Random musings and general banter.


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Hayley doing the "we all want to be healthy" routine again, and John with his how nature intended veggie and fruit crap, flogging the nutibullit. Obviously different script to when they're flogging BBQs & ovens where those unheathly carnivore foods like burgers, steaks, pork joints, beef joints etc are the recommended healthy diet.

Pretty sure nature didn't factor in the nutribullit when it was deciding on what plants & life would inhabit the earth.

Hayley telling us how bad we are for eating veg and fruit in this country, we should be like China where they really do eat their veg and fruit.

Ok Hayley, so we'll all become as healthy as the Chinese and watch our life expectancy levels drop from our 81.77 to China's 77.47, got ya.

Me, was born a carnivore, lived as a carnivore and will die happily a carnivore, to hell with eating hamster food. :ROFLMAO:
Pretty sure she was meaning Japan where the recommended number of portions per day is 17. BTW they have the second highest life expectancy
Pretty sure she was meaning Japan where the recommended number of portions per day is 17. BTW they have the second highest life expectancy

Maybe she meant Japan, but whether she meant China or Japan she's still wrong as to what she was inferring, ie buy the Nutribullit and eat more green veg and fruit and live longer like China/Japan. Yeah Japan has a higher life expectancy and they do encourage/recommend eating 17 portions of fruit and veg, but strangely, despite recommendations, on average they actually consume less fruit than we do and just a wee bit more green veg than us, where their diet really differs from us (and many other countries) and the biggest influence on the higher life expectancy is consuming way less meats (beef, pork, poultry), dairy products, potatoes/root vegetables, sugar and consuming way, way more Fish, Soya Beans (Soya Bean products) and Rice than we do.
Wait a second ... wait ... a ... second.

I'm confused. Why you ask? Well, some of the watches Mike M said were going to sell out last night haven't, not according to the IW website anyway. Some/most of them still available.

I don't understand this. Mike, and the other presenters, are SO honest with viewers at all times about things like this. It's obviously a glitch on their website, I'm sure all these watches are indeed sold out as Mike M said they would be.

I say this not to hurry you, not to rush you ...

blah blah bullsh1t
Mike Mason is an honest as the day is long (in December...)😋
Lovely to tune in and find a huge mood boost of seeing the grinning obsequious, man with the head borrowed from Shrek presenting a Sunday mid-morning 天鵝和邊緣..er that great old British watch brand of centuries built up - Swan & Chang..Edgar. Some classy timepieces with spectacular value and even more spectacular gifts of freeness. I am sitting on my wallet, trying to hold on either for the free pen worth £10,000 or the plastic watch winder worth nearer to £20k. Just how on earth do they do it?
'Buy and use waterless wax' IW say, one of the main selling points being 'save water, be kinder to the environment.'


Right, I've done that. Now I have 16 dirty microfibre cloths, 8 of them really dirty (used to apply the waterless wax) and 8 of them less dirty (used to buff.) How will I clean them?

Emm, into the washing machine they go ... do you see the flaw in the plan ;)
'Buy and use waterless wax' IW say, one of the main selling points being 'save water, be kinder to the environment.'


Right, I've done that. Now I have 16 dirty microfibre cloths, 8 of them really dirty (used to apply the waterless wax) and 8 of them less dirty (used to buff.) How will I clean them?

Emm, into the washing machine they go ... do you see the flaw in the plan ;)
Take them down to the river like I do🤔😀
Mr Bytheway is on now with the bonded 'leather' chair.
Should be £1400 he tells us.
Made me check how much I paid for my leather three piece .
The three seater sofa with rise and recline at both ends was £1295 and it's real leather from a well known national furniture chain-so how can a single seater made from leather remnants and papier mache be worth £1400 ?
Mr Bytheway is on now with the bonded 'leather' chair.
Should be £1400 he tells us.
Made me check how much I paid for my leather three piece .
The three seater sofa with rise and recline at both ends was £1295 and it's real leather from a well known national furniture chain-so how can a single seater made from leather remnants and papier mache be worth £1400 ?
Always makes me laugh how they say 'bonded leather' as if to imply it's superior to ordinary leather. Mind you, if folk are daft enough to believe products like Swan & Edgar watches should be selling for hundreds more, I suppose they're daft enough to believe any old guff these presenters spout.
See they've got a different 'expert' doing the heater shows, the woman that demos the salt water cleaning thing and irons etc. She's now a heating expert apparently. I wonder exactly where the IW training school is? The way they churn out multi product experts they should be applying for top university status.

