Random musings and general banter.


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I think one of the key differences for me in terms of my own personal shopping habits from shopping television channels in general, is that with this incarnation, I am yet to see a product that I would ever consider purchasing. In the main, I dislike how the items are presented by a significant number of the presenters, with those awful and disingenuous price comparisons. Because of that in particular, I would be very hesitant about buying even something that was an attractive proposition, because I just don’t like the style of how things are sold on there. And that would worry me if I did buy something, how the parent company would treat me as a purchasing customer should I ever have a problem. Particularly if they are knowingly allowing price comparisons with no substance to them. I also don’t like the way some channel staff have responded to critical messages on here with that studio texts stalking esque style. And in one or two examples here, overtly hostile, and extraordinarily defensive ‘anonymous’ contributions. That would also put me off from ever buying from them.

I did buy a number of things from the previous versions of the channel because they were branded goods at very keen prices. Ironically, those kinds of goods at those types of offers that probably contributed to the demise of previous versions.
From 2010 until her passing in 2016, my mother made a lot of purchases from IW. She had multiple health issues and had become housebound. I myself have bought various items because they were sold from £10 to £50 cheaper than anywhere else. I also liked their returns policy. You could return items you had tried out and decided they were not for you. They used to sell the returned items at a reduced price through their eBay shop. The eBay shop was the final destination for all the air fryers the chefs used to demonstrate.
I haven't seen anything on IW3 that has caught my eye to buy, and the returns policy puts me off buying anything, contrary to what the presenters say about having a try.
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I wonder who is actually responsible for the programming output on this new version of the channel. I imagine QVC and TJC have some sort of Director of Programming roles, but does this tiny studio, and at times say anything you like, Ideal World have such a person or persons? Who has the power to cook up these unusual price comparisons? Is it Gallery driven alone? Or are there people above that level who are actively involved with the content and presentational style of the shows? At times, it seems just the presenters and some twenty somethings around the studio solely driving the content?
It might have had nothing to do with him. I am just assuming because he was head of TV at IW,, he will at least of had some input into it, but his hands will have been tied to what can be done by the money men/women at TJC.
I think the old IW pretty much shunned the texting in process. You could email, but they rarely if ever read any out. Feedback of products via TP reviews they would sometimes refer to when good. Though you could probably understand why they would choose not to go for that option these days.
They only do text messages because TJC does, just like reading out the names of so-called buyers. I'm curious about when TJC started doing that. I never really watched it much during the first 4 years because it only used to sell Jewllery via an auction format, and would stay on items for ages because nobody was interested in buying it. I think they started selling tat around 2010, or that's is when I first noticed items none Jewellery.
I wonder who is actually responsible for the programming output on this new version of the channel. I imagine QVC and TJC have some sort of Director of Programming roles, but does this tiny studio, and at times say anything you like, Ideal World have such a person or persons? Who has the power to cook up these unusual price comparisons? Is it Gallery driven alone? Or are there people above that level who are actively involved with the content and presentational style of the shows? At times, it seems just the presenters and some twenty somethings around the studio solely driving the content?
on Shop On TV it's Rob Locke and he even said he made the info graphics (basic slides with product info)
Sally has just said she has no ego, and is always honest

That come after a text saying how honest she is
i never trust anyone who says
They are always honest or I wouldn’t lie to you
Or says trust me.

All lines that make me think of Dodgy Double Glazing Sales Men who would also always say.
You need to buy it Now or you will miss out. This is a one time never to be repeated offer.

Not that I’ve ever ever heard any of the presenters on the current iteration of IW say anything I think dodgy HONEST 👀
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