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Why is it CCCP, if they arent russian

That's because the guy ( Alexander Shorokhoff) who started the brand was originally from the Soviet Union, he moved to Germany and while working there started a distribution/retail company to bring Russian watches to the West, then his started his own watchmaking company, which is still on the go, his watches were popular and still are today. One of the brands he came up with with his watchmaking company was CCCP which was to inspired and watches would be named after important events, buildings, people etc from soviet Union history, they were made in Germany with Slava movements in them.
A few years ago he sold the brand and all the stock of Slava movements (which was many thousands, he had gotten a hold of all the stock when the Slava factory closed down) to someone in Hong Kong (can't remember name of hand). Now the watches are made in China, with a mix of either refurbished Slava movements or Japanese quartz movements.

They are Russian (Soviet Union) Inspired not Russian watches.
Mike Mason said the other night he gets recognised when he's out ...'ere aint you that bloke off the telly?'

If you saw him on the street, would you say anything?

If so, I suspect it may be quite different 😁
If I saw him, let's say in the queue at Gregg's, I'd say:

'Look at that steak bake Mike, it's got real beef pieces, surely worth £5 in anyone's book. And real gravy, another £3 at least, agreed? We shouldn't forget the puff pastry, another £2. So what we up to, a tenner at least. Mike ... they're doing them for £1.50, buy one Mike before they sell out, and check out ya basket QUICK Mike, you don't know when Gregg's will get these back into stock!!!'

Why is it CCCP, if they arent russian

Just to update my original answer, where i couldn't remember the Chinese owner off hand, It's Solar time Hong Kong, I should have realised earlier, but just wasn't thinking, because all the brands in tonight's show are owned by Solar Time.
Well this mornings CCCP show continued with the same nonsense regarding the brand, so sent them an email, will see if there is any difference in the 2.15 show, if not then think it's time for another ASA complaint, I'm in a kind of enough is enough of this garbage mood. :ROFLMAO:
Bordell - "this is a Russian watch with a Russian movement"

Ah well, he just officially placed himself on the dark side, which is a shame because he is knowledgeable. :(
Well this mornings CCCP show continued with the same nonsense regarding the brand, so sent them an email, will see if there is any difference in the 2.15 show, if not then think it's time for another ASA complaint, I'm in a kind of enough is enough of this garbage mood. :ROFLMAO:
How many ASA complaints have you made , and what do they reply back to you ?
How many ASA complaints have you made , and what do they reply back to you ?

Just the one, although have been tempted a few times. Was in regards to Ballast watches, Peter Simon kept saying they were a Swiss Brand dating back to 1903, both of which were wrong, and kept insinuating their watches were Swiss made, although they do have a couple of Swiss made specials, the bulk of their watches aren’t. I emailed IW a few times, to correct this error, but they persisted over a few programs with the same rubbish, so complained to ASA.

Asa asked for details which I provided, and if I had any evidence like video files of the programs, which I did have but they didn’t use as they were able to obtain the programs in question from IW. They advised they would check into it and if they found it was needed they would launch a formal investigation. After a while they got back and said that they had upheld my complaint, but at this time wouldn’t start a formal investigation into IW, as IW had written to them to assure them that the Staff involved had been made aware of their error and this would not happen again. ASA did say these official result of my complaint would appear on their web site later, but never did see it, their site is a bit confusing to navigate. So in reality, just a slap on the wrists, although it did stop IW's silly claims re Ballast.
Just the one, although have been tempted a few times. Was in regards to Ballast watches, Peter Simon kept saying they were a Swiss Brand dating back to 1903, both of which were wrong, and kept insinuating their watches were Swiss made, although they do have a couple of Swiss made specials, the bulk of their watches aren’t. I emailed IW a few times, to correct this error, but they persisted over a few programs with the same rubbish, so complained to ASA.

