage is still there and the products are as good as they always were. In the case of Beldray..Yes it's a brand I've heard of and trusted, and taking that trust at face value, bought a steam cleaner from a high street store a few years ago to find it was a pile of junk, so I took it back and got a refund. Similarly I bought a Wharfdale speaker, as they had a fantastic reputation, to find that was tinny and crap...I have now learned to do my homework, which includes checking out various reviews, where you can find a lot of golden information; eg, that a brand isn't the same as it used to be, so you can make a more informed decision.

Obviously the companies themselves are selling goods on the back of a trusted name, that's bad enough...but channels like IW should not be allowed to take the trickery to the next level - Just present the product, tell us what it does and how much it is and leave it there.
Similarly I bought a Wharfdale speaker, as they had a fantastic reputation, to find that was tinny and crap...I have now learned to do my homework, which includes checking out various reviews, where you can find a lot of golden information; eg, that a brand isn't the same as it used to be, so you can make a more informed decision.

That reminds me of the time when I was a lot younger, and had built myself an almost exclusively Akai Hi-fi for my bedroom when I still lived at home. I was never really blown away by the sound on it, but it all matched so I was quite happy. Then one day after the warranty had expired, one of the speakers blew. I decided to take the speaker apart to see what actual speaker unit was inside to see if Akai could get me a replacement.

Imagine my surprise when I opened the speaker cabinet up, to find that the woofers were indeed Akai branded, but the tweeters (which had blown) were actually Goodmans branded!!

I wrote to Akai absolutely fuming. They got back to me saying that they source parts from various manufacturers, and that was just the way it was. I wrote back saying that if I had wanted to build a Goodmans system, it would have been considerably cheaper than buying their stuff, and that was the main reason I was so annoyed. Needless to say they never got back to me.

Nowadays I could have outed them on social media, but back then it was pen and paper or nothing sadly.
I know this isn't Ideal World's fault, or any shopping channel's that trusted household names change hands, go out of business and sell their names to companies who manufacture inferior goods - there's no law against it.However, they shouldn't be allowed to state or imply that the heritage is still there and the products are as good as they always were. In the case of Beldray..Yes it's a brand I've heard of and trusted, and taking that trust at face value, bought a steam cleaner from a high street store a few years ago to find it was a pile of junk, so I took it back and got a refund. Similarly I bought a Wharfdale speaker, as they had a fantastic reputation, to find that was tinny and crap...I have now learned to do my homework, which includes checking out various reviews, where you can find a lot of golden information; eg, that a brand isn't the same as it used to be, so you can make a more informed decision.

Obviously the companies themselves are selling goods on the back of a trusted name, that's bad enough...but channels like IW should not be allowed to take the trickery to the next level - Just present the product, tell us what it does and how much it is and leave it there.

I know where you're coming from. I bought a Beldray 'stick' vacuum cleaner a few years ago (nothing to do with IW - I got it from B&M). I'd heard of the brand name. It worked well but proved to be so flimsily built that it almost broke in half after a few months of light use.

BTW I didn't know about 'Wharfdale' until you mentioned it.

Like you say, the lesson is to do your own research beforehand.
I know this isn't Ideal World's fault, or any shopping channel's that trusted household names change hands, go out of business and sell their names to companies who manufacture inferior goods - there's no law against it.However, they shouldn't be allowed to state or imply that the heritage is still there and the products are as good as they always were. In the case of Beldray..Yes it's a brand I've heard of and trusted, and taking that trust at face value, bought a steam cleaner from a high street store a few years ago to find it was a pile of junk, so I took it back and got a refund. Similarly I bought a Wharfdale speaker, as they had a fantastic reputation, to find that was tinny and crap...I have now learned to do my homework, which includes checking out various reviews, where you can find a lot of golden information; eg, that a brand isn't the same as it used to be, so you can make a more informed decision.

Obviously the companies themselves are selling goods on the back of a trusted name, that's bad enough...but channels like IW should not be allowed to take the trickery to the next level - Just present the product, tell us what it does and how much it is and leave it there.

Sadly many old familiar high street brand names/companies have changed hands over the years, but are basically the same but with different owners, and I have no problem with that. But I do take issues with companies buying up old brand names and claiming a history, heritage and quality, non of which is true, and that's compounded when the likes of Ideal World just add to the deceitful tactics with their over exaggeration of these companies and their products. The likes of Belday' products in it's heyday were made in the UK, that's when they had a good reputation, now it's all China made.
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De Knees is shilling a Coat, the Model said : ‘This looks like something you’d see in Harrods’

It’s 80% Polyester :mysmilie_19:
GOLLUM is shilling an awful Swan and Edgar piece of carp. GOLLUM says : -

“I know it’s Black Friday week but this is more like give it away week”

What a tosser :down:
GOLLUM is shilling an awful Swan and Edgar piece of carp. GOLLUM says : -

“I know it’s Black Friday week but this is more like give it away week”

What a tosser :down:

I notice most of the reviews on the Swan And Edgar watches have been removed. The ones that are remaining are terrible. No surprise there then.
I see Mason said he has the Time Guarder in his collection, that just confirms he knows sod all about watches. These Ideal World presenters, claim to know what their speaking about as they've been selling watches for a long time, but from all the evidence gained from watching their shows, it's patently obvious that they are totally ignorant of the watch Industry, of brands, the quality of watches and technical specs of watches.

I saw the other day they were selling some financial service, equity release or something like that, and the Denise lady kept referring to this company's Trustpilot score and how good it was, which according to her, is a very important factor when deciding to use them, wonder why they don't give the same advice regarding Ideal world's Trustpilot score. :mysmilie_17:
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Equity Release was on TV the other week , didn't catch it all but someone got 25k and when they died the family had to pay back 100k out of the estate, seems the right thing IW would be associated with
Oh god. Just flicked channels and Gollum is shilling the usual tripe bonded leather chairs. Selling for £489.99, with a claimed usual price of £1259.99 hahahaha yeah right.

"I don't do this for effect, and I certainly don't do this to create a sense of urgency," says the bald buffon, "but the web has gone bonkers" So much crap talked by one semi-human being
I have to say i have worked with hundreds probably thousands of people in my life but for talking complete and utter bulls excrement the bald one takes the biscuit but i cant help listening to his b*****ks i do enjoy a laugh

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