Random musings and general banter.


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People have said that you always get the best bargains from a company that's about to go bust as they desperately try to get people to shop with them regardless of the money. (Also IW are/were selling an air fryer £30 cheaper than John Lewis and there's no way they could have made money on that deal either.) Once they go bust their 'closing down sale' also has to recoup as much money as possible for the administrator so the prices won't be nearly as cheap.

Always wise to use a method of payment with some form of protection (does Paypal offer protection for guest transactions?) when shopping with any company that's possibly on the brink of bankruptcy.

RIP Ideal World
very good point

A credit card offers good protection as well in theory so does a debit card but the chargeback process on a debit card is a lot more variable in my experience

Not all bad Hayley tells us "Slazenger is a high end designer brand"

£6 a t shirt.....
I haven't watched a full show of Hayley for a very long time but she seems way out of sorts here, lots of mumbling lots of small errors about item numbers and the basics

I could be looking to much into it
I would imagine you would have to pay unless you could trigger a S75 chargeback if you had not received the goods. From what I understand, you only activate the staggered payment scheme on production of a valid credit or debit card account, which assures to the ‘lender’ or the subsequent administrator, the remaining payments owing anyway.
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With sports direct having at least partial control and taking over lease and sub letting to IW i can't see them just closing down overnight but i suppose anything is possible.

I wonder if the extra low prices in the shows which isn't repeated across their web site, could be their attempt at a short term fix for lack of cash flow. Maybe they just weren't selling/making enough to cover the day to day running of IW, let alone make a profit, and decided lowering prices would help increase sales and therefore increase cash flow. Maybe they are thinking if they can attract more customers with low prices then they could improve sales to at least cover the day to day running and from there they could start slowly increasing prices and profit margins.

Not sure what Sports Direct's end game is here but they will have a plan for being involved.

Have these theories (although there are various slight variations within the 3) in my head.

1. SD are genuinely trying to help IW turn the corner and return to being profitable with them being part owner. I not sure about this one as sports direct don't come across as the good samaritan to me, as i said they'll some plan in mind.

2. SD are helping to eventually take total control and end up with their own TV channel Sports Direct TV. I'm not sure about this either, Sports Direct TV selling their own brands could effect sales in their high street and online stores and selling sports direct products on tv hasn't exactly worked for IW. Add to that SD have already contracted out of leasing the building after 2027 which i would assume you wouldn't be doing if you were in it for the long hall.

3. SD are helping but will eventually end up with the IW assets (primarily the Freeview slot) as per the penalties for IW failing to repay the debenture loan, then Ideal World LTD will go into admin with all the debts. At the moment this one seems the most likely IMO.
Oh i see they finally correct the error on the Shield Atlantis dial, jut taken them about 2 years, although the IW web site is still showing pics with the error. :rolleyes:
Ok the ppics are poor but you can just see the numbers.

Old dial with error still on IW site - 660ft/220mts
atlantis 2.JPG

Corrected dial 200mts/660ft
Atlantis 1.JPG
Van der O’Valk makes a definitive statement on the merits or lack of them in buying a fan to cool down. Essentially saying don’t buy a fan as all they do is move warm around the room like a hairdryer would. Of course, he is trying to flog a portable air conditioning unit and not a fan this time around. What does he say when he is the demonstrator for the numerous fans they sell? Those fans they say will cool you down and cool the room? You couldn’t make it up. Well, they could.
Van der O’Valk makes a definitive statement on the merits or lack of them in buying a fan to cool down. Essentially saying don’t buy a fan as all they do is move warm around the room like a hairdryer would. Of course, he is trying to flog a portable air conditioning unit and not a fan this time around. What does he say when he is the demonstrator for the numerous fans they sell? Those fans they say will cool you down and cool the room? You couldn’t make it up. Well, they could.

It's such a stupid and silly sales technique, where the product on screen is the best money can buy listing positives and by labeling every alternative as crap, waste of money buying, and listing negatives. Which is fine if you only sell the one product, but when you also sell the alternatives then it leads you down the path of constantly having to contradict oneself and treating customers like mindless morons.
In this case you've highlighted fans, which is daily, even hour to hour, producing many contradicting statements from presenters. In shows Peter or Mike et al, will gush praise over the Salter Fan while a short period later they're slagging it off while praising air conditioning units (or alternative branded fans boneco), which is inexpensive to run because it has an A rating, but fails to actually tell the viewer the wattage so they can work out running cost.
But as we all know, it's not just limited to fans/air conditioning, this pattern follows every single product IW sells, every product is praised to the hilt while at times denigrating alternatives, the best must have, must buy, super super, incredible until one of those alternative brand's version is on a show then they are the best must have, must buy, super super, incredible.
It truly is a woeful and a misguided selling technique, because anybody who is semi-sentient will realise they say the complete opposite of what they've previously said demo on demo - destroying any remaining credibility they have left. Again, it boils down to me for sheer and utter contempt of their sales market. From the crude, seaside humour double meanings they employ, to saying one thing as a benefit and then the complete opposite a show or two. Clearly, they think their buyers are either thick or just too daft to spot the glaring contradictions from product to product presentations.
Off we ago again with the anti-fan tirade by Van DER TV RENTALS der Valk. Plasticine head letting him bad mouth the entire fan community with reckless and bitter impunity… Next hour..Fans Extravaganza with Pierre O’Valk der Van… Pierre, says Rubber Head…Your views on fans…Well, Head of Rubber, fans are absolutely marvellous at keeping you cool, cooling down the horrible hot air and giving you moist free relief…Rubber Head..And Pete.. your expert views on those AWFUL air conditioning units…Pete…A vile waste of money… Expensive monstrosities…Burning electricity like the Great Fire burned London… And making your windows look like a chav encampment…Don’t go anywhere near the fuc..rs..
It‘s now the you can’t tell they’re wigs show with Super Great…I need to put my SUPER glasses on to be SUPER sure, but from I can see is four women in Bri-Nylon wigs borrowed from the cast of Thunderbirds that look about as undetectable as an elephant in a Smart car.
Well we had Sally Jacks, resident health expert flogging Isomers which she uses, telling us you don’t just become old with age, you become old by two major things, smoking and sun, so give up smoking and cut back on the sun.

Always wears big sunglasses and a big hat as she demonstrates with her hands for the camera.


She never, ever, ever puts her face in the sun, never has since she was about thirty.

Of course she was on an earlier show today with no big hat with most of her face lapping up the sun and no hat, yep never puts her face in the sun. :ROFLMAO:

Kevski is back with all the usual suspects tonight, Lunokhod still going strong :ROFLMAO:, watches that for months we have been told are on the brink of selling out or we'll never see again.;)

Oh and the 2022 edition of the VEareOne makes an appearance, yeah that the watch that Kev says that 200,000 folks took part in the vote for the design and only 599 watches were ever made. Yet somehow after a year they still haven't sold out. Figures just don't add up to me. :unsure:
Van der O’Valk makes a definitive statement on the merits or lack of them in buying a fan to cool down. Essentially saying don’t buy a fan as all they do is move warm around the room like a hairdryer would. Of course, he is trying to flog a portable air conditioning unit and not a fan this time around. What does he say when he is the demonstrator for the numerous fans they sell? Those fans they say will cool you down and cool the room? You couldn’t make it up. Well, they could.
he is another king of the BS.

Its pretty much any salesperson - you are not my friend , you just want to sell me something.
If you were seeing these watches for the first time tonight you would be awfully confused

The constant switching between similar(ish) looking models all slightly different prices, no detail about anything of note

Ryes finally asks the question "whats the difference between all of these"


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