Never was this more true than watching some of Peter S mannerisms last night and the way he was singing the praises of Swan and Edgar watches. Putting aside how good or bad they actually are, the way he was going on you'd swear he had a tier 1 £5k+ watch in his hand. It's actually embarrassing to watch. If you like Swan and Edgar (or whatever brand) fine, each to their own. However, some of them look very cheap on camera, not sure what they'll be like in real life. Peter (and the others) talk as if you're getting something of real quality, real heritage. Not saying this isn't true for some of the brands IW sell, but with many of them, to say they oversell the product is an understatement.
Apparently they've been featured in Tatler magazine and celebs are queuing up to wear them. If this is all true then the over-hyped marketing is starting to pay off! Unless of course the 'celebs' are emmm, of the z list variety
I actually turned it off, was getting fed up with him in his, I'm a funny guy mode, and his crude smutty innuendos, which funny is the last thing they were, embarrassing, cringe-worthy etc, but certainly not funny. To me a shopping channel, let alone a watch show, is not the place for his sleazy behaviour, the fact that he thought he was being funny and the crew around him could be heard laughing, just shows you what a pathetic bunch IW must employ. Why any watch brand would want him selling, or be associated with their watches is beyond me.
As for the watches, as you say each to their own and it's the customers choice, their money, and at the end of the day they get a watch. But an honest view on them, unless you really, really like them and only want a watch to wear to tell the time, then stay well, well clear of them, they're just inexpensive lower quality Chinese watches with big mark ups. There are better quality watches out there around their price or even lower, hundreds of better quality Chinese watches on Ali, or online like Seiko, Casio, Citizen, Orient & some fashion brands. If you do buy one, then wait till they're at their lowest price on IW or look for them cheaper on ebay, never ever pay over the IW price, in fact I would advise folk to wait and try finding them on ebay when the price falls to sub £50, anything above that is a rip off IMO.
As you can tell, I absolutely detest the brand, their sales tactics and how they operate, normally I don't like seeing folk lose their jobs, but that lot i would gladly cheer them on their way to their local Job center.
Tatler was probably an advert they paid for, and the celebs, probably those that didn't even make the z list.