Random musings and general banter.


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For someone who is always complaining about aches and pains, joint problems, etc. Pope Pete certainly knelt down and got up without any problems on at least two occasions this evening during a Vax hour (not only, not only, etc). Still, it was worth seeing, just for a glimpse of his fluorescent lime green socks. What I did notice was that he began his old trick of only quoting the flexi-pay cost, but afterwards started quoting the full amount AND the flexi-pay instalments (had someone off-screen had a word?). The lady guest was wearing one of the Nicole glitter drape dresses and I'm sorry, but I thought it made her look like a barrel - not flattering at all. Genpleaseleave is now competing with Pope Pete to see who can talk over the other one at the fastest rate - Gen's ahead at present by a clear margin.

PS is a seasoned master of porkies and Gen is fast becoming an unpleasant protege.As to 'having a word'about his repeated misrepresentation of prices ;about time too.It'sut time that something was done about this matter before someone who feels strongly enough contacts the A S A(he however is not the only culprit)
I do find Kevinski strangely compelling; as far as guests go, I think he's top of the schlocks.

Most definitely; my favourite being his tale of personally hand-delivering a watch to a wedding reception as a special favour because they had only ordered it the day before. Now I'm almost certain that some if not all of the tale was bull because I later heard a similar but not identical story featuring a courier.

But whether it's his meetings with Igor or phoning up the shipping agent to get 'precious' watches shipped over on a different boat in order to get to the studio on time, there's an astounding variety of stories to be had from Kevski. He really ought to be writing novels if he isn't doing so already; I bet they would be winning prizes for fiction :mysmilie_59:
You could well be right about this tactic...it's hard to keep up with such multi-layered shysterism:confused:

I do find Kevinski strangely compelling; as far as guests go, I think he's top of the schlocks.

Oh he's schlocky alright. Beyond shifty, he's always looking from side to side as if he's thinking up his next line of incredulous spiel.

The stories are preposterous but I'm guessing they must be effective if they persist with them.

Talking about schlocky we now have the genuinely appalling two Peter's with the gargantuan ripoff Heaters. It really is excruciating listening to the sheer desperation as Dirty Peter spews out his vapid, incoherent, repetitive drivel.

Now he's doing one of his 'sincere' monologue to camera moments, 'This is to you at home' as he continues to try and shill to the next unsuspecting mug.

'Do your own research, these are genuinely more expensive than the £75 you're going to pay on Flexipay'.

How do they get away with it?*

*I suspect they possibly won't for much longer :mysmilie_59:
Just watching the same spiel, it seems nuts to pay £299 + £5.99 p&p.
Does any one have one? It would be good to hear your thoughts. The consumption of the "Green Energy Ceramic heater" is 2000 w.
I have a 5 fin 1000 w oil filled radiator that I use in my conservatory, it's great, heats up quick, and will still give off heat even after it is unplugged, just like the rip off I/W heater, and it cost 6 time less. :mysmilie_19:
Oh he's schlocky alright. Beyond shifty, he's always looking from side to side as if he's thinking up his next line of incredulous spiel.

The stories are preposterous but I'm guessing they must be effective if they persist with them.

Talking about schlocky we now have the genuinely appalling two Peter's with the gargantuan ripoff Heaters. It really is excruciating listening to the sheer desperation as Dirty Peter spews out his vapid, incoherent, repetitive drivel.

Now he's doing one of his 'sincere' monologue to camera moments, 'This is to you at home' as he continues to try and shill to the next unsuspecting mug.

'Do your own research, these are genuinely more expensive than the £75 you're going to pay on Flexipay'.

How do they get away with it?*

*I suspect they possibly won't for much longer :mysmilie_59:

I recall someone on the the forum recounting a Kevinski classic, concerning a factory being reopened just so he could take delivery of some more watches (might have been the £1150 Edmund). He really takes the mickey with those tales, and I do wonder if there's a few in-house giggles at the end of the show.

On yesterday's show he was telling viewers about his presenter 'training' at Ideal World, although it was a little short on details. My guess is that he was mentored by Peter Simon, who quickly realised that Kevinski was a complete natural. The two of them together is a complete bull-fest; it feels like a battle of wits as to who can get away with the most baloney.

