Random musings and general banter.


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Johnathan bordell, the same guy who's page and cooper online watch buying club went bankrupt in may 2020.

Although he still work there, it wasn't technically his company any more. Until December 2016 both he and his wife were the sole Directors of Page & Cooper, he filed for personal bankruptcy, but before he did he resigned as Director and transferred his shares to his wife at the end of 2016, suppose that was to save Page & Cooper from being used to pay off creditors, but as you say it was short lived as Page & Cooper then went into liquidation last year, leaving a lot of unhappy folks.
He's a bit like Antoni Fields, young Fields (Swan & Edgar) father, been Director of quite a few companies, most now defunct, and similarly both were in the land/property market before going into watches. :unsure:
Johnathan Bordell just said , of Earnshaw , '...... they're in Holborn , they'll look after you.'
Really ? What's all that about?
A bit of googling reveals that Dartmouth Brands have got what looks like a timeshare / mailing address at a communal work space in Holborn.
This one; https://work.life/locations/holborn/
So, if you want to be 'looked after by Earnshaw' just rock up to Work Space Holborn where you will be met by a kindly old watchmaker.
Or maybe you'll be met by someone who thinks you're bonkers.

That Bordell speaks some amount of misleading nonsense.

It's a right muddle, it's almost as if, they don't want to make it easy to find out who is actually behind the brands.
Spent a wee bit of time in the past trying to sort out the different brands from the (Dartmouth Brands) Solar time.

If you follow the Dartmouth Brands Corporate web site it leads you to the Holburn address you mention.

But once you start looking into the individual brands web site, ie Duxot, AVI-8 etc, they lead you to a different address in Islington, Office 23, 2nd Floor Lighterman House London GB N1 9RY, which is also where the other Solar Time Brands which are not for some reason in the Dartmouth Brands stable (although they are all run from The Dartmouth Brands offices in Islington), the likes of Mainspring Boutique, RGMT, Nubeo, Swiss Eagle etc all link to there as well.

And just to add, the registered address at companies house for The Dartmouth Brands is in Andover, Hampshire.

And of course everything leads to Notan Tolani and Solar Time in Hong Kong.
He said there’s a lot of watchmakers there.

Jim Crawley always mentions Holborn and the blue plaque with Thomas Earnshaw on it.

Yeah there's a plaque In Holburn to mark the site of where the actual original Thomas Earnshaw's premises were located. It's at 119 High Holburn, Holburn, London.
The Holburn address for Ideal world's Thomas Earnshaw (which has absolutely no connection with the original, apart from acquiring and using his name) is C/O Work Life, 20 Red Lion Street, Holburn, London.

Think they set up that mailing address in Holburn to mislead and give the impression that the present day Earnshaw brands is somehow connected to the original Thomas Earnshaw, which they ain't.
Ps wonder if it raw chips Dt mark on later with Tefal or hand hygiene jack.

It's mucky jack.

I laughed at him the other night when Varney asked him an awkward question.

Normally jack is quite keen to tell everybody that the non stick pans they flog on IW don't contain PTFE, which some non stick pans do and of course it isn't good for you when it starts to degrade.
The other night the were selling the Royal VKB knife set, and Jack was waxing lyrical about them and he owns one, cost him £60 for one Knife, best knife he's ever bought. Then Varney excitedly said and of course Jack, these have the PTFE non stick coating on them, as though that was some great feature. Jack went from his usual staring at the camera stupid grinning face to instantly ignoring Varney, head down, avoided looking at the camera, and changed the subject pronto, you could sense jack wished a hole would open up for him to disappear into, there was no further mention of PTFE on the show. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
He said there’s a lot of watchmakers there.

Jim Crawley always mentions Holborn and the blue plaque with Thomas Earnshaw on it.

Forgot to say, there are no watchmakers there. The Dartmouth Brands Ltd is a distributor, they don't do watchmaking or repairs. ;)
If you've bought one of their watches and it needs servicing, it'll be sent to Mistral Time Services LTD, Leigh, Lancashire. They do the servicing and repair for the Dartmouth/Solar Time brands in the UK.
I'm seriously concerned about Rob Locke (with an E) and his mental state. Simon Lies can hardly get his carpet washing shtick in because Rob has been waffling ***** for the last 25 minutes.
We're getting all his greatest hits tonight; "I used to live in L.A. you know", "I've been told I look like Ricky Gervais", "I could play a young Hagrid", "When (WHEN!?!😂) I become the new Doctor Who", accents, even singing.
He's got no shame in telling us and his bosses that shopping telly is beneath him. The phrase "delusions of mediocrity" springs to mind. He's even written to apply for Piers Morgan's old job on GMTV! Wisely they've written back telling him to go **** himself.
The man needs urgent help. Maybe he just doesn't get out in the daytime or doesn't have anyone to talk to so that's why this utter bilge pours out once he's on air.
I'm seriously concerned about Rob Locke (with an E) and his mental state. Simon Lies can hardly get his carpet washing shtick in because Rob has been waffling ***** for the last 25 minutes.
We're getting all his greatest hits tonight; "I used to live in L.A. you know", "I've been told I look like Ricky Gervais", "I could play a young Hagrid", "When (WHEN!?!😂) I become the new Doctor Who", accents, even singing.
He's got no shame in telling us and his bosses that shopping telly is beneath him. The phrase "delusions of mediocrity" springs to mind. He's even written to apply for Piers Morgan's old job on GMTV! Wisely they've written back telling him to go **** himself.
The man needs urgent help. Maybe he just doesn't get out in the daytime or doesn't have anyone to talk to so that's why this utter bilge pours out once he's on air.
As with any job/career, but perhaps worst in the world of entertainment, if you feel you haven't 'made it' and you can't come to terms with that, I reckon it could play on your mind 24/7. It's of course fine that he wants to pursue proper acting work, however the way he goes on and on sometimes about his life in the states, the famous people he's met etc becomes tiresome.

It's not really the same, but it reminds me a bit of people that have their 15 mins of fame e.g. on a reality show, then try to string it out into a full time career. For the high majority of them it ain't going to happen, however on one level you can understand why the thought of having to 'get a proper job' again fills them with dread, so they keep trying. Unfortunately as you say, most of them are deluding themselves.
Years back actors like Rob would have got one or two epsiodes of the bill

Even Jess managed to get do an episode of the bill (2009) before she must have decided it's not working and concentrated on presenting. Think the last acting she did was in "Code of a Killer" on ITV.
I once had dreams of becoming an easy listening singer, used to go to auditions etc. Then, rightly or wrongly, I thought to myself 'you could end up never really making it, then struggling to make ends meet singing in pubs/clubs for £50 a time' so I decided not to pursue it. I'll never know what might have become of it, maybe I'd have been one of BBCs/ITVs big stars by now? Equally possible is I'd be living in a grotty flat above a Chinese takeaway, skint, still trying to convince myself 'this time next year I'll be famous!'

That's why I don't think anything bad of those that do hit the big time. They've taken that gamble and for them it paid off, so good luck to them.
Jane plan Jane, has said some of the Celebrity chefs, perfer her food in the plan, up to what they cook LOL LOL LOL
Saw an advert of hers on proper tele the other day and it opened with her saying ‘Do you want to lose weight?......’

Yet they harp on about how it’s not a diet on IW. Just bags of slop to me 🤮

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