QVC Jewellery Day Preview event


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Registered Shopper
Jun 29, 2009
I got a letter inviting me to attend the above on 26th June between 1pm-2.30pm. No details on where it will be held but presume London (the information gets sent a week before the event). The invite allows me to bring a guest and there will be a goodie bag plus a chance to win a raffle prize just by confirming attendance.

Has anyone else got the letter or been to a similar event? I don't know what to expect and am surprised to get the invite as I don't buy much jewellery (well I didn't think I did LOL). I'm going to attend out of curiosity LOL :cheeky:
Pollybelle i got the same letter. Like you im not a big jewellery purchaser but have been in past. I used to buy lots of silver before the prices rocketed. I wont be able to attend as i live in N Ireland and have a new baby so travel at the moment is out of the question!

It is fitting there is no sausage smilie!

Have fun :mysmilie_516:
I got a letter inviting me to attend the above on 26th June between 1pm-2.30pm. No details on where it will be held but presume London (the information gets sent a week before the event). The invite allows me to bring a guest and there will be a goodie bag plus a chance to win a raffle prize just by confirming attendance.

Has anyone else got the letter or been to a similar event? I don't know what to expect and am surprised to get the invite as I don't buy much jewellery (well I didn't think I did LOL). I'm going to attend out of curiosity LOL :cheeky:

I went to one about 3 years ago. It wasn't great to be honest. All the items from the forthcoming jewellery day were on display set out on about 8 tables. The gem experts (a blond lady and a bald man who I've seen fairly often on tv)were there and gave a quick talk about the items on each table, at the end you could wander around and try the stuff on. The TSV was on display there plus a few presenters and models who posed for photos if you asked them (i didn't). It was Julian, Michael, Cordelia and Beth when I attended. The models were sporting some QVC polyester maxi dress creations which was nice!

I wouldn't think it was worth travelling a great distance for - unlike the beauty day which I've never been invited to!
About 6 years ago I went to a fashion show at Marco Polo house. It started at 10.30, so it was a very early start from home, in order to get through the rush hour in London. There were a few nibbles to eat, and most of the guests turned up in their Indigo Moon jackets, Michelle Hope outfits or Kim & Co frocks (I didn't). Catherine Huntley appeared very thin and had cascading red curly hair, Julia R is quite small in height. Lorraine from Kipling was really chatty and willing to talk to guests. Simon Wilson loved the attention from the adoring pack of Indigo Moon wearers. Kim Mendellson does not have the ability to make small talk unless its about her fashion, then like a Stepford Wife, you wind her up and off she goes. And Dale put in an appearance, he too is amazingly short in stature, I always imagined him to be about 6' but he's around 5'9.

We did get a goody bag - qvc ruler, qvc miniature teddy bear, a peculiar shaped bag from Kipling, and a slinky scarf from Kim & co. The best bit was chatting to the American chap who was outside having a *** ! - he used to bring over shoes from his company (cant think of the make).

For the early start, cost of train and taxi fares - it wasn't really worth the effort, unless you live in London.
I've been invited to a couple of these type of events but have never been, when I thing how much it would cost even though I'm not far from London I decided it wasn't worth the effort
Have been to a jewelery event. Am local so for me not a huge expense. Q do look after you.Events usually no more than an hour and a bit depending if you do the studio tour. Super goody bag and always a lovely experience.

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