QVC Panel? What's that then?


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I don't know but my opinion is,you only get to be part of a panel or get asked to events or only get "The Christmas Card",if you are a "Good Customer"! ie spends loads,send even less back!

I have heard of the panel - I've seen people ring up and comment on kitchen stuff and NN - and yes! I'd love to be on it! But no chance,now I've had "The Letter!"
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Yes, rainbowdottie, I agree: I think you have to spend loads and not be returning stuff to get on the panel. Nevermind, the amount you have to spend to get on the panel or get the Christmas card probably vastly outweighs the value of getting these odd freebies!
Never heard of the QVC panel and never been asked to go on it:sad: The only thing I've ever had was the email with the Easy Pay offer which would have been rude not to use:rock:

I often wonder if the customers they use in the ads are actors as they seem to be "perfect" and buy everything. Anyone been asked to be in an ad?
For a small fee (QVC vouchers would be acceptable:emo:) I'd appear. Only prob being I'd get to the studio all excited, then they'd take me to the naughty corner and I'd be confronted by my returns:tongue2:
With all the refunds and replacements I have had for my plants this year, I am very unlikely to be invited onto the plant testing panel :thinking2:....
I did used to test products for Unilever hair stuff, deoderant and toothpaste, plus they cleaned my teeth free of charge, it save me a fortune on dentists bills !
qvc are totally driven by the high spend mentality and you only get chosen for stuff like voucher codes,panel testing or customer events if you spend uber amounts with qvc.

they are totally fibbing when they say its random it obviously isn't.
they rely heavily on people who have an addiction to spending and others that are elderly or infirm or lonely..

its business and i like shopping with qvc but they willl never ask me to be a panelist or to a customer event as i wont be spending thousans on luxury tat..:angry:

IT would make more sense to send voucher codes etc to people who don't spend as much as the high spenders don't need the encouragement. Luring back people who haven't bought for a while would seem like a good idea.

I imagine with the events you are much more likely to get an invite if you spend a lot.

I do know that my friend who was on a panel has sent things back but I'm not sure how much they spend is or their level of returns.

I've never had a Christmas card from QVC and although I never used to spend loads I didn't send much back. This year I have spent quite a bit but have now started farting so have cut back quite a lot, so probably still won't get one.
whilst not being illegal i dont think that its ethical. most comapnies will give you discounts and freebies if you sign up for newsletters etc. l'occitane being an example and this is free to do.

qvc are obviously ashamed to admit that to get invited to customer events you have to spend obscene amounts thats why they lie and say its random when blatantly its not.this to me is one example of qvc relying on a certain customer base. this blights my feelings for qvc i am afraid.:angry:
whilst not being illegal i dont think that its ethical. most comapnies will give you discounts and freebies if you sign up for newsletters etc. l'occitane being an example and this is free to do.

qvc are obviously ashamed to admit that to get invited to customer events you have to spend obscene amounts thats why they lie and say its random when blatantly its not.this to me is one example of qvc relying on a certain customer base. this blights my feelings for qvc i am afraid.:angry:

I really feel i must respond to this comment, yes I am on the customer panel and no I don;t spend large sums ofmoney in fact this year I havespent the grand total of NIL but I am still sent products to test and I got onto the panel by simply walking through London one day, sightseeing and was approached by a young lady, who asked whether the panel would be something |I was interested....hopefully thismay stop of these comments:thinking2:
I really feel i must respond to this comment, yes I am on the customer panel and no I don;t spend large sums ofmoney in fact this year I havespent the grand total of NIL but I am still sent products to test and I got onto the panel by simply walking through London one day, sightseeing and was approached by a young lady, who asked whether the panel would be something |I was interested....hopefully thismay stop of these comments:thinking2:

Thank you for that, Looby, I'm sure that will appease the suspicious ones. Both times I've been a tester for products, I've been approached this way and I also was asked if I would test infant formula, but I didn't use it with any of mine. The friend that was with me was bottle feeding and was delighted to have a free supply of formula although she found the form-filling and logging, quite a chore!
Did anyone just hear the phone call from lady from the panel who tried the Elemis TSV? They have sold about 19,000 TSVs and out of all those customers they have randomly selected someone who goes to Keeley's salon! What are the odds against that happening?
Well this has all been very interesting. Thanks to everybody who replied.

My personal feeling is that QVC would be ridiculously stupid and highly unusual in the industry to select people randomly.

Consumer research is usually done with a precise demographic in mind, (age. sex, income, married/single kids/no kids etc) but I can imagine how it might seem random to the person selected.

I think that the easy pay voucher is sent out to people whose purchases have dropped off a bit - so we F.A.R.T.S can all eagerly await one! :D

I've never had one of those. (I get the Christmas card though!) :tongue2:
Its a wonder you didn't get a big ribbon and bow wrapped pressie too, the amount you 'used' to spend love A'kin.
Consumer research is usually done with a precise demographic in mind, (age. sex, income, married/single kids/no kids etc) but I can imagine how it might seem random to the person selected.

TBH when I think back, I WAS asked all those questions so perhaps after being stopped if I hadnt fitted the cirteria ...well who knows!

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