I agree with you Wirral: funny as it is, it really can't go on for much longer:mysmilie_59:
I recall someone on the the forum recounting a Kevinski classic, concerning a factory being reopened just so he could take delivery of some more watches (might have been the £1150 Edmund). He really takes the mickey with those tales, and I do wonder if there's a few in-house giggles at the end of the show.

On yesterday's show he was telling viewers about his presenter 'training' at Ideal World, although it was a little short on details. My guess is that he was mentored by Peter Simon, who quickly realised that Kevinski was a complete natural. The two of them together is a complete bull-fest; it feels like a battle of wits as to who can get away with the most baloney.

I agree with you Wirral: funny as it is, it really can't go on for much longer:mysmilie_59:

It is funny isn't it? Then again we probably find it funny as it's not costing us any dough!

But I recall there was a tipping point with Bid, something happened that clearly made enough people think that 'enough is enough'.

I still do not believe that Ideal World is anything like as blatantly (and consistently) dishonest as Bid but I do believe they are becoming ever more disingenuous not to mention voracious. This, combined with the utterly shocking presentation (far worse than Bid ever was in my opinion) and often quite unbelievable pricing with their less than transparent 'deals' is surely a recipe for trouble.

I think one would have to go a long way (or have a long memory) to see or remember anything quite as awful as these watch sales, they are dreadful and very close to the knuckle.

It's pretty obvious they seem to be running out of ideas (not to mention decent, great value products that they used to have in spades) and are relying on the sledgehammer approach to shift largely well overpriced goods to 'anyone' on Flexipay.

On the plus side they're selling a Vax Air Stretch for £79.99 & £5.99 P&P which is a really very good price and cheaper than anywhere else that I can see.

A rare (very rare) bargain :mysmilie_59:

It is funny isn't it? Then again we probably find it funny as it's not costing us any dough!

But I recall there was a tipping point with Bid, something happened that clearly made enough people think that 'enough is enough'.

With Bid, the tipping point most likely happened when those ludicrous time-limited money off vouchers got to the point when they were only valid for ridiculous periods of time. The barrel had finally been scraped to the point when there was no base left and its contents were starting to gush out. I've seen a mention of time-limited money off vouchers on Ideal World but so far haven't encountered them in a sales pitch.

At the moment it's a toss-up between the Mathey-Tissot Edmond watch and the ripoff radiators for Ideal World's worst value product but at least you can get the watch valued and the radiator pitch is particularly disingenuous as well as being specifically aimed at vulnerable people, so the ripoff radiators win (lose). How Peter Simon can sell those radiators with a clear conscience remains a complete mystery to me especially as he could theoretically retire at this point.
With Bid, the tipping point most likely happened when those ludicrous time-limited money off vouchers got to the point when they were only valid for ridiculous periods of time. The barrel had finally been scraped to the point when there was no base left and its contents were starting to gush out. I've seen a mention of time-limited money off vouchers on Ideal World but so far haven't encountered them in a sales pitch.

At the moment it's a toss-up between the Mathey-Tissot Edmond watch and the ripoff radiators for Ideal World's worst value product but at least you can get the watch valued and the radiator pitch is particularly disingenuous as well as being specifically aimed at vulnerable people, so the ripoff radiators win (lose). How Peter Simon can sell those radiators with a clear conscience remains a complete mystery to me especially as he could theoretically retire at this point.

Not only that, during the tiny window in which these so called "credits" were valid, Bid made sure that literally none of the products on offer qualified! You had to spend a tenner or more, so anything within reaching distance of that price was put down to £9.99, the more expensive products were put onto other promotions that would render the "credit" null and void as these invisible vouchers were not permitted to be used against any other promotion - It was blatant!

Don't think IW has quite reached that stage yet - The introduction of the bid presenters gave them a bloody good kick start, the arrival of these shonky watches are pushing them a little closer to the finish line - Tipping point, dunno quite what it will be yet, but I think it'll be sooner rather than later!
In fairness to Bid (and it's not often you'll hear me say that about any shopping channel), they were not the only ones who got up to dubious practices with so-called money off vouchers. A certain jewellery channel used to offer discounts, but if you kept an eye on the website and auction prices, on many items you'd find the price had been hiked up at about the same time as the vouchers were issued.

Not only that, during the tiny window in which these so called "credits" were valid, Bid made sure that literally none of the products on offer qualified! You had to spend a tenner or more, so anything within reaching distance of that price was put down to £9.99, the more expensive products were put onto other promotions that would render the "credit" null and void as these invisible vouchers were not permitted to be used against any other promotion - It was blatant!

