I noticed today that all reference to QVC Yankee shows and TSVs have been removed from this site. According to Wax Addicts, QVC now have issues with the way they promote the YC shows, which they have done for four years, they say for free. So that seems rather odd to me and a pain because it was a useful reference point. But so what if the customers like it!
Obviously there are two sides to every argument, but I have always found that Wax Addicts simply listed the shows and showed the contents of the TSVs . I never read any comments on or criticism of the Q on there. So hypersensitive perhaps???!!!!!! Control freakery rising to the surface?
Obviously there are two sides to every argument, but I have always found that Wax Addicts simply listed the shows and showed the contents of the TSVs . I never read any comments on or criticism of the Q on there. So hypersensitive perhaps???!!!!!! Control freakery rising to the surface?