Random musings and general banter.


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Nothing is going to change, is it? They’ve given her that wretched Harry Cane to show again. You know, the Michael Cane that was selling like hot canes last month. The cane they thought they couldn’t get any more back of. Listening to her with her hysterical analogies about that bloody cane again - I would rather be stretched on the rack. Are they going to devote an hour to this? Exactly how big is the unlimited market of potential cane buyers that they have? It must be absolutely massive. Or are they struggling for new products again? Peter’s hip injury…Walking a dog by the cliffs…then falling off and using the cane to fly with. Toy caresque siren, only a deaf man sitting at the corner of a round table would hear..
Nothing is going to change, is it? They’ve given her that wretched Harry Cane to show again. You know, the Michael Cane that was selling like hot canes last month. The cane they thought they couldn’t get any more back of. Listening to her with her hysterical analogies about that bloody cane again - I would rather be stretched on the rack. Are they going to devote an hour to this? Exactly how big is the unlimited market of potential cane buyers that they have? It must be absolutely massive. Or are they struggling for new products again? Peter’s hip injury…Walking a dog by the cliffs…then falling off and using the cane to fly with. Toy caresque siren, only a deaf man sitting at the corner of a round table would hear..
the hurry canes, hurry up and buy them before they sell out
I've heard of things like these. Just looked on the Versus Arthritis website and they say the evidence is too patchy for them to recommend but they're safe to use and may help. I'm sure some people swear by them.
They were selling them at the Christmas market, and my pharmacist friend said, if they really worked, rheumatologists would be out of business. I'm quite cynical about things and so is she
They were selling them at the Christmas market, and my pharmacist friend said, if they really worked, rheumatologists would be out of business. I'm quite cynical about things and so is she
The thing will rheumatoid arthritis is that it can't be cured, the drugs they give you just dampen down the symptoms to slow down progression. Things like this can compliment your treatment but I won't be giving up my medication yet!
Jacks flogging a massager, going on about her four crashes and whiplash injury/medical woes.

Gives a wee demo of how she can turn her head to the right okay but is restricted turning her head to the left. Probably get a bit of sympathy from viewers.

From me, she gets not one iota of sympathy, why, because she's a lying toerag, she's told this story before on the old Ideal World, during a fashion hour where she was looking left over to the model and told the story to the viewers and model, she told the story because she was having trouble looking to the model on her left side and then to the clothes rack on her right side and kept having to shift/turn to the right on her chair when looking at the rack, except in that story she could turn her head to the LEFT OKAY, but was restricted when turning her head to the right.

Must think it's been a while since she told this story that nobody will remember, not like you would forget what side an injury was restricting movement on is it?
I tend to miss the interesting hours these days, what posters have said Mike said that isn’t like him

I turned on just has finishing off the previous item, forgot what and he was really hyper ... yes unlike him, a cheeky chappie but not like the sexist pig he was for a few minutes

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