Random musings and general banter.


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IMO the problem is they have over valued the brand so much, that all these extreme discounts and freebies, can do nothing else but devalue the brand in the eyes of informed customers, I say informed as there seems to be a lot of uninformed (sorry to say it, but it's true) lapping up the rubbish, and judging by the antics and behaviour of the presenters and guests, they are probably IW target audience.

Yeah you can tell this is who they're playing to. Linking back to our earlier posts on this (presenting styles) there's very little about it that's considered, professional, accurate and based on fact. It's all barrow boy shouty shouty and there's an audience for that approach which is fair enough, each to their own. E.g. prattling on about how heavy and big some of the watches are, they're targeting a ... let's say ... certain type of consumer.

And then of course there's the out and out gullible fool that takes it all in! Mind you, we shouldn't judge, any of us are potentially susceptible given the right mix of product, price and retailer skill.
Yeah you can tell this is who they're playing to. Linking back to our earlier posts on this (presenting styles) there's very little about it that's considered, professional, accurate and based on fact. It's all barrow boy shouty shouty and there's an audience for that approach which is fair enough, each to their own. E.g. prattling on about how heavy and big some of the watches are, they're targeting a ... let's say ... certain type of consumer.

And then of course there's the out and out gullible fool that takes it all in! Mind you, we shouldn't judge, any of us are potentially susceptible given the right mix of product, price and retailer skill.

Yeah, heavy and big seems to be the style they're into with these watch brands, like they've all been taking a leaf out of Invicta's book, 45mm seems to be a small size for them, even their dress watches are big, me I prefer 42mm or under, preferably under. Another thing about the big watches with bracelets is the weight, just too heavy, you have to change to a strap to reduce the weight. I find 43m divers with bracelets heavy god knows what some of these beasts are like.

I don't judge as such, well a few idiots I do :ROFLMAO:, but for most I feel sorry, especially if they think they've been building a luxury watch collection at bargain prices, when the opposite is true. If they're just building a collection of watches because they just like the look etc, then that's fine, no real harm done, but if it's for other reasons then that's not good.

There will be another collectors gem coming soon from Reynolds, The Vostok Watch he was asking folk to vote on different options, although the voting had already started, and they would build the watch with the winning specs, of course it's an Anchar and the vote for the colour etc is over, the German site I buy watches from, sent me an email last week as they are already taking pre-orders for it, so expect Reynolds very soon, proably be lowest price in the world, world exclusive and every other distributor is annoyed as IW pinched their stock. :ROFLMAO:
I sort of miss Peter S when he's not on. His awfulness is strangely compelling.

I can't say the same about MM though. His brand of awfulness is, well, just awful.
I don't judge as such, well a few idiots I do :ROFLMAO:, but for most I feel sorry, especially if they think they've been building a luxury watch collection at bargain prices, when the opposite is true. If they're just building a collection of watches because they just like the look etc, then that's fine, no real harm done, but if it's for other reasons then that's not good.

Agree with this. And like I said before, I feel sorry for those that buy stuff from IW (largely based on the guff spouted by the presenters) whether watches, tech, toys etc thinking they're getting a better product than they actually are. I often think of the gran/mum buying for the grandkid/kid.

'It's a Vostok son, just as good as a Rolex.'
'It's a pro drone my little darling grandchild, just as good as ones costing £1000.'
'It's a phone that's comparable with the latest iPhones darling hubby of mine, happy xmas.'

In a sense still no harm done if the recipients none the wiser, however in some cases they will be. Time to slap on the faux 'oh this is just what I wanted' smile :)
Bloddy Dormeo again, apart from it being Sale week.

Yesterday we had Dennice saying the Emma Matress was the only Mattress to purchase today it’s Dormeo.

Must think we all have bad memory and will forget the contradictory statements they have made in others shows. Remember Dennice only tells the truth, she can't tell you something that is not true, as they have 3 compliance officers at IW, so she keeps saying.
What's with De Knees and her eye makeup? The 'Friday Night is Horror Night' is not a good look, love.

I worked with someone who looks a bit like and sounds like Dennice and she had the same eye make up style too, looked bloody awful, looked much better without it.
'It's a phone that's comparable with the latest iPhones darling hubby of mine, happy xmas.'

Funnily enough, it's 'iphone 6s' tonight, will be none of the £39.95 phone can do all this can do, so why buy an iphone, it will be best thing since sliced bread so, forget what we said in the Alcatel shows, and spend more on this. And iphone seems to be the choice of most of the IW staff according to what's been said on previous shows.
Channel hopped on to C&C last night, they've started selling stuff for making Christmas cards etc. Fine, crafters apparently start planning and making stuff now for selling during festive period, I get that. What we DON'T need to accompany the show … in mid JUNE … is jingly wingly Christmas-esque music!!!

(didn't post this in C&C section as hardly any traffic and wanted to ensure folk that frequent the IW section have the pleasure of reading my moans and groans :) )
yes think the event ends on Friday, the Christmas eek Music, and the amount of it, seems to be determined by what presenter and guest is on.

ive Known Loen to ask them to put background music on in the past. Sometimes you get the odd Jingle. It’s not just Christmas music, if Ben Moseby is on it’s like they have his own jingle, Limited Stock, it’s green on screen and soon wont be seen.

Where have I seen Elixinol man before.
Why is Elizabeth Grant deals always over £100 off.

Paul Becue is a ****, he called it a Stinky Dirty Sale, then made a daft noise

'Cause it's pretty rubbish - Probably that's a bit unfair but I've quite a few EG products over the years and was really underwhelmed. I only bought again beacause it was a good offer and came with blingy packaging and a free bag. Got better results from supermarket skincare!

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