Still very frustrating the way they try to imply running a couple of these will be cheaper than central heating. As we've covered, it won't be. As for buying one. Ok, that 'might' suffice for someone who tends to sit in one room all day bar going to the loo. However, for families or folk that simply like to use the various rooms in their house throughout the day and evening (the majority of people?), it's a non starter to only have one friggin' heater in the house, or even two.

And they're still at it, talking about thermostat technology as if it's just been discovered. Ha Ha HAaaa. What a load of old sh*t they spout.
See they've got a different 'expert' doing the heater shows, the woman that demos the salt water cleaning thing and irons etc. She's now a heating expert apparently. I wonder exactly where the IW training school is? The way they churn out multi product experts they should be applying for top university status.

Still very frustrating the way they try to imply running a couple of these will be cheaper than central heating. As we've covered, it won't be. As for buying one. Ok, that 'might' suffice for someone who tends to sit in one room all day bar going to the loo. However, for families or folk that simply like to use the various rooms in their house throughout the day and evening (the majority of people?), it's a non starter to only have one friggin' heater in the house, or even two.

And they're still at it, talking about thermostat technology as if it's just been discovered. Ha Ha HAaaa. What a load of old sh*t they spout.

IW staff canteen i believe.
Seemingly after her long stint at IW in various jobs, she was freelance at Thane direct for a couple of years as a brand ambassador (probably why IW have the cleaning thing, that's one of Thanes products)

As well as the usual crap they spout, there is another issue which they never touch on when telling all of us, we can even shut off our boilers over the winter, that is as well as heating the house a lot of existing systems provide households with hot water (those with combi boilers or indirect hot water systems). So even if you want to shut off your heating you'll still need to be to be turning on the boiler at some point to heat up your hot water. So instead of having one system providing you with heating and water, which a lot of households have, you'll now need to have two systems (ceramic heaters and boiler) to provide both, somehow IW plan to save us money isn't looking so good after all. ;)
IW staff canteen i believe.
Seemingly after her long stint at IW in various jobs, she was freelance at Thane direct for a couple of years as a brand ambassador (probably why IW have the cleaning thing, that's one of Thanes products)

As well as the usual crap they spout, there is another issue which they never touch on when telling all of us, we can even shut off our boilers over the winter, that is as well as heating the house a lot of existing systems provide households with hot water (those with combi boilers or indirect hot water systems). So even if you want to shut off your heating you'll still need to be to be turning on the boiler at some point to heat up your hot water. So instead of having one system providing you with heating and water, which a lot of households have, you'll now need to have two systems (ceramic heaters and boiler) to provide both, somehow IW plan to save us money isn't looking so good after all. ;)
Yeah, it's simply nonsensical to suggest many/most homes can turn their central heating off and buy 1,2 or 3 of these as a replacement that'll be more cost effective. It's probably not even good for boilers to be off for months on end. Sorry to be a broken record but can you image a typical family of mum, dad and 2 kids living in a 3 bed semi that, like many UK homes, isn't ultra well insulated. Mum and dad enjoy peace and quiet in the lounge downstairs, moving between there, the kitchen and the family den room regularly (3 spaces.) Upstairs, the kids enjoy spending time in their own bedrooms (2 spaces) away from mum and dad. It's the depth of winter. So what does this family do? Buy 3 of these radiators? 1 for downstairs that needs wheeled about and 2 for the kids bedrooms upstairs? As we've established, if all 3 are on, the running costs will be MORE than a typical central heating system. Or do they buy 4, 2 for downstairs, 2 for upstairs? Now the argument of 'it's cheaper than running CH' is well and truly blown out of the water. Muppets.

