Sally was apparently talking about how SHE BELIEVES mental health is linked to iron deficiency
But that is already well known so why did she have to go all that way to confirm her belief?
Everything she spouts is just what she's read on the Internet, nothing is new.
She's comes across as though she's on some sort of crusade to help folks with health issues, but the problem for me is she's using platforms and avenues that are income generating for her, it's like one big self promotional act, me, me, me, i've suffered this, i've suffered that, check my social media, buy this as it worked for me, i've had every illness under the sun, check out my social media channels, i've talked to Doctors, been to conferences, check out my social media channels, i'm not medically trained but i read medical books in bed, check out my social media, but you must try this, it may not work but you won't know till you try so buy it, oh and join my social media family where i talk to and help folks and on and on and on. And you can repeat the same formula when it comes to her selling fashion, she's a self taught fashion guru had a range of clothing so she knows what she's talking about so listen to her, etc so just insert fashion instead of medical health and you get the exact same storyline/sales patter.
Does she have a web site or other platform, with no income generating avenues, to pass on all this important info to help others? No, she uses platforms where she will benefit financially, IW, Youtube etc.
Funny how, even though she admits to not having any medical training or expertise, she promotes every relevant IW health and beauty product as
a must have for health and beauty benefits, no if's or buts, but a must have which will benefit you, of course the fact that she's being paid has not the slightest influence on her sales patter.