Random musings and general banter.


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Where do they get those tops from? Shapeless one size fits all bags in hideous fabrics. It would completely bury a size 8. I wouldn't wear one to empty the bins.
I'm not being funny but can you back off!!!

I'm trying my best I'll have you know.

I bought my sewing machine from Create & Craft a few years back and I'm still trying to get to grips with it.

I buy material from HideousOffcuts.com

Are the tops I make the best? Maybe not, but at least IW buy wholesale from me, and for that I thank them.

Mike plugging a watch for Saturday, Christoph Duchamp Radillion, starts off saying it's Swiss made, then a few seconds later became Swiss Design. Probably realised that Swiss made watches aren't usually assembled in the Far East with Seiko NH movements in them. :eek::ROFLMAO:
I saw him on the YT feed earlier coming out with this GUFF ...

'I soooo hope they don't sell out cause if they don't sell out I'll be allowed to buy one.'

Ha Ha Haaaaaaa.

MMmmm, so even if this GUFF is true, you couldn't ask a family member or friend to phone or go on to the meltdaaaaan Internet to buy one for you?

Guff Guff Guff.
There remains a very much say and do what you like mentality all round within what is left of the presenting staff.. Why wouldn’t you be like that when you know the few thousand watching (being optimistic) are not quite ‘all there’ including the ASA. The lack of any serious preparation is there for all to see - despite Mason regularly saying about product information needing to be learnt and products rigorously toadrested beforehand, and by the presenters themselves. Last night somebody messaged in asking the charging time for some piece of tat (I’ve lost track which bit) and he had no clue - reaching for the box or the instructions sheet to try to find out. Things like that have happened with him and with other presenters numerous times when I’ve been watching in the past. They then make a half-effort to BS their way out of it. And that is the evidence for me as to whether they seriously prepare or not… what they like to crow about doing. He spent far too long massaging his ego last night - even by his exacting standards…Singing 1970s Disco songs a cappella for far too long when he was promoting some awful torch with gaudy lights capability. Usually he says he can only sing a few words of a song because they get charged by the PRS if he extends it. But last night he sang virtually the whole of D.I.S.C.O. by Ottawan which I couldn’t stand in original form, let alone in pub singer mode. Perhaps he has used 20 plus years of a good living from shopping television to buy Ottowan’s cack backalogue? Or is yet another example of saying one thing and doing another there?
I'm glad I wasn't watching last night but I did catch Yannis promoting the "disco" torch earlier and suggesting it was suitable for a nighttime garden party to which all one's friends and family could be invited.

This is a good idea if you want to make an utter fool of yourself and have everyone laughing at you.

I wonder if ITV have thought of replacing Ant and Dec with the Mike Mason Show? Guaranteed to take any channel down market instantly.
It’s the apparent self-deprecating nature of his patter that gets me. You do generally feel all the ‘Beautiful Bald Fella’ routine etc.. has some self-belief truth underpinning it, which is fine, but a one to one love in of that nature each show can get very repetitive to endure. That said, I sat and watched quite a bit of it yesterday evening, which probably says things more negatively about me than him. At least he is being handsomely remunerated for having a two way conversation with himself!
Morning, Walter. Got any £320 air fryers today? Seems not. Just the stock they acquired from the local house of ill repute decorations sell off in Shepherd’s Bush. Oh…can’t you just see from this stuff who they see their sales target to be. “I really mean this,” he says. The four least meant words a human being has ever uttered. Those ‘paintings’ you could see going straight into his skip.
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