QVC no quibble money back guarantee as long as you don't return over 50%


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

Sorry, guys

Again on this. Call recordings and Compliance.

There are strict regulations on how you sell.

If an organisation operated via a call centre trades and sells stuff to the public, they have Managers, Team Leaders, Compliance Managers and Quality Control people listening to their calls.

CS Agents have weekly sessions with their managers to pick up performance improvement tips but equally importantly, there is consant QA "listening in", added to consistent team leader monitoring to ENSURE that selling policies, for want of a better word, are adhered to.

These people listen remotely to calls and flag anything and everything to ther Manager.

Any "lies" would be picked up and the Agent would be disciplined or even sacked - a serious offence. And quite rightly.
To answer...

If the guy I spoke to was lying I could ask for proof. I could ask for their policies to be set out in writing/ask for a meeting with their Customer Services Director/MD/Operations Director but...why would you assume that people trained to sell to you are lying? Why would they do this? QVC want to keep selling me stuff. I'm not stupid (none of us are).

If you work with what are called (no accusations of superiority here please) Customer Relationship Management systems - I know - jargon again - they are super sophisticated. One's faulty item (viz my Viladia chopper thing) is/was registered as faulty (the plastic container was broken) and then the order number and tracking number via Parcelnet is tracked until it gets back to the warehouse, where in my instance it was registered on my internet account as "replaced" but on their system it was "replaced due to faulty". It's a crap item, by the way. I couldn't be bothered to return it. My problem.

I don't expect their system to be replicated on my internet account. Do you?

The initial conversation reporting it as faulty (remember you have to give the order number) is logged to the item and noted as such on your account history, or rather the "notes" section on the CRM. Call QVC and ask about this if you don't believe me.

CRM systems are way sophisticated, They do and should track faults with products so that the vendor (QVC) can go back to the manufacturer and make an issue of it.

They want to sell and keep selling to us so this is in their interests.

And still it keeps coming...

Sorry, guys

Again on this. Call recordings and Compliance.

There are strict regulations on how you sell.

If an organisation operated via a call centre trades and sells stuff to the public, they have Managers, Team Leaders, Compliance Managers and Quality Control people listening to their calls.

CS Agents have weekly sessions with their managers to pick up performance improvement tips but equally importantly, there is consant QA "listening in", added to consistent team leader monitoring to ENSURE that selling policies, for want of a better word, are adhered to.

These people listen remotely to calls and flag anything and everything to ther Manager.

Any "lies" would be picked up and the Agent would be disciplined or even sacked - a serious offence. And quite rightly.

If you don't mind me saying so Tigers Eye You seem curiously "invested" in this issue.

We've all used Call Centres. Many of us have either worked in one ourselves, or know someone who has. We've seen television programmes and newspaper articles about them.

We pretty much know how they work. :D

Personally I have been hung up on, sworn at and lied to by call centre staff so it doesn't matter how many randoms on message boards with vested interests try to tell me that it doesn't happen. I know that it does.

I find it absolutely fascinating that if someone else makes an assertion you come over all "third person hearsay - check your sources" but we're just supposed to accept what you say as incontrovertible fact.

Sorry, guys

Again on this. Call recordings and Compliance.

There are strict regulations on how you sell.

If an organisation operated via a call centre trades and sells stuff to the public, they have Managers, Team Leaders, Compliance Managers and Quality Control people listening to their calls.

CS Agents have weekly sessions with their managers to pick up performance improvement tips but equally importantly, there is consant QA "listening in", added to consistent team leader monitoring to ENSURE that selling policies, for want of a better word, are adhered to.

These people listen remotely to calls and flag anything and everything to ther Manager.

Any "lies" would be picked up and the Agent would be disciplined or even sacked - a serious offence. And quite rightly.

Sounds like just the kind of sales guff that I would expect to receive from a company pitching to offer call centre services for me. This might be what it says in the glossy brochure but it isn't how it works in real life.

