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For someone who is always complaining about aches and pains, joint problems, etc. Pope Pete certainly knelt down and got up without any problems on at least two occasions this evening during a Vax hour (not only, not only, etc). Still, it was worth seeing, just for a glimpse of his fluorescent lime green socks. What I did notice was that he began his old trick of only quoting the flexi-pay cost, but afterwards started quoting the full amount AND the flexi-pay instalments (had someone off-screen had a word?). The lady guest was wearing one of the Nicole glitter drape dresses and I'm sorry, but I thought it made her look like a barrel - not flattering at all. Genpleaseleave is now competing with Pope Pete to see who can talk over the other one at the fastest rate - Gen's ahead at present by a clear margin.
PS is a seasoned master of porkies and Gen is fast becoming an unpleasant protege.As to 'having a word'about his repeated misrepresentation of prices ;about time too.It'sut time that something was done about this matter before someone who feels strongly enough contacts the A S A(he however is not the only culprit)