If you really want Simon Peters in full embarrassing mode then take a look at last evening's watch show where with the RGMT (or RGM as he earlier called it) Battledress watch he goes into hushed tones talking about "for those...who gave...the ultimate sacrifice", etc., all for a watch with a poppy printed on one of its straps, a presentation box and a "letter from the Royal British Legion". (Well I'm sure I get a 'letter' from them each year asking for donations.) And talking of donations, I'm sure they must have given some money to the Royal British Legion but no mention at all was made of anything like that during the presentation.
Plus he said that they are both going to buy one each "that's if there's any left". Allegedly
Start cringing from around 0:34 onwards:
It was near the end of the show, but i turned it off then, also didn't watch the later Nubeo show. I found the whole thing disgusting, and then at the end the way Peter Simon flippantly went let's move on and he was all giggles again, which just re-inforced the utter faux sincerity of his monologue. I've disliked the solar time brands for a while now, not because their watches are bad or anything, but because the rubbish stories & lies about their brands that their representatives on IW come out with. These so called supporting causes, like the poppy watch and the help for heroes, to me are just a sales tactic, a gimmic to try and impress potential buyers, and increase sales by improving brands appeal by appearing to support worthwhile causes at a small cost, can't remember where i read it but it was something like 5% of the selling price (note selling price not RRP) that is donated for the help for heroes/Seals foundation watches, so last nights watches it would have been £15 per watch and they had 20, so max £300 going to The Royal British Legion, and they haven't sold all 20 as they're still available today.
If they had said we'll give 5% from every watch we sell on the show, then that's a good effort at supporting a worthwhile cause but they don't, it's usually just one watch in very limited numbers so their actual support of these worthwhile causes is very, very, very small.
Oh and was going to post about the box they were giving away, Peter said Jonathan had them special flown in from America for the show. Another big fat lie, why fly them in from America when they come from China, they kept saying both Nubeo and RGMT are American brands, which they are not they are both Chinese brands from Solar Time, distributed through The Dartmouth brands in London. And despite the con of pricing everything on their web site in dollars, to give the appearance of being American, again both web sites are run by the Dartmouth brands in London, there is nothing American about either brand, it's just a lie perpetrated by IW presenters and Solar Time representatives.