Random musings and general banter.


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The stick vac is £69.99 from Debenhams. I thought Rediffusion rented out TVs years ago.

They did, but like a lot of old brands they failed. But EPE international (wholesaler/distributor) have brought the brand name back, stuck it on loads of Chinese products and hey presto we have loads of household products from a 100 year old brand, as Mason would say, must be good quality if they've lasted this long. ;):ROFLMAO:
As Hammy said, a ceased to be company name brought back with absolutely no connection to the original company. I didn’t see the presentation in full, so I hope they weren’t going on the ‘heritage’ kick?

Do you need to even ask the question, it's IW, so of course history and heritage is going to be part of the sales patter. :ROFLMAO:
Joanne is flogging what she calls my "walk all day" shoes to go with her "talk all day" mouth.

I think she's a Boer (and a bore).
Some people are genuinely unwatchable And for me - she is one of them. She doesn't have a conversation. She stops for breath while the other participant gets some words in edgeways. I can't stand that harsh, grating South African accent in general, but when you have a South African accent generating from somebody who comes across as completely self-obsessed, totally disinterested in anything other than her own voice, then that is a recipe for a complete visual and audible disaster. If I see her by accident (like today), for the sake of my own wellbeing, I switch off immediately. Other than that, I am quite warming to her of late.

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