Random musings and general banter.


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I must totally agree, they are all, self promoting experts (in complete and utter bulls**te).
They own everything they flog, or have bought it for friends or sad old g*ts they know. Don't even get me started about the fake looks of amazement, when yet another dairy lee slice goes in the frying pan with the plastic on.
I love it especially when the amaaaaayzin, meat comes out of the "Never fail, perfect cook Halogen" only to when being cut, it's sooo undercooked, and swiftly turned around off camera never to be seen again. I don't want to hear about whats going up poo poos bottom, or what his habits or thoughts about what goes the other way, please give it a rest.
If the diet gloop they flog, and the excersize stuff they flog, is so good, and so well endorsed by AmyG's fave presenter, why doesn't the said presenter look like the weight is dropping off? I can feel one of my heads coming on.

Talking of which, I heard Foghorn Jax say that she'd lost loads of weight on the Jane Plan but 'she can't talk about it yet'. I suppose the time she will talk about it is when Jane Plan is next on.

Now I've just seen her on the stretchy leg thing and she looks the same to me. Was her weight at the beginning noted and on camera? Or do we just have to believe what she says as per..........
I think it's a dead heat (literally) between the rip-off heaters and "My Ideal Rewards" for the worst product shilled by the channel, especially in terms of how they're shamelessly promoted together with their nonexistent "benefits", with the bonded leather landfill lumps coming a fairly close second. Many of their watches may be shamelessly tacky and ridiculously overpriced but at least they're much easier to send back during the cooling-off period.

I could be wrong but I am certain IW used to shill their own version of the lottery. I cannot remember their name for it though... but it came complete with testimonials of elderly people that had "won"
Talking of which, I heard Foghorn Jax say that she'd lost loads of weight on the Jane Plan but 'she can't talk about it yet'. I suppose the time she will talk about it is when Jane Plan is next on.

Now I've just seen her on the stretchy leg thing and she looks the same to me. Was her weight at the beginning noted and on camera? Or do we just have to believe what she says as per..........

I think they don't need to prove anything momma, she just says it so it must be true.
I think they don't need to prove anything momma, she just says it so it must be true.

Well I believer her, but as you all know I am naive. I also believe everything that Dirty Pete and Me Mike says as well. Got to go know, the men have arrived with a straightjacket and a tranquilliser dart...
Had yet another "courtesty call" from IW, this time Charlotte called and said "as a way of saying thank you for ordering from us, we'd like to send you something lovely in the post"...er no thank you, I'm not interested in joining your saving's club....."But there's some really good offers"....Er no there isn't it's a load of crap....good day to you!

Sounds like an unwanted call to me. Don't IW sell a BT call blocking device, it would have come in handy for you!
Sounds like an unwanted call to me. Don't IW sell a BT call blocking device, it would have come in handy for you!

Worth knowing that if you have a BT landline phone account then there's now a free call blocking service that's bound to be better than anything you have in the home since it works at the exchange. Of course a BT phone plan may not be the cheapest for phone calls but this could be a decent option for some people.
Worth knowing that if you have a BT landline phone account then there's now a free call blocking service that's bound to be better than anything you have in the home since it works at the exchange. Of course a BT phone plan may not be the cheapest for phone calls but this could be a decent option for some people.

That's worth knowing actually!
BT's call blocking feature is called BT Call Protect, though other telecom providers could also have something similar; it's well worth checking this before buying any call blocking device.

Not tried it myself (I don't have a BT landline) and you need to specifically request the feature. Don't know whether this can be set up without internet access but it certainly helps: http://bt.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/56986/~/bt-call-protect---how-to...-guide
When did the odious hook nose Jacks turn into Ted Rogers? Flicked onto her by accident and she is doing all the numbers with her fingers while speaking them. Makes her look like a dodgy market stall holder.
Did anyone see last nights Moira C show with Me Mike? I saw about 2 minutes. She was hyperactive and rushing to show her colours at the back of the display and Me Mike was trying to rein her in by saying "we are going to look at those later" and he couldn't get a word in. She took over as usual. I almost felt sorry for him. But not quite...
I'm gutted I missed it, Muttley! Sounds like she walked all over Mikey, in the same way as she did with Shaun a few months ago. She talked over Shaun, walked in front of him, scurried around the studio set, took items out of his hands and, of course, rushed to introduce her daughter (who was doing the modelling). Sounds like Karma to me - Mikey took every opportunity to take over the show when he and Marina presented an hour on Bid; he would belittle her and take over at every opportunity - so he's had a taste of his own medicine, from the sound of it. Good on yer, Moira C, more power to yer elbow, girl!

