QVC Guests


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Jun 18, 2012
Is it me or do all of the guests seem a bit on the unusual side? Does anyone remember that crazy woman who would pour out some glitter into the palm of her hand, look into the camera and blow it whilst they played a "magic" sound? Silly cow! I just didn't get what she was trying to achieve. I wish they'd put her on again though as she always made me laugh out loud every time she did it. What a waste of glitter. Dawn Bibby could have made a card with that and her poking tool!
And who is that slightly scrawny South African woman with bunions who always seems to be on with the Pilates machines? Then there is the red-haired yogurt woman.

Does anyone remember Katy John? WHat happened to her?
Well Julius your name says Happy Shopper, but you seem very unhappy to me. If it annoys you so much
why bother watching, save yourself stress and be happier:wonder:
It doesn't annoy me at all. I like the guests. I just think that some of them are a little strange, like that woman who sells silver and turquoise necklaces and at the end of each hour she dances like a belly dancer in slow motion!
Well Julius your name says Happy Shopper, but you seem very unhappy to me. If it annoys you so much
why bother watching, save yourself stress and be happier:wonder:
Well some of them might seem a bit strange to us, but they"re obviously selling or they wouldn"t be
kept on. Jennifer Kirk is the woman blowing fairy dust at the cameras,, but she seems to bring
comfort to the people who request it, so no harm done there, except maybe a few cameras needing
cleaned he he
Yes lol. I actually quite like her but she does seem as mad as a box of frogs! I'm just thinking of more guests. There is Dennis and his wife Sylvia who made some hair product (she did have amazing hair to be fair so she was a good advert for it) and they would always show the footage of them canoeing down a dangerous river! I like Alexis from l'Occitane, and there used to be an older guy, Dexter someone, I forget his name but he seemed like a nice guy. He didn't have a party piece though, he would just come on and talk about the products. Tova is brilliant! She doesn't have a strange thing that she does, but she can say anything and make it funny! She just has a certain aura about her!
Well some of them might seem a bit strange to us, but they"re obviously selling or they wouldn"t be
kept on. Jennifer Kirk is the woman blowing fairy dust at the cameras,, but she seems to bring
comfort to the people who request it, so no harm done there, except maybe a few cameras needing
he he

And Charlie's suits :happy: he always seems in the firing line!
Yes lol. I actually quite like her but she does seem as mad as a box of frogs! I'm just thinking of more guests. There is Dennis and his wife Sylvia who made some hair product (she did have amazing hair to be fair so she was a good advert for it) and they would always show the footage of them canoeing down a dangerous river! I like Alexis from l'Occitane, and there used to be an older guy, Dexter someone, I forget his name but he seemed like a nice guy. He didn't have a party piece though, he would just come on and talk about the products. Tova is brilliant! She doesn't have a strange thing that she does, but she can say anything and make it funny! She just has a certain aura about her!

