Tupperware show and IW using statistics of food wasted in the UK as a selling point. Preaching of how much bread etc we all waste each year.
Here's a thought IW, which don't you add up all the food wasted on the hundreds and hundred of live food shows (cooking, slicing, grating etc) during covid when all the food used would have been binned, then start practicing what you are preaching regarding wasting food. Here's a tip to save on food waste for you, show one live show then show repeats, viewers won't know any difference as it's the same stuff being cooked on a loop, burgers, salmon, chicken, steak and endless amounts of halloumi.
Here's a thought IW, which don't you add up all the food wasted on the hundreds and hundred of live food shows (cooking, slicing, grating etc) during covid when all the food used would have been binned, then start practicing what you are preaching regarding wasting food. Here's a tip to save on food waste for you, show one live show then show repeats, viewers won't know any difference as it's the same stuff being cooked on a loop, burgers, salmon, chicken, steak and endless amounts of halloumi.