my god, Gollum and ginger man bun....what an odious pair. Talking about that £300 laptop (4gb ram and 32gb storage. No mention of the processor) that, to be honest, is a complete waste of money and wholeheartdely a false economy.
Gollum started off with something along the lines of (before the price was shown) "get that £1000 price tag out of your head" hahahahaha
Ginger then goes on to talk about the great battery life (5 hours is bobbins) and that it is so easy to go to the Windows store and download "any of these games" except a LOT of them won't run on this machine. Just utter utter deception as to the capabilities of it. With Gollum trying to be Mr Sincere (never works you knobhead) all the while saying how his laptop at home has zero battery life these days. So buy one of these and put your money where your mouth is you slimey get.
Someone did a review on TrustPilot after foolishly buying that laptop from them based on their typically exotic presentation. Shortly after buying it he learned that it was eyewateringly overpriced and tried to cancel but that’s when the trouble started ......
“ I really wish I'd read these reviews before ordering from this so called company that have believable 'sales people' on their tv show. I don't know how these presenters can go live on TV and promote items that are a major rip off and the customer care non existent !!.
I ordered a combined laptop/tablet from the shopping channel late at night.
I read up on the product after I'd ordered it and decided it wasn't for me. I'd ordered it in a hurry because the presenters said they were down to the last few !!!. They even had the cheek to show you on screen the 'out of stock' response you would get if you were ordering from the show. It would say 'sold out' and the only way to get one of the 'last few' was to ring up as there was still some that had been left in peoples 'shopping basket' !!
I completely fell for this rubbish and rung up. I ended up getting through to india on a premium phone number to a man who I could barely understand.
The following morning I wanted to cancel this product as I realised I could get much better value with a top brand for the same cost of £299.
I both rung and emailed to say I wanted to cancel.
This was 'Totally Ignored' and I started receiving emails saying the product was being despatched. I kept writing to them but it was a waste of time.
The laptop was delivered and abandoned on my doorstep without a signature!!
I wrote yet again asking why it had been left by Hermes without a signature and yes you've guessed!! No reply !!!
I'm now left with this heavy laptop which I do not want !! I had opted to pay for it in four installments and they have taken the first £75. I've been in touch with the bank to make sure they don't get any more money.
I've written to them yet again asking what I should do with it as I'm disabled and its heavy to take to my PO and would probably cost a fortune to return. I've asked if they can send the courier to pick it up ??
Still no reply !! I'd stay away from this company as they are a bunch of robbers and a major Rip off.
As for the presenters on their TV show. I think I'd rather be out of work than sell these products and tell downright lies to the general public some of whom are very vulnerable.
There never was 'only a few left' as they said on the show. There was plenty stock the next morning on their website at the same price.
They 'Fix' it to look like it's the last few on the channel and the presenters must know this so they are as bad as the company.
A MAJOR SCAM !!! Never again !!“
Says it all really doesn’t it?