Just because they're not physically in your home does not mean the sales tactics can't be considered pushy, pressurized, intimidating and sometimes downright false in terms of claims. Not all of the aforementioned in every pitch no, but there's usually at least one of them deployed per pitch and usually more. Just because the viewer can change channels does not fully equate to them not being a captive audience. All viewers? No. But some, yes. Some people are predisposed to be drawn in and to believe the hype & tripe salespeople often dole out.
Of course a salesperson is there to sell, of course they're going to big up the product they're selling. I think what gets people annoyed is the extent to which IW presenters deploy the aforementioned tactics to get the sale.
As I touched on before, they often compare their cheaper products to more expensive products simply because they share features, thus trying to convince you the cheap thing is as good as an expensive thing, usually not the case in real life as we all know. They put pressure on veiled with a smile and cheery voice to tell you the show is EXTREMELY busy when it's only been on air for 4.2 secs. They tell you you better order first and watch the show at your leisure after. They push push PUSH the fact you can get it home for £x, x being the first of x flexi payments. They have gongs going off when things get to limited numbers or if there's 10 mins left of a special price hour. They have regular pricing that in no way reflects the true value of their products, thus making their 'sale' prices look amazing i.e. you're getting this sofa for 1/2 price. You're not btw, it's true value is the sale price probably less given much of the stuff they sell is tat.
Need I go on? As I say, yes many sales establishments do this, however it's the extent to which IW do it that's often not cricket. And yes, even though they in reality have the ability to switch off, for some viewers they are held captive and they do buy into the drivel. That's telly sales and those viewers are GOLD to these channels.