This relates to the point I was making a few days ago about his show openings which, let's face it, are pretty harmless in the grand scheme of things, but don't serve any real purpose.
The cameras are set in a fixed position and can only be moved one at a time, the lighting the same (and if you watch their output, even the basics are generally done badly in that regard) and there is one person technically running the entire show; as far as I know they have but two hands and wouldn't know how to treat such an action anyway. He has nary a floor manager or camera operator (or indeed camera person) in the studio to help him. There is nothing interesting on set to show while he's on camera and often there is no actual plan.
With the resource available there is literally no way to make these pieces to camera / openings / eulogies (delete as appropriate) look and sound good, but he wants to do them anyway. I think it just makes him feel important and 'showbizzy' to do them, which is about as far from what he is as I am from being a sesquibillionaire.
To say they are cringeworthy is being polite...