Hopped on for 2-3 mins, long enough given it's an ironing show coupled with Mike M presenting. I kid you not, I was a few secs into watching when he muttered one of his memorable selly telly phrases 'we're crazy busy guys!!' funny that, they're crazy busy 24/7 according to the presenters! At this rate, I imagine ALL the stuff that was on that stuck super-sized cargo ship was destined for IW

I reckon they must sell that much each week.
And of course, when comparing to traditional irons, they are suddenly the work of the devil ... except for the times when IW sell them

of course they have old, dirty irons on display to drive home how horrible and sh*t they are.
Ok I don't have masses of ironing to do, however in all the years I've used a traditional iron I've rarely had any probs. According to Mike you don't know when they're ready to use, you're constantly paranoid it's going to spit out discoloured water and you end up burning and ruining clothes cause you forget you have it turned up so high.
Aye, whatever Mike. Anyway, must dash, I'm crazy busy you know ...
Very true, and like most appliances you need to look after them, and they will only last so long without proper care, eventually gaskets and seals will go leading to leaks and corrosion inside hence the brown liquid. Sally was saying how conventional Irons are throw away, but the reality is, things which cause problems for conventional irons ie corrosion, also cause the same problems with Steam generators, the Iron part of a steam generator isn’t that different from a conventional Iron, it is as susceptible to corrosion as a conventional Iron.
And the strange thing is this morning, sally says “this is what everybody should have in their home” followed a minute later by “you always say don’t bother looking at any other Iron it has to be a Steam Generator”, yet IW are selling 9 different models of conventional Irons as opposed to 10 steam generators on their web site.
So Sally, are you saying customers shouldn’t be buying any of those conventional Irons on the IW site?
You also have to laugh at Sally after reading a review from someone that went from an old Iron to a steam generator, “This is a mistake a lot of people make, they get a normal iron, and they think that because it puffs out steam that it’s a steam Iron and they’re not are they? We have to clear this up, because that lady could have just been using a normal iron thinking because it said steam on the side of the box, but it wasn’t a steam generator.”
Then Bev waffles on about how good the Polti Generators are because they have a boiler in them to produce more steam at higher temps, blah blah. Actually quite a lot of her demos talk was misleading and not all actually applicable to the Polti she was selling.
Which was all very misleading, firstly Sally’s little rant was a load of nonsense, steam irons do produce steam, not as much as a steam generator but they do. Secondly on Bev’s reply, actually not all Steam generators (including the Polti they are selling) have boilers in them, as they are more expensive, and they are the ones that produce the pressurised steam at higher temps, most steam generators are just basically normal Irons with and bigger external water tank so you can keep it on a higher steam/boost setting for longer before refilling.
The Polti they are selling doesn’t have a boiler, it’s steam boost output is only fractionally (212g/min as against 210g/min) more than my Russell Hobbs conventional Iron. As long as you keep your conventional Iron topped up, which only takes only seconds to do, use it correctly, look after it when not in use, then it’ll perform well.