Yes - the sales methodology is toxic, we can certainly agree on that.
Also the after sales and customer support is , by most accounts , terrible.
My point is that if you order a watch , an iphone or whatever you do receive said item - a conman victim scenario is when they take your money and leave you with nowt.
I imagine that most customers are more or less satisfied , or the business would have gone under.
Also ..... the contortions of the presenters really do provide terrific entertainment

That we can all agree with.
I get what you're saying, and for a lot of products the over exaggeration doesn't matter to much, although i don't subscribe to the notion that you have to be left with nowt to be conned or a victim, you can have received an item and still have been both.
It's when it comes to more expensive items, ie watches, as you know i like my watches, i really do feel they are seriously conning folks on a lot of these shows, yeah the customers end up with a watch, but it certainly not of the quality or value that was described, and it's that description/advice which is what they the viewers are making their decision to purchase on.
Imagine some parents, want to by a watch as a present for their son, maybe his 21st, oh look a Swan & Edgar watch, presenter/guests says it's a £400/£500 watch massively discounted as an introductory offer to £150, they say they are a long established british watchmaker with four generations of watchmaking experience, only use the best materials, hand made on a par with top Swiss brands, that's great, a quality watch at a bargain price, son will be pleased, wonder how they would feel if they knew in reality it was a £20 rebadged Ali Express watch. Bet they would feel conned.

Anyway, we can agree to agree on some points and agree to disagree on others, to hot to be on PC typing the day, nae often we get these temps up here.