Good idea, be interesting to see how everybody perceives the watches/Brands on IW.

For me, I would on the whole go with your list with some minor changes to the top group and lower down. I would actually split the top group into two groups with one or two additions that have appeared in shows, and then you’re others groups would follow on after. Oh apart from Gamages / Swan and Edgar, they would definitely be bottom of the list.
Again like yourself would rank them on my opinion of basis of looks, value for money and perceived build quality (best comes first, although not a lot between some of the top tier). Of course my top group also gets their spot for being actual watchmaking brands, while the Solar Time brands do belong to a watchmaking company, and some of their watches are as good as the fashion brands group, they try very hard to hide that Chinese connection, which is a big negative for me. And the second group, which there are more on IW than listed is more for the older established Fashion/High Street brands who do tend to have better quality control than a lot of these newer start up brands. Of course there’s quite a few missing from the list but just a general idea.
Top Group – Watchmakers
Roamer / Mathey-Tissot (while Roamer are just slightly better quality at the same price point, Mathey-Tissot actually go to higher price point with a bigger range)
Swiss Military by Chrono
Vostok Europe
Swiss Military by Hanowa
Second Group – Fashion/High Street Brands
Accurist (being launched on Ideal World tonight)
Third group (Licensed brands)
Invented & TV brands with fake history and heritage
Constantin Weisz
Earnshaw, CCCP and the rest of the Solar Time brands
Last Group, out and out con artists/rip off merchants/Gimmicky
Electricianz (although not con artists/rip off brand, gimmicky watches are all show with no substance)
Morphic, Reign, Shield (all things Resultco)
Gamages / Swan and Edgar (shouldn't be allowed to sell anything, let alone watches)