Random musings and general banter.


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

I've just banged an email off to advise KR of his error about lug to lug, let's see if there's a correction:cool:
Mind, I do prefer the new script at 6 on the Rolly as opposed the wavy "vintage" that used to be there. It's the main reason I sold mine
Becque mentioning people have money because of no holidays

one way of looking at it other way is the country is in a massive recession and lots of people are really struggling

sorry about your cruise though , how not to judge the mood

Engage with Success

updated their cover photo.​

utS6opSonhsored ·

Becque posted this on facebook 6 hours ago

No interactions no links nothing

what a successful life coach he is, he is doing the hard yards before the new year but I would be amazed if he isn't massively in debt trying to get all this up and running

not sure what happened with the font here, just looked back he has not ever had a paying customer has he?
Have noticed Becque never mentions than open pay is a credit application (even Mason does and he explains it very thoroughly tbf)

just fill a form in

not quite
Recently they've been pushing Openpay like crazy, to the extent of telling viewers about it every few minutes. On a fashion show, I didn't have to watch long before the presenter said that you can "get more payments" with Openpay before a swift retraction when she realised that the number of payments was the same (3) as Flexi-pay. Some presenters mention the soft credit check required for Openpay whilst others don't, but Ideal World seems hell-bent on getting their viewers into debt this Christmas.

Also noticed that the live TV viewing and catchup functions on the Ideal World website are currently out of action for some reason (probably technical or staff-related); clicking on the "Watch the show" button just displays the relevant product descriptions.
Just remember Sally, as you're slagging off hollow fibre to flog your Downland wool duvet, some of the other bedding products you sell, some by Downland, actually contain hollow fibre, so when you come to sell them we'll await you slagging of those product.;)
I haven't watched much IW over the past couple of days. Hopped on last night and they were selling one of those auto/robot vacs. Each to their own and I suppose yes, they do the vacuuming for you, but the pick up can't be great in terms of a deeper carpet clean, obviously hard floors cushion floor etc it'll be good enough on. I noticed Simon was a lot less liberal with the amount of crumbs he threw down ;)
They just have to squeeze in 'Swiss made' if they can.

So they're made in Sweden?
Emmm, well, the lorry delivering them passes through Sweden.

Think he got himself mixed up as he was saying it, think he meant to say made in Switzerland from Swedish stainless steel. :ROFLMAO:

A lot of watch brands get their cases from China, if Mathey-Tissot casing are in fact made from Swedish steel, then it will probably be a European/Swiss company making the cases for them, doubt they make the cases themselves though.
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So saw they were doing a laptop during the early hours, Shaun starts off with calling it a “Sexy Laptop”, “so sexy” what this craze of calling inanimate objects sexy, I’ve noticed Mason loves to call watches sexy. Now I like my watches, and often thought that’s a beautiful, lovely looking watch, but have never thought, that’s a sexy watch, what the hell is sexy about a watch or a laptop?:ROFLMAO:

But anyway, on a serious note, they were selling the Huawei Matebook 13, £700, higher specs than the normal rubbish. Grant started off saying, it’s got everything most people are looking for in a computer with a premium feel, fine sounds good, but aren’t you the same Grant that was saying about the Exa Notebook, which has way, way less specs in comparison, that it was all most people would need or use in a computer and only those needing high processing power/specs for say video edited etc should need to pay more for the higher spec laptops. In other words most folks don’t need to be paying a premium for specs they will never be using.

So according to Grant, when selling Exa, it’s all most of us really need, forget the premium stuff at premium prices, but when selling premium stuff at premium prices, forget what I said before this is the bee’s knees and get it, although forget this later in the day cause we’re selling the Exa again, which is all most people need.;)

Well Grant, I’ll give you your due, as in your knowledge of techy stuff is good, but unfortunately, you’re getting as bad as the presenters, and your advice as to what is best for customers flips and flops depending on the product you’re selling.

Bit of advice for you Grant, as a guest expert, your advice shouldn’t be contradictory, your advice should be tailored for what’s best for the customer, not what’s best for IW sales figures, doing the latter just makes you another biased untrustworthy salesperson.:rolleyes:
So saw they were doing a laptop during the early hours, Shaun starts off with calling it a “Sexy Laptop”, “so sexy” what this craze of calling inanimate objects sexy, I’ve noticed Mason loves to call watches sexy. Now I like my watches, and often thought that’s a beautiful, lovely looking watch, but have never thought, that’s a sexy watch, what the hell is sexy about a watch or a laptop?:ROFLMAO:
Emmm, tbh I own an inanimate object that I consider to be sexy ...

... once it's blown up that is :)
This is why I love Ideal World, the respect, honesty and treatment they show towards their customers is second to none. The way they fully inform their customers that they can buy some of their products for less on their Ebay site instead of being ripped off on the main IW site.

Yeah, IW a paragon of virtue. ;)

On their IW web site:-

Elizabeth Grant Torricelumn Absolute Transformation Night Cream 50ml - £39.99 + £2.99 p & p


On their ebay shop:-

Elizabeth Grant Torricelumn Absolute Transformation Night Cream 50ml - £12.99 Free postage


On their IW web site:-

Elizabeth Grant Torricelumn Absolute Age Interception Face Cream 100ml - £59.99 + £2.99 p & p


On their ebay site:-

Elizabeth Grant Torricelumn Absolute Age Interception Face Cream 100ml - £14.99 Free poatage


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