I genuinely don't get this Swan & Edgar story. As far as I remember, Swan & Edgar was a department store in Piccadilly. I remember it closing in the early '80s, I think. I don't remember them having their own in-house watch brand - but of course, I could be wrong.
I am assuming the name was purchased years later and applied to a new watch brand? Fine, I am aware of lots of dead brand names brought back decades later with absolutely no connection with the original manufacturer. I have no problem with that at all. The concerns start when a restarted company name's products are sold on the basis of a spurious direct connection and heritage of the old unconnected name. Is this the case with these Swan & Edgar watches? Am I missing something and there is a direct link?
Oh God, no. It's that bloody woman with the titanium knees and more steps than Hampstead tube on that wretched treadmill again. Time to disembowel myself without an anaesthetic
They maybe sold watches, but they didn't have their own in house watch brand.
The present Swan & Edgar brand belongs to Fields Luxury LTD, started up in 2018, baby James Fields is the sole Director, they have absolutely NO connection, past or present, with the dept store. Trademark was registered in 2017.
They also do Gamages of London watches, again named after an old London store, exactly same type of watches as the Swan & Edgar range, papa Antoni Fields usually flogs them on TJC channel instead of Ideal World. Gamages trademark was registered in 2019, again NO connection with old store.
They are also friends with a chap that has also started a watch brand, in 2017, after another old London store, Barkers of Kensington, yeah and you guessed right, same type of watches as Swan & Edgar and Gamages. There is also some info to suggest that Baby Fields is a partner in the brand, although can't find anything official, but their are internet links which suggest he is a partner. Papa Fields and the owner of Barkers were directors together of an advertising agency back in the 90s. Again this brand has NO connection with the old store.