Random musings and general banter.


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JR terrified of wearing the correct size

JF terrified of food

CB terrified of running out of food.

AY terrified of sunshine.

Any other ideas????
CS is terrified of getting a haircut.

PG is terrified of having her name stay the same for more than three lunar months at a time.
Is anyone watching Sally Cooper shilling those cheap looking Woodland Leather Jackets?

Good grief, she's referring to numerous famous 'fashion houses' far more than actually talking about the brand name of the item on sale.

It's like watching that goon on 'My V Channel' who mentions Rolex, Breitling, Omega and any other high end brand of Watch you can think of but barely ever says the brand name of the no name Watch he's shilling :mysmilie_59:
From a son to a brother, to a cherished vision of a moonlit beach -this is the vertex of desire.
Be it the memory of toast and jam on a winter's eve or a shaft of sunlight in a mystic forest , this will adorn your senses.
Not only with double cylinder capacity, not only with ease of storage and extendable cable, this will liberate the woman that you are.
From Gravesend to Doncaster, from Peterborough to Tring already forty percent of the stock has gone -it's nine ninety nine on flexi -pay.
But you'll need to be quick!
Does anyone remember 'Rosa Benini' Handbags on Bid?

Well now there's 'Pia Rossini' Handbags on Ideal World :mysmilie_59:
In their defence though there are lots of really good bargains I've just ordered six tops, two for £7.99 £24 £1 p&p, I ordered them off the website and didn't have to listen to any aggressive tones or shouts of "just buy it! just buy it!" I think that's were they make most of their sales, let's face it, it would solve the mystery of why the Bid Twaterati are still in the channel.
Maybe it won't be long before IW discovers the fashion powerhouse that is Tommy & Kate?
Poo Poo is a wretch. If this isn't verging on the most disingenuous, spurious, pointless but incredibly sneaky load of bull you'll likely hear today I don't know what is:-

'Do you know there are so many good things to say about Pineapple, please do your own research, it is believed, worldwide it's believed, that Pineapple has the potential to be an appetite suppressant. We're not making that claim were asking you to do your own research'.

Well Poo Poo, do you know that some people believe, and I'm not making this claim I'm asking you to do your own research, that potentially you are the most dislikable, appalling, talentless, lying little amoeba with false teeth this side of Cahhhhhdaffff :mysmilie_59:
Just look at the state of GOLLUM with his hoody on. He looks like a Sarf London Yoof who's the proud owner of an ASBO.

What a runt. GODDESS must have cut down his rations, maybe she now prefers to only feed the Horses? :mysmilie_59:

Just look at the state of GOLLUM with his hoody on. He looks like a Sarf London Yoof who's the proud owner of an ASBO.

What a runt. GODDESS must have cut down his rations, maybe she now prefers to only feed the Horses? :mysmilie_59:

View attachment 11204

:mysmilie_15: It's official, he's so far up his own arse if he thinks he looks acceptable to come on tv looking like that, also has he no consideration for people trying to pack in smoking? Having legs that look like a couple of Swan Vesta ain't ganna 'ewlp
:mysmilie_15: This is a contender for the next James Bond you're talking about!!!
:mysmilie_15: It's official, he's so far up his own arse if he thinks he looks acceptable to come on tv looking like that, also has he no consideration for people trying to pack in smoking? Having legs that look like a couple of Swan Vesta ain't ganna 'ewlp
aqua, your words are sheer poetry - are you sure you're not .......HIM!!!:mysmilie_17:
From a son to a brother, to a cherished vision of a moonlit beach -this is the vertex of desire.
Be it the memory of toast and jam on a winter's eve or a shaft of sunlight in a mystic forest , this will adorn your senses.
Not only with double cylinder capacity, not only with ease of storage and extendable cable, this will liberate the woman that you are.
From Gravesend to Doncaster, from Peterborough to Tring already forty percent of the stock has gone -it's nine ninety nine on flexi -pay.
But you'll need to be quick!
Saw Sally Jacks with the Vibrapower earlier this evening and what struck me were the high pressure sales techniques being used; even more so than the last time I saw this product on the channel. Shouting Sally was exhorting viewers to "make that change with me", "buy now", "lowest ever price" (£149.99+p&p) and I think she implied something like you would never see this price again (!), "the price is about to go up" plus you don't want to wait until the summer when you're on the beach, etc., plus not forgetting the all-time classic "busiest time of the hour". All the usual stuff some might think but it seemed to come even thicker and faster than usual from Sally tonight.

Indeed this sales pitch made me feel uncomfortable, which I found rather surprising since I'm acclimatised to the normal selling tactics used by IW. Are they in trouble or something? :wonder:

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