Random musings and general banter.


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The multi-tool thingy doesn't look very 'multi' to me. They keep bleating on about opening doors. Doors with knob handles? Nope, won't work. Doors with handles that take a bit of effort to pull down? Nope, as you'd need a very strong wrist/grip to hold that little device and pull/twist to open the handle. Good for touchpads/screens? Yes I suppose so. Good for opening bottles? Yeah okay. But that's about it.

Yeah, i'm thinking the same as you, pretty useless key ring, and can think of many simpler, social distancing alternatives to opening doors. And likewise can see quite a few sore fingers or hurt wrists trying to opening stiff handles/doors with these things. I suppose when you supply cheap quality watches it's only natural you supply useless cheap quality gimmicky free gifts, and the leather card holder didn't look up to much either. :ROFLMAO:
Peter V on the ceramic heaters, and again, talking about central heating as though thermostatic radiator valves have never been invented, also hate his "defies logic" demo, which it doesn't, well maybe for IW viewers, but in reality there is a simple explanation for it. But one thing the conman has NEVER EVER mentioned is the running costs of these heaters.
Peter V on the ceramic heaters, and again, talking about central heating as though thermostatic radiator valves have never been invented, also hate his "defies logic" demo, which it doesn't, well maybe for IW viewers, but in reality there is a simple explanation for it. But one thing the conman has NEVER EVER mentioned is the running costs of these heaters.
I remember Peter S selling them a year or so back and saying ...

'Not only does it have a built-in thermostat so it'll know when to turn itself on and off, but it also has a multi-programmable timer ... SENSATIONAL!!!'

Eh? What?!? Features that have been available for years, decades even (and on MUCH cheaper alternatives) being described as though just invented by NASA. Muppets.

And yes totally agree, when they start with the 'and then you're heating your WHOLE HOUSE!' emmm not if you turn the TRVs down!!!!!!! Ok, some houses won't have TRVs but in 2020 they must surely be in the minority.

And as I keep on saying, don't show us how well the ceramic cores retain heat in a nice warm tv studio, take them into a genuinely cold room and repeat the experiment ...
Rob LockE gave himself away last night. Was selling (yes Rob, SELLING) those vacuum bag thingies with Simon. I only watched 15 mins or so, Rob was bleating on about life in the States (again) Simon's face said it all :)

Then, Rob said something about 'shopping tv' and how the phrase makes him cringe! He physically acted out a little shudder. 'I hate that phrase' he said to Simon. He then went on to talk about ITV (he evidently still thinks it's the holy grail of tv) saying 'if I ever get a proper show on ITV ...'

It's SO obvious he thinks presenting on these channels is now beneath him. Keeps on talking about the 'ITV hours' as if it's completely separate from IW, ha ha HAaaa. One thing he can't escape are perfectly acceptable descriptions of that sector such as 'shopping tv' or 'selly telly ... cause that's exactly what it is Rob!
Rob LockE gave himself away last night. Was selling (yes Rob, SELLING) those vacuum bag thingies with Simon. I only watched 15 mins or so, Rob was bleating on about life in the States (again) Simon's face said it all :)

Then, Rob said something about 'shopping tv' and how the phrase makes him cringe! He physically acted out a little shudder. 'I hate that phrase' he said to Simon. He then went on to talk about ITV (he evidently still thinks it's the holy grail of tv) saying 'if I ever get a proper show on ITV ...'

It's SO obvious he thinks presenting on these channels is now beneath him. Keeps on talking about the 'ITV hours' as if it's completely separate from IW, ha ha HAaaa. One thing he can't escape are perfectly acceptable descriptions of that sector such as 'shopping tv' or 'selly telly ... cause that's exactly what it is Rob!

For some reason they think it somehow makes their show sound special, even as you say, it's just their normal IW show being shown on ITV at the same time. Their ITV show is so special that I & most of Scotland (apart from Scottish borders) don't get the privilege of seeing this special show, as ITV don't broadcast in Scotland.
Oh we have a revue from Kevin, how the Beldray made a big saving in his bills, of course there is no actually detailed breakdown of figures so we can actually verify his claim, but more curious is the fact that I can't find any revue from Kevin against the Beldray Ceramic Radiators, can only see a couple and they are both 1 star. :unsure:
Peter V resident expert on everything, always mentions how the all the new builds in Peterborough are using ceramic heating.

Ok now you will have to look at pictures from the houses, but you’ll see they all have normal radiators on the walls. So far I haven’t found any new build in Peterbough with ceramic heating.

barratt homes, new-homes, city-of-peterborough, hampton-water




Big launch at 9pm tomorrow says Mikey. They're all in fancy dress for it. I was quite excited as to what it is so had a look

A wool duvet! 😒

Probably dressed as sheep, well at least we'll have a genuine interiors expert on board for that show ;):ROFLMAO:, either be creepy crawley or Shona, they'll need some gimmick to sell a wool duvet having spent the last few weeks, bombarding us with Ray 'life and soul of the party' Kennedy, droning on and on, about how a Silk duvet is the one and only duvet we should be buying.
Peter V resident expert on everything, always mentions how the all the new builds in Peterborough are using ceramic heating.

Ok now you will have to look at pictures from the houses, but you’ll see they all have normal radiators on the walls. So far I haven’t found any new build in Peterbough with ceramic heating.

barratt homes, new-homes, city-of-peterborough, hampton-water




Sorry Hammy but I caught that show and you misheard him. He said all new homes have 'ceramic tiles' e.g. in the kitchen etc, not ceramic heating. so BACK THE HECK OFF!!!

Sorry Hammy but I caught that show and you misheard him. He said all new homes have 'ceramic tiles' e.g. in the kitchen etc, not ceramic heating. so BACK THE HECK OFF!!!


Ok, no problem, my mistake, could have sworn he said heating, but there again, in my defence, with their grating accents, incoherent mumbling and bastardisation of the English language, it's sometimes hard to understand what they are actually saying. ;):ROFLMAO:
Saw Sally dressed as an elf earlier with Simon Lies selling blue magic. He was in normal gear.

Don't know what to say really.

Yeah saw that, had to record it for incase i was seeing things. I hope she never gets a job as a Santa helper, she'd scare the living daylights out of the kids.

Of course the colours, red, white and green are no good for sally, do nothing for her elongation. ;):ROFLMAO:

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