Qvc presenters inappropriate dress


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Apart from Ms Flint and her sausage skin "fasion" ensamble, I also think Chuntley has absolutely zero dress sense, I've yet to see her and those knockers squeeze themselves in to anything you'd call the least bit flattering or stylish.
First airing of Knockerrrs for 2020? Knockers!
I'd like to see QVC in a comedy sketch - Paul whitehouse as the BW. Guy covered in tacky brooches with dawn french wearing a black pageant queen type wig and leggings as the presenter. Then a posh Catherine Tate nan as the usher rep with Paddy McGuiness presenting. Haha i should've been a writer!
She's grim & when I completed the questionnaire for the Q yesterday I put a list of her unprofessional antics as the reasons I wouldn't recommend shopping with QVC.

When you think back to the early noughties and the calibre of presenters Q had then, when they were calm, measured and far more professional compared to the shower we have now. I'm thinking of Debbie Greenwood, Kara Tritton, and there was another Kara (?). Yes, they had the 'characters' like Julian, and the oddballs (read eyeballs for that) like Margeline, and then there was Janie Renner (real name Sheila) who was the guest for shapewear and almost went to jail.... so there has always been entertaining moments. But clearly the hiring process at Q has gone downhill rapidly and the emphasise is on 'common' rather than catering for their older audience who prefer elegant and sophisticated.
She's grim & when I completed the questionnaire for the Q yesterday I put a list of her unprofessional antics as the reasons I wouldn't recommend shopping with QVC.

Well done T, she gets away with really bad aggressive presenting, she’s rubbish at her job and brings nothing to the table, except endless tales of pie buttys and Mini Cheddars.
When you think back to the early noughties and the calibre of presenters Q had then, when they were calm, measured and far more professional compared to the shower we have now. I'm thinking of Debbie Greenwood, Kara Tritton, and there was another Kara (?). Yes, they had the 'characters' like Julian, and the oddballs (read eyeballs for that) like Margeline, and then there was Janie Renner (real name Sheila) who was the guest for shapewear and almost went to jail.... so there has always been entertaining moments. But clearly the hiring process at Q has gone downhill rapidly and the emphasise is on 'common' rather than catering for their older audience who prefer elegant and sophisticated.
Kara Baker was lovely & my mum's favourite. After she died I wrote to Kara thanking her for all the times she had taken my mum's mind off what was happening to her, a few days later she phoned & thanked ME. She had read my letter just before doing a three hour show & said how very difficult it had been to concentrate. The current bunch are really quite dreadful but appear untouchable, probably because the £s keep pouring into the Q's account.
Yes but years ago the presenters prepared for their shows, they actually had something to say about the product and less about lots more other stuff.
They didn’t rely on a guest presenter all the time yes the likes of Kim, Simon Wilson, Danny from HP, Dexter with Christmas, Niki Lola and others etc appeared but there was non of these one for all ie stylists. Lots of jewellery hours were done by the presenters themselves and QVC selections with the added odd mop or vacuum guest. The clearance hours were done by the presenters themselves too, as were the (try it offers?) The panic there must be if a stylist, guest or brand owner isn’t available. Though it doesn’t say much really for their regular presenters when Katie Pemberton on Style is left to do the Style Your Wardrobe fashion hour with the odd appearance with questions by Will.
So true DD, 'guests' and 'stoilists' have only appeared in recent years - imagine the wage bill ! no wonder prices and p & p costs have climbed. Previously it was the vendors themselves who appeared, like Simon or Nikki, so where the idea that the presenters need 'help' to describe a product, lord above knows. All it did was to give work to stoilists who are more at home on the stair carpet rather than the red carpet.
So true DD, 'guests' and 'stoilists' have only appeared in recent years - imagine the wage bill ! no wonder prices and p & p costs have climbed. Previously it was the vendors themselves who appeared, like Simon or Nikki, so where the idea that the presenters need 'help' to describe a product, lord above knows. All it did was to give work to stoilists who are more at home on the stair carpet rather than the red carpet.
So they are basically spending a small fortune to prop up their presenters who are no longer doing a competent job!!!
They need to get a new broom in to sweep the stables clean. All the dead wood needs to be cleared out. Let's have presenters who actually bother to do their homework and present competently.
They have arrived at a situation where the guests are often just a foil or an audience for the boring anecdotes of the Q presenters.
All the so-called stylists are wasted at QVC, where there is so little style to be had. Last night's spring fashion show had them still flogging yet more polyester jumpsuits, and trying to whip up enthusiasm for a pretty uninspiring range of clothing and accessories. As it was "look at little me" Catherine H, I had to curtail my watching fairly quickly.
When I see them trumpeting better-known brands, I just look at what those brands are offering via Q - obviously stuff that they need to get rid of as quickly as possible for as much money as possible.
Q gives retailers a much better return than a fire sale would... at this stage on their clothing, it's often the most positive thing I can say... which is so sad to me as I'd rather I had something positive to say.
I remember years ago Pippa saying they were not allowed to wear jeans on air unless they were selling them at the time. Now they can wear any old tat.

I agree not preparing for shows started once BA‘s became compulsory and started with the influx of newer presenters around the time of Anna (Cook?). Of the females only Julia seemed to be still on the ball but I came to the conclusion that she had done it for so bloody long she could have done it in her sleep. unfortunately she appears to have had a personality implant turning her into a not very nice 16 year old who could turn into a bully whilst smiling to your face.

There isn’t one on Q who could hold down a job in real life, and by that I don’t mean in SM/PR London city type jobs but in one where you have to actually work and produce something at the end of each day, 2 weeks annual leave (so not 10 little getaways a year), no freebies etc. They wouldnt last half an hour.

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