Random musings and general banter.


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I have noticed Joanne and Rachael are on a good deal less lately. Perhaps these two are the next two half decent presenters to be given the push in favour of the ex bid mob?

I think Joanne is on very early in the mornings and I have seen Rachel on C&C, which to be fair she is far more suited for.

It will sound silly but Jacqui Joseph was a massive loss to that channel, she was stupidly good at the softly softly approach. I sort of lump Rachel in that category.
QVC is so far up its own ar&^ it's unreal.

But as much as I dislike QVC there can no longer be any comparison made to it and this version of Ideal World. The only thing they seem to have in common is their reliance on older customers, their ridiculous, out of date selling practices and their achingly slow and eye wateringly high delivery charges in comparison to the real world of retail.

In fairness Ideal World have introduced 'free' returns, well sort of. But it's glaringly obvious this has been accompanied by an overall hike in delivery charges in the first place. This and their continued use of order lines employing 09 premium rate telephone numbers just to get through to exclusively offshore call centres genuinely sets it apart from any retailer I know of.

But in terms of presentation, transparency of pricing ('our usual price' is just pure BS) and the overall quality and range of products QVC absolutely annihaltes this lot, even if their pricing at times is ludicrously expensive. But it tends to be at it's most expensive for really high quality stuff like Apple, Samsung and Kitchen Aid though, always sweetened with Easypay.

Ideal World is at it most expensive for total crap like Space Diamonds, Soviet Era and Not Proper Tissot Watches and simply the most utterly trashy, plazzy 'Furniture' you could possibly hope to find. And their cheapo but far from cheap, no name face potions are preposterous :mysmilie_59:

I have so much to say about qvc.... if only there was a forum for me to do that. But it's more general observations as opposed to specific subjects.
I have so much to say about qvc.... if only there was a forum for me to do that. But it's more general observations as opposed to specific subjects.

I sometimes air my anger about QVC in the other place but the Q forum is quite staid which is fine because it's discussing an entirely different beast to the freak show we discuss here.

But as awful as QVC can be, and I say this totally impartially as I can't really stand any Selly Telly Channels these days, is that QVC is positively angelic and almost John Lewis-esque compared to Ideal World, and that's saying something because QVC itself is often grim.

QVC is like Clinton and Ideal World is like Trump. Both are quite ghastly but one is less ghastly than the other :mysmilie_59:
I used to love QVC when it first started. I used to sit for a while staring at a piece of jewellery slung over a rock :mysmilie_19:

Ah yes, and the rulers!

Times changes I guess, except at Ideal World. It's 1976 there :mysmilie_59:

I think Joanne is on very early in the mornings and I have seen Rachel on C&C, which to be fair she is far more suited for.

It will sound silly but Jacqui Joseph was a massive loss to that channel, she was stupidly good at the softly softly approach. I sort of lump Rachel in that category.

I agree with this entirely. Jacqui wasn't popular initially, and I think she remained unpopular with a certain segment of the audience but she was an extremely effective saleswoman precisely because she didn't do the hard sell - you just found that she'd lifted your wallet when you weren't looking. She'd also got a certain class about her. Rachel is, I hear, staying at Create & Craft now - she's gentle enough for the nice cutting and sticking.
I agree with this entirely. Jacqui wasn't popular initially, and I think she remained unpopular with a certain segment of the audience but she was an extremely effective saleswoman precisely because she didn't do the hard sell - you just found that she'd lifted your wallet when you weren't looking. She'd also got a certain class about her. Rachel is, I hear, staying at Create & Craft now - she's gentle enough for the nice cutting and sticking.

I always quite liked Rachel. I hope she's successful at Create & Craft, in fact I hope the channel stays successful and that the owners don't wreck that too.

I was disappointed when Rachel went overboard with the 'this deal will never, ever be repeated again' BS when selling a Bissell Quickwash only for it to be on sale 2 weeks later for £20 less. I guess she's only saying what she's told to, she was far from the worst in the BS stakes and at least she didn't seem to revel in it like some do.

She could at times be irreverent and clearly has personality, qualities sadly lacking in the vast majority of Ideal World goons such as the appalling Nanty and Poo Poo :mysmilie_59:
I sometimes air my anger about QVC in the other place but the Q forum is quite staid which is fine because it's discussing an entirely different beast to the freak show we discuss here.

But as awful as QVC can be, and I say this totally impartially as I can't really stand any Selly Telly Channels these days, is that QVC is positively angelic and almost John Lewis-esque compared to Ideal World, and that's saying something because QVC itself is often grim.

QVC is like Clinton and Ideal World is like Trump. Both are quite ghastly but one is less ghastly than the other :mysmilie_59:

I get the impression that qvc want to take money from the wealthy stay at home wives (hense all their aspirational verbal diarrhoea) whereas IW seem to want to take the cash from the vulnerable.
I agree with this entirely. Jacqui wasn't popular initially, and I think she remained unpopular with a certain segment of the audience but she was an extremely effective saleswoman precisely because she didn't do the hard sell - you just found that she'd lifted your wallet when you weren't looking. She'd also got a certain class about her. Rachel is, I hear, staying at Create & Craft now - she's gentle enough for the nice cutting and sticking.

I think Jacqui took better to bantering about dies etc, than being forced to convince a pensioner to buy a radiator.
I get the impression that qvc want to take money from the wealthy stay at home wives (hense all their aspirational verbal diarrhoea) whereas IW seem to want to take the cash from the vulnerable.

Ideal World has certainly seemed to swerve it's attentions towards a particular demographic, perhaps the one you refer to.

But most of the very worst products Ideal World sell are often their most exorbitant like the terrible Plazzy Chairs, awful Space Diamonds and oh those bloody Kevin Reynolds Watches :mysmilie_59:
First one off the blocks had the Maserati name on the top of the case, and it was upside down! I'd say someone in the Chinese factory made a ****. Ha ha.
This guy could quite possibly outschlock the uber schlockmeister Kevin Reynolds. Do people not at least have a quick Google about ingesting Collagen before spending all that money on something that there is no conclusive, compelling scientific proof actually works? Mind you. At least it probably won't poison you like eating raw, frozen Chicken might.

Baby Jane urged people to ignore the 14 Day Money Back Guaratnee and to use this Quack Crap for the whole 80 days. I think I'll stick to Old Lizzies's miracle 'discovery' Torricelumn (TM). And they'll kindly send you an email giving you 'free' P&P on your next Protocol order, but of course you having already spent an eye watering £5.99 to get the first load of shat delivered in the first place.

This lot are beyond the pale, jaw droppingly so :mysmilie_13:


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