I remember the Soda Stream from the early 70s. My much older cousin had one and we used to visit them (I was about 6 years old). She always gave me a Soda Stream drink and it tasted awful. Giving fizzy drinks to young children was acceptable in the 70s.
We had one back then too, like you and Jazzydrury say tasted awful, nothing like the real stuff, it ended up in the back of a cupboard gathering dust.
Things was you could have unhealthy drinks and food back then and the 60s/70s cause the kids were more active, there was no PC games, game consoles and very little tv back then, so you had no option but to go out and play outside, no matter the weather. We had two local drinks makers, Hays and Sangs both had great selection of soft drinks, plus cremola foam was popular with us.