Random musings and general banter.


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Mason threatening sell outs once again on the Harveys Briston Cream Watches show. Like a two foot high Diddyman threatening to punch your lights out. Mike? Yes, Michael? Mike? Why do you keep saying watches are going to sell out but they never do? Mike? Mike??
Literally down to ones of everything, says UDH. Is that two ones? One ones? Five ones? Nine ones?? 1000 ones??? From me, Mike Mason - Stay Safe. Keep Wearing Your Masks..Follow the Government..Do what they say, not what they do…Thank you to my Director, my Producer, my Grip..my Best Boy…My Goddess…My Ego…
Plastic baskets with nothing in them now..What a way to make a living.. I’d rather be doing Find the Lady in Oxford Street..

Structural Damage…Collapsing Houses…Mount Vesuvius…I don’t want to alarm anybody..but I’m going to…
Here comes Van Der Valk - on another acting gig, playing a moisture absorber expert.

Just checking my all time household essentials needs and wants list…A Family Moisture Absorber doesn’t appear to be there.. Two for £30 and they still can’t sell them out..
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Here comes Van Der Valk - on another acting gig, playing a moisture absorber expert.

Just checking my all time household essentials needs and wants list…A Family Moisture Absorber doesn’t appear to be there.. Two for £30 and they still can’t sell them out..
You can get something what does the same Job for £1 at a pound shop

Time of posting, Jess is selling some Weightloss Fibre Gloop, with some name I can’t spell

Interestingly the guest is that geezer who used to flog that CBD oil
You can get something what does the same Job for £1 at a pound shop

Time of posting, Jess is selling some Weightloss Fibre Gloop, with some name I can’t spell

Interestingly the guest is that geezer who used to flog that CBD oil

You can make something yourself as well, buying the 'crystals' (which is just Calcium Chloride) is easy enough on ebay, Amazon etc.

I saw she was also selling the very, very popular rocking rattan set, which is now down to only single figures left, of course it's been in single figures for about a week now, so maybe not that popular. :ROFLMAO:
Is Linea a IW Brand

Not sure not much info online about them, but the BBQ is the cookshop one from last year, so maybe they've (IW or whomever) created a new name with offer more varied products, cookshop isn't exactly a great name to go with rattan furniture so came up with Linea.
Return of the Posh watch brand tonight, Christophe Duchamp.

See they've changed the wording on their web site slightly, now saying "Our brand originated in Mendrisio, Switzerland, and we have now established our headquarters in the UK." I wonder if by originated they mean, while on holiday in Mendrisio i had an idea to start a watch brand which i duly did after returning from my hols. Still showing a picture of the Hanowa/Roamer facilities with a Christophe Duchamp sign, which doesn't exist, atop it though.


Still waiting for ASA.
Not sure not much info online about them, but the BBQ is the cookshop one from last year, so maybe they've (IW or whomever) created a new name with offer more varied products, cookshop isn't exactly a great name to go with rattan furniture so came up with Linea.
'Not to rush or hurry you but it's down to single figures':p Might just email in STFU next time presenter usually mason says that!

On looks it looks OK that rocking furniture (not convinced about a sofa set where they never clip any of it together), I don't think my other half would complain if it turned up, but a quick browse shows similar style rocking sets can be had much cheaper on eBay, and its IW so you cant trust them to tell you what the quality is really like (so lets face it probably crap ), and 'Linea' just alludes to something Chinese with a sticker on it, and if it breaks (its plastic around a frame) then customer support well who knows I wouldn't be too confident looking on trust pilot for IW cost services. Given IW's track record for constantly bigging up a lemon (exercise bike anyone), I'd keep my money in my pocket!
Has UDH2 a genuine verbal impairment? He can’t speak without three theres a second?? Sales pitch by him and UDH1 genuinely sickening for me.

Pepsi style bezel? A bottle of Pepsi is probably more collectible.

Sell outs all over the place? Name one…
Unbelievably irresponsible pushing people to buy. I just cannot believe they are allowed to sell like this.