I'm still struggling to understand how one phone call and one conversation with John Doe at QVC makes you a living breathing expert on the way their systems operate. You seem supremely confident that what you have been "told" is the gospel truth, frankly i've been fed enough b*****ks by call centre staff over the years to make me question most of things people tell me on the phone.

I also fail to see how this overload of information you keep posting on customer services is really relevant to concerns about the questionable selling of presenters of QVC's guarantee and the even more questionable practice of chasing consumers in the own homes to give them a rap on the knuckles for daring to exercise the rights that the law and QVC choose to offer them.
Sounds like just the kind of sales guff that I would expect to receive from a company pitching to offer call centre services for me. This might be what it says in the glossy brochure but it isn't how it works in real life.

I'm still struggling to understand how one phone call and one conversation with John Doe at QVC makes you a living breathing expert on the way their systems operate. You seem supremely confident that what you have been "told" is the gospel truth, frankly i've been fed enough b*****ks by call centre staff over the years to make me question most of things people tell me on the phone.

I also fail to see how this overload of information you keep posting on customer services is really relevant to concerns about the questionable selling of presenters of QVC's guarantee and the even more questionable practice of chasing consumers in the own homes to give them a rap on the knuckles for daring to exercise the rights that the law and QVC choose to offer them.

Fraggle - you're my hero! :sun:
More insults but I'm so glad my posts are "hilarious", glad to add some diversion to your day.

I was asked for my view, given my industry experience, and I gave it. Well, there you are.

I'm not lying nor defending QVC, nor am I am expert. I just know the regulations for call centres. I really don't know what to say, apart from, I suppose, nothing more on this Forum.
More insults but I'm so glad my posts are "hilarious", glad to add some diversion to your day.

I was asked for my view, given my industry experience, and I gave it. Well, there you are.

I'm not lying nor defending QVC, nor am I am expert. I just know the regulations for call centres. I really don't know what to say, apart from, I suppose, nothing more on this Forum.

I must have missed that post... :D
I work in IT for a company developing database systems such as the ones mentioned. One thing that has been overlooked and is by most customers is the fact the the system is a good as the person operating it.

If detail is not recorded such as the reason for the return (and some mentioned earlier that return slips are disgarded) then the expression "garbage in garbage out" is valid.

While it true to say systems can be very sophisticated, it can only report if the information is available to the end user.

Levels of security also limit the information visible to a hierarchy of users
Call centre operators cant see as much as supervisors, who cant see as much as managers who cant see as much as accountants who cant see as much as the MD as a basic example.
More insults but I'm so glad my posts are "hilarious", glad to add some diversion to your day.

I was asked for my view, given my industry experience, and I gave it. Well, there you are.

I'm not lying nor defending QVC, nor am I am expert. I just know the regulations for call centres. I really don't know what to say, apart from, I suppose, nothing more on this Forum.

I can't remember anyone ASKING for your view, as I recall you took it upon yourself to not believe that I was told by the cs rep that the return rate was 50%, then to ring cs YOURSELF to ask them. THEN you went on to assure us all that you had actually been given the correct return rate 70% and that the rest of us were all wrong!

THEN, you went on to assure us that all our accounts have the wrong info on them but not to worry because QVC have seperate account info which actually has the correct info on them!

THEN, we all got a lesson on the rules and regulations on the operation of call centres!

Must have been a very informative phone call!

Then you wonder why you have got peoples backs up!!
I work in IT for a company developing database systems such as the ones mentioned. One thing that has been overlooked and is by most customers is the fact the the system is a good as the person operating it.

If detail is not recorded such as the reason for the return (and some mentioned earlier that return slips are disgarded) then the expression "garbage in garbage out" is valid.

While it true to say systems can be very sophisticated, it can only report if the information is available to the end user.

Levels of security also limit the information visible to a hierarchy of users
Call centre operators cant see as much as supervisors, who cant see as much as managers who cant see as much as accountants who cant see as much as the MD as a basic example.

NIKKID, does this come under the Heading "If you can't Convince them, Confuse Them"........ lol xx
Paw, i think the industry jargon spouting disease is going to be an epidemic!! LOL!
More insults but I'm so glad my posts are "hilarious", glad to add some diversion to your day.

