Random musings and general banter.


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At least get the name right, Yannis. It's Christophe not Christopher. Anyone listening would think the brand wasn't Swiss at all.
I've read a lot on the Web about CD and the consensus is that it is not a genuine luxury brand but yet another hyped up Chinese made with Swiss movement intended to fool the unwary. There are numerous "discount check out codes" giving up to 90% of the RRP or PRP (pretend retail price).

Thus not worth the IW3 price or anything like it.
I've read a lot on the Web about CD and the consensus is that it is not a genuine luxury brand but yet another hyped up Chinese made with Swiss movement intended to fool the unwary. There are numerous "discount check out codes" giving up to 90% of the RRP or PRP (pretend retail price).

Thus not worth the IW3 price or anything like it.

Definately not a luxury brand, do have some okay watches, but they are a bunch of shysters with their marketing, their RRPs are utter nonsense. They actually have a mix of watches, some are "Swiss made", some are Far East with Swiss movement and some are 100% Far East watches. The company that produces CD watches has facilities in Switzerland and Far East, they supply watches for a lot of brands, including some well known fashion brands like Police, Timberland etc.
How he has lasted so long is a mystery. Hard to believe but his ridiculous antics must move product. When someone swears a lot, you tend to become immune to bad language, the shock value fades. I suppose it's similar with him, everyone accepts he's an idiot; Peter's just made an outrageous claim, Peter's just told a dirty joke, Peter's implied that the first flexi is the total price. So what? Move on.

But it never sits easy with me and I think quite a lot of us on here. We expect higher standards of honesty and decency but this irritating man lives in a time warp and is well beyond his own sell by date.
The biggest joke is that I'm sure he truly believes he is hilariously funny, and that he's a "star". Newsflash, Pete: longevity on the telly doesn't make you a star, there are lots of reasons why the same old faces appear again and again; we are all quite capable of hazarding guesses, and what's that saying about knowing where the bodies are buried? I think that some faces appear again and again because they know the right people to creep around, some because they suit some 'fad' of the moment, others for other reasons - but that doesn't mean that there aren't thousands of much more talented and capable people out there who never get a look in. Not because they have no talent, but because they don't know the right people (or information). This is one of reasons why it annoys me to see the children of so-called stars being given work on TV. In my personal opinion (and it is my personal view, others may well disagree), many of them have little talent and no personality of their own (hello, Roman Kemp, hi Barney Walsh), but they do have a famous father or mother. But I suppose as long as you get the gig, doing it solely on your own ability means nothing.

I think what you say is so right. In the end, he blends into the woodwork (some might say like woodworm or dry rot), because it just becomes the 'norm'. He's a has-been who still thinks he's on-trend. But his only real talent seems to be making a pR$t of himself and passing on incorrect information. So much for the ASA!
I’ve looked for a list of them online. I can’t find them currently. Or the one for their award winning director, Garth Algar.

Ah, see, the mistake you're making is looking for the award-winning Peter Simon's awards online.

You need to look on his mantelpiece, which is where he keeps them, including his mythical BAFTA® (which has infrared LED technologies built in, okay, to not only help with the collagen, not only the macrobobials, right..)


What a cold, damp looking place he lives in, though :(

Hope he's got a weight blanket to keep him warm. I hear the Arbet™ brand is good.
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He is. I rarely watch Hobbymaker as apart from Zena and Nigel, find the presenters boring.
I'm not into craft so I'm not its audience but it does seem decidedly dull. Little grey ladies and effete men fussing over crayons or paints. I've been to too many craft fairs where the exhibitors look at you with desperation willing you to buy something they've spent hours making. Sorry I don't want a crocheted toilet roll holder or a greetings card sprinkled with glitter for £5.

I do realise there's a lot of skill involved but I'm not sure it's worth the effort and I doubt it has much of a youth following.
Feel sorry for Mason. Even with him being paid presumably handsomely for showing up. A continual parade of repetitive unbranded goods at bottom end prices he has to enthuse over night after night. All the stuff you never realised you needed and then realised why you didn’t. You would think he would get more job satisfaction selling bigger brand names with variety of product. Still, his last version of Ideal World tried that and crashed. Now he announces the bacon perfume..AGAIN….Pronouncing it ‘Gammone’ doesn’t avoid pig connections - much as he is trying to. All the stock in the business…never to return…Oh, puh-lease! Don’t insult us..
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I'm not into craft so I'm not its audience but it does seem decidedly dull. Little grey ladies and effete men fussing over crayons or paints. I've been to too many craft fairs where the exhibitors look at you with desperation willing you to buy something they've spent hours making. Sorry I don't want a crocheted toilet roll holder or a greetings card sprinkled with glitter for £5.

I do realise there's a lot of skill involved but I'm not sure it's worth the effort and I doubt it has much of a youth following.
I’ve been crafting one way or another for around 70 years. I craft for enjoyment rather than selling for a profit. I have made bespoke cards for friends and family but never charged anything like they suggest on any craft channel. Most things I knit, crochet, sew or embroider etc are for personal use or donated to charity.
Feel sorry for Mason. Even with him being paid presumably handsomely for showing up. A continual parade of repetitive unbranded goods at bottom end prices he has to enthuse over night after night. All the stuff you never realised you needed and then realised why you didn’t. You would think he would get more job satisfaction selling bigger brand names with variety of product. Still, his last version of Ideal World tried that and crashed. Now he announces the bacon perfume..AGAIN….Pronouncing it ‘Gammone’ doesn’t avoid pig connections - much as he is trying to. All the stock in the business…never to return…Oh, puh-lease! Don’t insult us..
& he'll bore us to death again with the journey of it

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