Don't think IW has quite reached that stage yet - The introduction of the bid presenters gave them a bloody good kick start, the arrival of these shonky watches are pushing them a little closer to the finish line - Tipping point, dunno quite what it will be yet, but I think it'll be sooner rather than later!
In fairness to Bid (and it's not often you'll hear me say that about any shopping channel), they were not the only ones who got up to dubious practices with so-called money off vouchers. A certain jewellery channel used to offer discounts, but if you kept an eye on the website and auction prices, on many items you'd find the price had been hiked up at about the same time as the vouchers were issued.

I know what you're saying, I'm sure bid weren't the only ones at the time doing dodgy deals - BUT, surely you'll agree that they did a lot more than most! The problem is, is that we're seeing what was once a fairly decent (if boring) shopping channel making the crazy decision to try and follow in their footsteps, knowing fully what happened next, even to the point where they're using the same presenters, and from all those newly out of work presenters picking the ones who were the most disingenuous, rude, schlocky, and unlikeable!
Not only that, during the tiny window in which these so called "credits" were valid, Bid made sure that literally none of the products on offer qualified! You had to spend a tenner or more, so anything within reaching distance of that price was put down to £9.99, the more expensive products were put onto other promotions that would render the "credit" null and void as these invisible vouchers were not permitted to be used against any other promotion - It was blatant!

Don't think IW has quite reached that stage yet - The introduction of the bid presenters gave them a bloody good kick start, the arrival of these shonky watches are pushing them a little closer to the finish line - Tipping point, dunno quite what it will be yet, but I think it'll be sooner rather than later!

I'd forgotten about that! However it's arguable that having no qualifying products was very slightly better (still counts as fraud though) compared to increasing the price of qualifying products by the voucher's value; the latter meaning that some buyers were convincing themselves that they were getting a fictitious discounted deal.
I agree, merryone. And certain presenters (for example, Bid rejects) are adept at glossing over the true cost of an item, and shouting out the easy-pay price very loudly, "it can be yours for just...." and so on. If I was ASA, I would come down on them like a ton of bricks for each and every misleading comment they make.

I know what you're saying, I'm sure bid weren't the only ones at the time doing dodgy deals - BUT, surely you'll agree that they did a lot more than most! The problem is, is that we're seeing what was once a fairly decent (if boring) shopping channel making the crazy decision to try and follow in their footsteps, knowing fully what happened next, even to the point where they're using the same presenters, and from all those newly out of work presenters picking the ones who were the most disingenuous, rude, schlocky, and unlikeable!
Too much fashion shows even howard is getting bored off them. That's the problem with ideal world not enough different products.
How many more watch hours are they going to put on? It's the same thing said over and over again about each different brand, "the collector's watch", implying it's the best thing since sliced bread, etc. etc. Everything that Shaun said tonight about Maserati watches has been said about the other brands - but of course tonight was one of the busiest nights ever, yada, yada, yada.:sleepy::yawn::yawn:

Too much fashion shows even howard is getting bored off them. That's the problem with ideal world not enough different products.
How many more watch hours are they going to put on? It's the same thing said over and over again about each different brand, "the collector's watch", implying it's the best thing since sliced bread, etc. etc. Everything that Shaun said tonight about Maserati watches has been said about the other brands - but of course tonight was one of the busiest nights ever, yada, yada, yada.:sleepy::yawn::yawn:

Don't forget to check out your baskets, otherwise they will be allocated to the phone lines.
It wouldn't appear that the 'Maserati' watches are quite as big a monumental ripoff of the awful Vostok Schlock, Constant Why?, Mankey-Tissot tatt and DeLoren Dross.

But doesn't it cross people's minds, just for a second, that Maserati is a Car Manufacturer? Surely they don't 'make' Watches?

Italian designed, Automotive 'Inspired' but Chinese Made perhaps. I guess it's up to the buyer if they think they're worth it.

I'd no more spend hundreds on a Watch branded by a Car Maker than I'd buy a Will off a Selly Telly channel, especially this one :mysmilie_59:
Talking of ex-Bid rejects, has anyone caught sight of Mr Sherlock on anything recently? Which area of expertise is he in now, I wonder?

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