I was asked for my view, given my industry experience, and I gave it. Well, there you are.

I'm not lying nor defending QVC, nor am I am expert. I just know the regulations for call centres. I really don't know what to say, apart from, I suppose, nothing more on this Forum.

In the very famous line used by Call centers all over the world:
"I hear what your saying......."

have I missed the insults?

I also have been lied to by call center staff, they can be rude and I have made complaints. We all know the system, and we all know that people will try and get away with whatever they can. I am not even saying that it is an easy job, but the staff turnover is also quite high in some call centers. We all know that there are rules, but they can be circumvent, downright ignored, or misrepresented.
As you mention they listen to a proportion of the calls, so there is always the possibility to "get away with it"
The reason you got my back up, (and I did not think that I insulted you at all, if I have I am sorry, but I have read my posts through again and I really do not think I did)
is that you were very quick to argue that we should have proof, that Graham was wrong in jumping on the bandwagon and abusing the forum (actually I thought that is exactly what this forum is also for) (btw still not sure who Rob Locke is, but not really sure I care either) and stating that proof has to be obtained. All I was trying to do was point out that we have no proof for any of your side either.
This has nothing to do with operational activity in call centeres, but the high handed manner in which QVC invade someones privacy at a time when they are suppose to be at home relaxing. I would be soo annoyed if they rang me at home at a weekend. I think I would appraciate a letter rather then a phone call, and I also think a bit more information of how the returns rate is applied would be good.
Although I rather think a previous post has answered that very well in saying that it must be a little flexible, and is determined by shopping patterns ect.
Who, very long reply. Sorry people. I have nothing against you Tiger Eye, and if I have insulted you I am sorry, but I just did not like the ... in my mind... very high minded manner. That is how it came across to me.
Whatever everyone thinks, whether 50% returns is acceptable or not, I am very grateful to this forum, Run-Forest-Run and Graham in that I can find out about QVC's "policies", and also that Graham has brought this to clearly to our attention, after writing to QVC on our behalf and not receiving a reply.

I'm particularly pleased as I am fed up with Presenters saying "can't decide which colour/size/option? Order them both and take advantage of our 30 day money back guarantee by returning the one that you don't like"

All of us are invidivual customers of QVC and can only show our distaste by taking our custom elsewhere, something QVC might not notice. However as a collective on this forum we share a common cause and hopefully have a voice as regards asking for clarity from QVC.

As Graham said in an earlier post: Stats – July 9th 2009 – August 8th 2009
112,602 Unique Visitors
1,240,250 Page Views
Average person spends 11.18 minutes on the website, and surfs an average of 11.01 pages
5.78% Increase from last month

That is a lot of visibility to a complaint that otherwise would fall on deaf ears. Hopefully together we can make change happen.
I must have missed that post... :D

You must have missed them, in fact, Love A'kin. So keen were you to attack me.

Two from you.

One at 10.42am post no. 93

One at 10.59am post no. 95

Also post no. 99

Questions/comments asking for...opinion? clarification? experience?
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You must have missed them, in fact, Love A'kin. So keen were you to attack me.

Two from you.

One at 10.42am post no. 93

One at 10.59am post no. 95

Also post no. 99

Questions/comments asking for...opinion? clarification? experience?

So you think it was posts from me a couple of hours ago that were asking for "your view given your industry experience"????


Again - fascinating.

(and just to clarify: This post contains question marks. However, it is in no way an indication of me soliciting your views, or any interest on my part in your industry experience.)
Fascinating, indeed. Oh dear. Remarks directed to me with question marks attached at the end of the sentence (and both containing quotes from my posts). Yep, must have got it all wrong!
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This seems to happen with other merchants as well, limiting you to only so many returns so often

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jeez; come on adults....get a grip !!!

Yep, sorry. The Big Picture doesn't or shouldn't involve this. Please stop insulting me, folks, you may not agree with what I'm saying but I have no axe to grind, no personal issues, no inside information. Just an alternative point of view.

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