It just doesn't stack as a sales pitch. Mind you, when did that ever stop the likes of IW ;)
What's that? 5 days a week you need to commute 10 miles to work and 10 miles back? On top of that, twice a week you visit your parents, 15 miles there, 15 miles back. And once a week you go to play golf, 8 miles there, 8 miles back.

Sell your car mate. Start getting taxis instead. No, I'm telling you mate, it'll work out cheaper overall. Trust me. Now, tell me, do you run a central heating system that heats up your ENTIRE house ...
Yeah, it's simply nonsensical to suggest many/most homes can turn their central heating off and buy 1,2 or 3 of these as a replacement that'll be more cost effective. It's probably not even good for boilers to be off for months on end. Sorry to be a broken record but can you image a typical family of mum, dad and 2 kids living in a 3 bed semi that, like many UK homes, isn't ultra well insulated. Mum and dad enjoy peace and quiet in the lounge downstairs, moving between there, the kitchen and the family den room regularly (3 spaces.) Upstairs, the kids enjoy spending time in their own bedrooms (2 spaces) away from mum and dad. It's the depth of winter. So what does this family do? Buy 3 of these radiators? 1 for downstairs that needs wheeled about and 2 for the kids bedrooms upstairs? As we've established, if all 3 are on, the running costs will be MORE than a typical central heating system. Or do they buy 4, 2 for downstairs, 2 for upstairs? Now the argument of 'it's cheaper than running CH' is well and truly blown out of the water. Muppets.

It just doesn't stack as a sales pitch. Mind you, when did that ever stop the likes of IW ;)

you know what's also weird, all the presenters and guests are still using central heating, you'd think they would all have coverted to ceramic by now.

Although Alex said he bought one for his conservatory, which is lucky cause his boiler packed in a month ago, well there's a shock. Thinking IW folks must be cursed, one of them is always a victim of a boiler mishap just in time for ceramic heater shows. :eek:
Good Evening. My name is Den. I am 107 years old, but I don’t look a day over 93. I’d like you to meet Henry (serious overuse of the name Henry to follow). I have done seven previous presentations of Henry. This is Henry the Eighth. Just a reminder: My name is Den, and I’m 123 years old. Henry..Henry..Henry..Henry..I reckon she will say Henry six hundred and forty six times..
Its Russell Hobbs (multi cooker), Den and Chef Joe modelling his ever reliable lederhosen, But I ask, why have they got this item back on? as according to almost hyperventilating Shona this morning this item was flyyyyyyyyyyyyying out this morning!!!!

All I see and gear from all the presenters is desperation and been told get selling or you'll be out the door!
Good Evening. My name isn’t Den, and I’m not 86 years old. Tonight it is Swiss Military time. While I an here - How Do You Make a Swiss Roll? Push him down a precipitous slope.

Today, I received a watch voucher for quite a bit money. I had jumped in the pool whilst staying with my partner’s friends’ in France. Unfortunately, I forgot I was wearing my late father’s Breitling Top Time 1960s’ watch, which was most definitely not waterproof. My abject stupidity devastated me. The watch was ruined. Breitling quoted £5500 to sort it. Essentially, ‘sorting it‘ meant what I would get back would be a new watch - not my father’s. Saved by the insurance company, they took that decision to proceed out of my hands by stating they would issue a voucher to spend in a jewellers to by a new watch. Now..I did toy with the idea of something Swiss Military with Exemplar Planet, but in the end chose an Omega Speedmaster 38, which to date, I have yet to see on IW. It actually felt obscene spending that amount of money on one watch, but I look upon it as trying to say sorry to my Dad for what I did, and at least trying to get something vaguely similar to what I so carelessly ruined.
Peter - "Sellita Sw200 is the crown jewel of watch movements" :eek:

"an exact replica"

Yeah, an exact replica which is a different size (replica is 41mm, original was 38mm) and a different movement. :rolleyes:

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