I’m not allowed to hurry you…but all I’m saying IS time is not on your side. Are you having a laugh??
If that gaudy looking ladies’ watch from the 1977 Summer Burlington Catalogue is worth £1495, I’ll eat my own entrails. Pretty Much Gone, Gang. Never any clarity offered on stock remaining. How many sellouts, Tarquinius? Oh..TOO MANY, GANG. I’m not trying to sell anything to you, honest. Three of the sold out black are back..You couldn’t make it up. Well, they could.
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Has UDH2 a genuine verbal impairment? He can’t speak without three theres a second?? Sales pitch by him and UDH1 genuinely sickening for me.

Pepsi style bezel? A bottle of Pepsi is probably more collectible.

Sell outs all over the place? Name one…
Pair of Bull :poop: 's start to finish, Papa Smurf oozing bucket loads of stool water tonight even by his own standards of talking utter turd.
Unbelievably irresponsible pushing people to buy. I just cannot believe they are allowed to sell like this.

I’m not allowed to hurry you…but all I’m saying IS time is not on your side. Are you having a laugh??

I saw that bit, couldn't stop laughing at the way he, in a matter of seconds, had totally contradicted himself, I don't want you to buy, not hurrying you and not my style to push you, but............., and he said it with such a straight face as though he's trying to convince the viewers of his integrity and truly meant what he was saying. :ROFLMAO:
John Lewis is NEVER KNOWINGLY UNDERSOLD says the out of work actress. Using it as a sales ploy to compare unfavourably JL’s air fryer price with their own. More misleading sales techniques. That policy was scrapped by John Lewis last year. Just carry on saying whatever you like whether it’s right or wrong.
I saw that bit, couldn't stop laughing at the way he, in a matter of seconds, had totally contradicted himself, I don't want you to buy, not hurrying you and not my style to push you, but............., and he said it with such a straight face as though he's trying to convince the viewers of his integrity and truly meant what he was saying. :ROFLMAO:
I think the worst, most sickening thing about the whole wretched show, was what came over almost as the enticement of their target audience, with the payment for these watches being dressed up as ‘not a problem’ because ‘you can pay it off in individual bits’ type patter. And in presenting some kind of falsely aspirational vibe in getting to put on a watch that only ‘rich and successful’ people would usually wear for an overall amount of money that you might feel is beyond you in one go tonight, but hey.. you can pay that same amount you can’t afford in one lump sum, off over four payments. Four payments, each one of which, you still really haven’t got the money for this evening, but you can struggle more easily and over longer to pay them. It almost came over to me as emotional blackmail to the presumably not very rich majority of their buyers to stretch themselves for some false hope of looking the most successful shopper in Poundland. I wouldn’t like it, but I would understand it, if they were actually selling proven quality high street available watches with some definite kudos to having and displaying one, but so often, they big up what they are selling (which aren’t) and fail to properly explain what people are being expected to potentially overcommit themselves for. It might even be worth overstretching yourself for a Tudor or an Omega on your wrist, but for what they were offering for sale last night? You decide.

Even if just one of the viewers from last night’s presentation commits to buy, and then subsequently struggles to pay the monies back for the watch, because they fell for the general sales line that evening, it’s unforgivable, and somebody really should step in and stop this kind of very questionable selling technique for watches in particular at Ideal World, and on shopping channels in general.
lots of the Duchamp watches still available on their website in good numbers, so a couple perhaps sold out, basically evidence if you needed of more 'not to rush or hurry you' basket checkout kidology from Mason and his sidekick.

The acting to try and create a picture of products that are very sought after is predictably terrible, but it gives us all a little giggle.
A repeat show between 9pm and 10pm

Fair enough but the editing (or lack of it) is so lazy

The show is ending Sally is talking to Simon and he has to quickly get ready for his next show, apart from this is from a few days ago so none
of the references make sense (nor does the constant graphic saying hour special on a vacuum next)

To make things worse Mike Mason on the handover talks to Sally as if it was live :ROFLMAO:

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