Random musings and general banter.


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Just seen Captain Birdseye on the YouTube live feed flogging crappy floral diffusers. I think I'll have an early night! I've got what I thought was a cold but did a covid test and it's positive. So I'm excused viewing on medical grounds (that's my excuse!) but I'll continue reading all the comments on here😊
Just seen Captain Birdseye on the YouTube live feed flogging crappy floral diffusers. I think I'll have an early night! I've got what I thought was a cold but did a covid test and it's positive. So I'm excused viewing on medical grounds (that's my excuse!) but I'll continue reading all the comments on here😊

Ahahaha I'm creased at that 😂
It is not about how it looks. It is about the core philosophy of how it sells. A channel that decides to take a path of disingenuous price comparisons, lacking in any informed choice transparency, is at heart, disrespecting its potential buyers. Or equally, by lifting forum user names here, and purporting then that these people have texted in praising on-screen products. If just one person buys a plastic cane because Hammy in Aberdeen recommends it, that again is selling via misleading. Unless you are saying there is a man/woman from Aberdeen called Hammy, who does text in, of course. Move from a decorating table in a Photo-Me booth to a fancy new studio, and in turn keep those cynical selling methods. Doing so will make not one iota of difference to Ideal World’s current level of credibility or lack of any. It’s not about where you are selling from. It’s about your moral code in how you sell.
On a good day.
She is indeed weird but I doubt she'd be impressed by Mouth O'Mikey's nostalgic ramblings last night of his days working at Pontins Prestatyn where he got to know all the top snooker stars and become a useful player himself.

He really is the epitome of the name-dropping, story-telling, gag-cracking bar room bore.
“The beautiful Bald Fella.” It is said frequently by him, and with a keenly displayed and implied faux irony. But you feel at heart…Yes…he does believe he is bald and beautiful. Just like his ‘blessing from above’ that he ‘feels’ music..
She is indeed weird but I doubt she'd be impressed by Mouth O'Mikey's nostalgic ramblings last night of his days working at Pontins Prestatyn where he got to know all the top snooker stars and become a useful player himself.

He really is the epitome of the name-dropping, story-telling, gag-cracking bar room bore.
And bull ******** 🤣
The Opatra "things that light up and somehow rejuvenate you" range is spreading throughout the day.

We start off with Natalia's contemplative almost mystical presentation early morning and then by late afternoon it's Foghorn Sal wrapping a sparkly mitt around her head or mask on her face (improvement).

All set against a background of ludicrous RRPs supposedly paid by mad dowagers who shop at Harrods.

Does this stuff actually sell on IW3?


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