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Proskins gal is annoying
Proskins gal is annoying
I find all of them false, over actors. I know he's not popular and has, maybe, delusions of grandeur but Rob Locke is the only one that is himself.
Sorry, but he's the most real to me.
Having said that, I don't watch a great deal. I can't, they get on my nerves.
CCCP watches tonight with Peter Simon and Jonathon Bordell
Isn't that woman 'expert' called Bordell?
A few months back on a collectables show, Rob LockE was getting pretty p1ssed off about folk putting items in their basket and not checking out, thus preventing other 'genuine' buyers from buying. All jokes aside, not sure if he was having an off night but there didn't seem to be much light-heartedness in his statement. He just sat there getting more irate saying stuff like they were investigating ways to stop people being able to do it and if you don't intend to buy or know you can't afford the item, don't put it in your basket. I think he even went as far as saying the show didn't need people like that watching.Talking of basket checking, a while ago on, guess what? a watch show, PS stopped his prattle to do a piece to camera with his "serious" look. Apparently, someone, with malice, had placed many watches in their basket, thus preventing anyone else from "buying" PS to camera, "We know what you're doing, it isn't funny. Now stop it" Wonder if that's why they changed the rules regarding basket items were still available until checked out.![]()
I have to admit I can't take to her. I think it's a combo of her voice and facial expressions and as you touch on, some of the stuff she comes out with. If she's presenting, I ain't watching ... not that IW will be bothered about that… That Jess is starting to annoy me, she couldn't be more honoured to bring us Mylee London, Jewellery. It's inexpensive jewellery, why the hell would you be honoured to be selling it, speak about over the top nonsense ...
Watching some of Sally Jacks videos on YouTube, Im aware she has some health issues, Iron issues and stuff.
But every kinda, Beauty or health related show she presents. She seems to make it all personal.
On balance, I don't really have time for any of the presenters and I include LockE in that. However one thing I will give him, unless it's just an act, is he's the only one that has a hint of sometimes treating selly telly with the contempt it quite rightly deserves! You just know he'd rather be acting all the time rather than do this and that's fair enough. We all need to earn a 'dollar' as he'd say! So I'd never poke fun at the presenters for doing selly telly as a job, needs must sometimes and all that. And as I said before, I think the pay for a live hour isn't bad, so if they're presenting quite a few live hours, they'll be earning a pretty penny.I've not seen much of him, although did comment on him putting on Scottish accent and that the product was available elsewhere when they were saying they were the only place to get it, on one Coda show and he mentioned it the next show, that someone online was questioning why he was doing the accent and yes ebuyer also had it.
The few times i've seen him, i would agree he does have a sense of grandeur, but i will admit he does seem to know his tech, he's obviously uses and has more interest/knowledgeable than your average presenter in it.
Why does Kevin Reynolds refer to himself in the third person?
I Remember the item it was a Charles Dickens Letter, think it was a couple of grand, something that price, it isn’t surprising if it was left in a basket, if you werent thinking, can I really afford it or not you wouldn’t be normal. He came out with something along the lines, others might have wanted that, I might have he said.A few months back on a collectables show, Rob LockE was getting pretty p1ssed off about folk putting items in their basket and not checking out, thus preventing other 'genuine' buyers from buying. All jokes aside, not sure if he was having an off night but there didn't seem to be much light-heartedness in his statement. He just sat there getting more irate saying stuff like they were investigating ways to stop people being able to do it and if you don't intend to buy or know you can't afford the item, don't put it in your basket. I think he even went as far as saying the show didn't need people like that watching.
I remember it because I basically thought it was verging on being quite a disrespectful way to speak to viewers. Also, if you're presenting a weekend show that starts at midnight / 1am, a % of your audience might have had a 'few drinks' so it's no surprise some might watch, see a signed Man United shirt, think 'I'll have that!' pop it in their basket ... and then fall sound asleep!!!![]()