Did anyone see last nights Moira C show with Me Mike? I saw about 2 minutes. She was hyperactive and rushing to show her colours at the back of the display and Me Mike was trying to rein her in by saying "we are going to look at those later" and he couldn't get a word in. She took over as usual. I almost felt sorry for him. But not quite...
Did anyone see last nights Moira C show with Me Mike? I saw about 2 minutes. She was hyperactive and rushing to show her colours at the back of the display and Me Mike was trying to rein her in by saying "we are going to look at those later" and he couldn't get a word in. She took over as usual. I almost felt sorry for him. But not quite...

Try and catch Old Kenny Rogers when she's on with Genpleaseleave, who clearly cannot abide her.

We all know that the atrocious Genpleaseleave simply will not allow a guest to get too much of her airtime, sadly for her she's got no chance with Kenny who totally controls proceedings. It's funny, Genpleaseleave is visibly riled at times.

Genpleaseleve is much the same with that ghastly Dimitri motormouth, she does everything but tell him to belt up :mysmilie_59:
I'm gutted I missed it, Muttley! Sounds like she walked all over Mikey, in the same way as she did with Shaun a few months ago. She talked over Shaun, walked in front of him, scurried around the studio set, took items out of his hands and, of course, rushed to introduce her daughter (who was doing the modelling). Sounds like Karma to me - Mikey took every opportunity to take over the show when he and Marina presented an hour on Bid; he would belittle her and take over at every opportunity - so he's had a taste of his own medicine, from the sound of it. Good on yer, Moira C, more power to yer elbow, girl!

I only saw a couple of minutes but should have stuck with it to see him being tormented!!! And you are right about him and Marina, he did belittle her and any other female where he could. Karma indeed.
I don't watch IW much anymore, and I have never been a Mikey fan, but I pity anyone that have to share presenting with the very irritating Moira C and her tat....
I'm gutted I missed it, Muttley! Sounds like she walked all over Mikey, in the same way as she did with Shaun a few months ago. She talked over Shaun, walked in front of him, scurried around the studio set, took items out of his hands and, of course, rushed to introduce her daughter (who was doing the modelling). Sounds like Karma to me - Mikey took every opportunity to take over the show when he and Marina presented an hour on Bid; he would belittle her and take over at every opportunity - so he's had a taste of his own medicine, from the sound of it. Good on yer, Moira C, more power to yer elbow, girl!

I also find Moira C.(granny on speed) entertaining.If I had to be in her company myself the temptation to use a scarflace as a gag would be overwhelming. It is refreshing to see the presenters getting a taste of their own medicine.Being talked over,pushed into the background and shut up.Their faces tell the story. Karma indeed.
May be old news but this evening I noticed they were selling leather care treatment alongside the bonded leather massage recliner chair, just in case you wanted to somehow "look after" your purchase :mysmilie_59:

I have owned a cheap office chair made of what I know now to be bonded leather; it does smell nice to begin with and was OK to sit in for using a computer, but it seriously cannot be compared in any shape or form to the quality of the £900+ chairs they're so fond of belittling in their sales pitch.
I also find Moira C.(granny on speed) entertaining.If I had to be in her company myself the temptation to use a scarflace as a gag would be overwhelming. It is refreshing to see the presenters getting a taste of their own medicine.Being talked over,pushed into the background and shut up.Their faces tell the story. Karma indeed.

Let's spare a thought for those two poor daughters, Daffodil and Dandelion. They seem dominated, mere bit part players to their shameless show off mater.

But those Scarfaces, which despite what Kenny Rogers says about them being so smooth, so silky, so shimmery and so satiny, are nothing more than a piece of garish 100% Polyester and a cheap Christmas Cracker magnet.

The usual price for 4 is supposedly £85 all in :mysmilie_15:
Cant believe this channel they are obsessed with keep fit they are now exercising with big tubes filled with water and thats just the presenters,do people really go out and buy all this carp
Cant believe this channel they are obsessed with keep fit they are now exercising with big tubes filled with water and thats just the presenters,do people really go out and buy all this carp

Yeah, and have you seen the price of them £79! Normally £99?! Really? For a giant plastic bottle?! ...and it looks like an accident waiting to happen! £20's the most they should be charging for that! What ever next? Tinned food dumbells, £60 for a set of 4!

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