Still a very strange concept to embrace - somebody using bereavement as a selling tool for bedding. Even by his standards, I couldn’t quite believe I was hearing him saying it yesterday evening. I would play it back to get the correct context and wording, but I honestly don’t want to hear the intolerable pain of the death of a partner being cheapened to such levels as being used as a purchasing consideration for some wretched blanket or other. When my wife died, the very last thing I wanted to help me was to buy a 20 quid blanket to comfort me. I wanted the clock reversed. There are selling techniques reaching such low depths we all have had to come to terms with watching shopping television channels over the decades, and also become used to certain repeat offenders presenters employing them time and time again without fear of any serious repercussions whatsoever. But hearing Simon using that death of a loved one analogy last night as a reason to buy bedding touched the bottom of the retail ocean for me, and I’m sure for others who’ve lost loved ones at a relatively young age. Makes you seriously review whether you want to watch this genre again, to be completely honest.