IW are yet again very slimy when it comes to numbers. I've noticed this interaction from one or two of them recently ...
Presenter: What's that Emma? We've got how many left?!?
Emma: (we don't hear Emma, however we can only assume a number is being communicated to the presenter.)
Presenter: Oh, you're kidding! Right folks, not meaning to pressure you, but can I suggest you get a wriggle on!'
Now, Emma (if indeed there's been any sort of communication in the first place), might have said there's 5 left, equally she might have said 500, we have no way of knowing cause they don't tell us. What they're doing is employing yet another underhand sales technique to pressure, oops sorry I mean gently encourage, viewers to buy.
Mason is the worst for that.
One of his fav replies - "is that it!!!! right you need to get a wiggle on."