QVC's most over used phrases and words ..


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AY and her anything "area" - my mouth is my mouth not my "mouth area" thank you Alison!
JH and "sooperb"
JR anything where she says "small" with regard to her "body area"
and the phrase "price point" from any one of them!
"Yeah, yeah, yeah" (Pipa Gordon)

"Definitely, definitely go for this" (Jilly Halliday)

"Sdhryghidm,nk'llfljljjo;jj KHJGUTUGJG!" (Alison Young)
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I hate that one:ninja:
Did I mention I hate that phrase:mysmilie_365:
Oh how I hate it:mysmilie_365::mysmilie_365::mysmilie_365::mysmilie_365:
Really peeves me when they tell you that "easy pay is wonderful .. we remember to take the money for you, you can just forget all about it"

Yeah, sure you can .... until it comes whizzing out of your bank account when you're not looking! :taphead:
Jilly - "Bran-new-today" (without the 'd' and like it's one word instead of 'brand new today') plus she says "twenny" instead of 'twenty'.....Oh, and she says "lil" instead of 'little' - and she says it a LOT as it's one of her favourite words.... and then there's "wonnerful" instead of 'wonderful'.... I could go on, and on, and on...

Jill Franks says "somethink" and "everythink".

Guests with their mock suprise over the bargain selling price of their product - like they have been briefed....
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This one can't be classed as overused, but it's creeping in to presenterspeak and it's "get go". I assume it's another Americanism, but can anyone explain what the hell it means? Am I just being a dinosaur?
'For you' drives me nuts. It makes no sense and AY tags it on to any sentence when she's running out of things to say.

The whole eye AREA, facial AREA gets my goat too. Surely it's just your eyes and your face? Stop trying to make it sound technical and more than it is!

Everything Glen says is nonsense, stock phrases that he tags together to make it sound like he's 'on trend' but in fact it's all meaningless guff.

JF - amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing and 'it's the only one I use' - yeah, since the one you were flogging yesterday.
Annette Baker Malpas was the worst ever for 'actually' it used to drive me nuts cos I liked her cooking shows.
"Iconic" really winds me up, this is now used so often and not just on Q that its original meaning has been lost. Also hate "buttery soft" just makes me think of butter that is melting and getting that slightly rancid colour.
It's hard to stop saying something you've latched onto, I'm guilty of using "absolutely" even though I keep thinking "stop it!"

Mine are 'Thingamebob' & 'Whatyamacallit'
Drives my family nuts.
The two words sum up my current state of mind
"We are giving you" annoys me, no you are not giving me anything I am buying it.

Also "dress it up, dress it down", "a story coming through" and "on trend".
'Well done' or 'congratulations' on getting any of whatever is being sold at the time. Why am I being congratulated? Sales assistants have never said those things when I take my shopping to the till.
"I'm loving!"

Well I'm NOT!

Is it an imperfect tense; too long since I went to school? Well it's damned imperfect in my opinion, why not just say "I love it!" ?

Jude xx

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