Going back a bit there Julius, he's onto a new wife now and the old one is now a body builder!
Really! Lol! I bet she's a bodybuilder with great hair!
Going back a bit there Julius, he's onto a new wife now and the old one is now a body builder!
I seem to remember a woman who made some sort of jewellery kit that you could drive a 4x4 car over and it wouldn't break! And what about that Northern Nights woman (Suzy?) with the chestnut brown hair and slight gap between her teeth? (her party piece was stroking the pillows and duvets). I like Liz Earle. She is very well-spoken and has a slight Tova air about her.
Thanks for the heads up Janie! I will tune in on Friday because, although she's obviously just a business woman at the end of the day, I'm willing to suspend my disbelief and enjoy Jennieffeerrrsssss glitter - which, whenever she blows it at the screen, I know is just bringing me some magic and good vibes. (And, no, I've not been smoking the wacky bacci.) :wave:
Ah loooooooooool she's back! Must tune in. Does anyone remember that lady with the grey, spiral permed hair that always seemed to be a guest during gold hours. She edited some magazine about gold. I actually liked her a lot. She had quite a relaxing voice to listen to. Jan Springer! Haven't seen her for a while. I liked the Peony Flaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaars woman, apart from her pronunciation of the word "flowers." I was going to buy her daffodils in a jar but they sold out :(
Julius i think youre more of a QVC addict than you thought. You"ve obviously remembered all the
guests, so thats good, as they seem to have made an impression on you, so QVC are doing
something right then, you like them , but don"t want to think you do. Think its called sublimeying
advertising, so my son tells me, he he
I love QVC. I find it very relaxing. Also I like to buy gifts for friends from QVC. Saves all the hassle of the High Street. Last Christmas I bought my friend Johanna a silver Tova Diamonique bracelet. She was thrilled with it. It looked great and only cost £94. I like most of the guests apart from a short little South African man who used to present the "Swivel Sweeper," and insisted on using the product name in every sentence!
Wish i was one of your friends if you spend £94 on a bracelet from Tova. She"s a lucky friend
I love QVC. I find it very relaxing. Also I like to buy gifts for friends from QVC. Saves all the hassle of the High Street. Last Christmas I bought my friend Johanna a silver Tova Diamonique bracelet. She was thrilled with it. It looked great and only cost £94. I like most of the guests apart from a short little South African man who used to present the "Swivel Sweeper," and insisted on using the product name in every sentence!

Cheapskate... I never spend less than £100 on friends, teachers gifts, postmans 'Christmas' thank yous etc. By the way, it is showing Kirks Folly crafting on Thursday at 1.00pm for those having flying glitter withdrawal symptoms :)

I've had a passing curiosity as to where the Guests stay when they're on their multi day visits to QVC ....and in particular the overseas Guests. When they were based in Battersea, I did hear one or two presenters mention a hotel next door, but after this move to Chiswick Park, I wonder what their options are? Premier Inn down the road mebbe? :tongue: But I can imagine perhaps only the best for a lady like Tova. And my next question.......who pays? :smirk:

Apologies for butting in your thread with my random questions, Julius. :blush:
I've had a passing curiosity as to where the Guests stay when they're on their multi day visits to QVC ....and in particular the overseas Guests. When they were based in Battersea, I did hear one or two presenters mention a hotel next door, but after this move to Chiswick Park, I wonder what their options are? Premier Inn down the road mebbe? :tongue: But I can imagine perhaps only the best for a lady like Tova. And my next question.......who pays? :smirk:

Apologies for butting in your thread with my random questions, Julius. :blush:

I've always wondered whether the international guest fly cattle class or business, and who pays for that. Tova does not strike me as a ladee who sits with the plebs in economy. I suspect its 1st class all the way for Tova from El Lay, or at the very least business class. I wonder whether QVC actually pay for that - thats an awful lot of fragrance and eek to be flogged to recoup the cost of the flight, let alone turn a profit. I'm not even considering the hotel costs on top of that.

Dennis Basso always stays at Claridges when he's in the UK for a QVC TSV. He has a suite apparently and has been staying there for years. Again, who pays? That's a lot of faux fur coats to flog.

I reckon all the European guests hoof it over on a cheapie Ryanair flight though, and it definitely the Premier Inn for them. That said, I've stayed in a few Premier Inns in my time and they have the best beds and an actual duvet.
I"m sure QVC would have to fit the bill , same as if you were going to work away from home
your employers would pay, and i"m sure QVC in America is telling QVC here who they want to
come over and sell their tat, sorry, there lovely interesting items, were all waiting on, like
American polyester fashion and loads of pearls. Why cant QVC here get some home grown
talent from Ireland Scotland and Wales. Plenty of talent out there. Sorry went of the subject
there, but i think because America is suggesting the TSV"s theyre probably paying for the best
hotels for the guests to stay in
Tova does not strike me as a ladee who sits with the plebs in economy. I suspect its 1st class all the way for Tova from El Lay, or at the very least business class.
And Tova also strikes me as someone who has everything done for her so no doubt brings her maid along too. When she talks about 'soaking in the tub' after a long day on air, I always imagine it's ready for her when she gets back to her hotel suite - I just couldn't see her running a bath for herself. :bow:

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