Asa asked for details which I provided, and if I had any evidence like video files of the programs, which I did have but they didn’t use as they were able to obtain the programs in question from IW. They advised they would check into it and if they found it was needed they would launch a formal investigation. After a while they got back and said that they had upheld my complaint, but at this time wouldn’t start a formal investigation into IW, as IW had written to them to assure them that the Staff involved had been made aware of their error and this would not happen again. ASA did say these official result of my complaint would appear on their web site later, but never did see it, their site is a bit confusing to navigate. So in reality, just a slap on the wrists, although it did stop IW's silly claims re Ballast.
Thanks for that information. Good to know 🙂
Well this mornings CCCP show continued with the same nonsense regarding the brand, so sent them an email, will see if there is any difference in the 2.15 show, if not then think it's time for another ASA complaint, I'm in a kind of enough is enough of this garbage mood. :ROFLMAO:
Well done that man! We all accept selly telly and salespeople in general might be prone to some exaggeration and so on, but outright false/inaccurate 'facts' take it a step too far. Saying they're the 'first to have' when sometimes they aren't, maintaining products 'can't be had elsewhere' when they can and of course produce misinformation. And, regardless of what we think about some of the brand ambassadors, Peter S did it again last night, interrupted the guy (who you could tell was none too pleased), only to start speaking sorry shouting a load of absolute guff!

All jokes aside, he's needing put out to pasture, I genuinely think he's past it.
Just the one, although have been tempted a few times. Was in regards to Ballast watches, Peter Simon kept saying they were a Swiss Brand dating back to 1903, both of which were wrong, and kept insinuating their watches were Swiss made, although they do have a couple of Swiss made specials, the bulk of their watches aren’t. I emailed IW a few times, to correct this error, but they persisted over a few programs with the same rubbish, so complained to ASA.

Asa asked for details which I provided, and if I had any evidence like video files of the programs, which I did have but they didn’t use as they were able to obtain the programs in question from IW. They advised they would check into it and if they found it was needed they would launch a formal investigation. After a while they got back and said that they had upheld my complaint, but at this time wouldn’t start a formal investigation into IW, as IW had written to them to assure them that the Staff involved had been made aware of their error and this would not happen again. ASA did say these official result of my complaint would appear on their web site later, but never did see it, their site is a bit confusing to navigate. So in reality, just a slap on the wrists, although it did stop IW's silly claims re Ballast.
I have put one complaint to ASA concerning Ideal World - it was a watch presentation and the ASA agreed that the code had been breached.
They said they had written to Ideal informing them and advising them for future reference.
There have been numerous other occasions where I could have complained, successfully I believe, but didn't.
Many years ago I put in a complaint about Bid Tv which was also upheld.
On that occasion there was a proper entry with details posted on the ASA site, but I don't think they did that with the Ideal one.
The current watch presentations are a sitting duck for complaints -I'm surprised that they continue to get away with it.

I have put one complaint to ASA concerning Ideal World - it was a watch presentation and the ASA agreed that the code had been breached.
They said they had written to Ideal informing them and advising them for future reference.
There have been numerous other occasions where I could have complained, successfully I believe, but didn't.
Many years ago I put in a complaint about Bid Tv which was also upheld.
On that occasion there was a proper entry with details posted on the ASA site, but I don't think they did that with the Ideal one.
The current watch presentations are a sitting duck for complaints -I'm surprised that they continue to get away with it.

Aren't they just. Some things you can let slip, i don't mind a wee bit of exaggeration, everybody wants to make out their products are good etc, but Ideal World shows just go way over the top with some outrageous claims to quality etc, and when it comes to factually incorrect information which is being done to deceive potential buyers then that should be a no, no.
Probably get away with it as not enough folks complain, either through ignorance of the fact they are being deceived (which i think would cover a lot of Ideal World watch collectors), can't be bothered, not sure of how too or just don't want to get involved in complaining.
I've complained a few times. It is a long, drawn out, procedure,. The last one I made was particularly long, months, they had forgotten aboout it and they apologised for the delay.

There are so many times you could complain but I can't be bothered now. The ASA is obviously no threat to IW, despite De Knees constantly saying the opposite and it shows.

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