QVC Facebook "Angels" campaign agains't high P&P


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Dippy One

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Has anyone seen that a QVC Facebook "Angel" has started a campaign to get QVC to reduce the costs of P&P on Facebook. I think P&P charges are high but I just don't know what to make of the campaign. To be honest imo the QVC Facebook page is becoming more tedious by the day , it certainly has been hijacked by these "Angels". :yawn::down:
Not sure QVC will give a toss, looking at their profits and average age of their buyer I think Angela will not be of great interest to a subsidiary of a large American corporation. I mean it's like starting a petition to make M&S food cheaper.

At least you can send their goods back!
This is the email the organiser of the petition has sent to QVC USA because QVC UK won't give an answer. "As the mother company of QVC UK, we want to be heard. On the QVC UK Facebook page, we have set up a petition because we are not happy with the over priced constantly fluctuating p&p. We not happy that light weight items in fashion/jewelry/cosmetics/footwear vary so much with each item shown. We are also not happy that an item, say a dress - same style in a different colour, has to be ordered alone and p&p is added to both items. If i pick one yellow and one red dress, perfectly the same, i them need to pay p&p twice as they will not send them together. We are equally not happy that some European QVC centres would charge one flat fee for p&p, when our p&p could be £2.50 for the same designers item, then pau £6.99 p&p for a similar item. Also, many online shopping sites do not even ask for p&p, they are just glad to have the business.
BUT, the worse part of this is that QVC UK will not even answer our concerns on Facebook or indeed on an email sent to them on Friday 25th Feb outlining all the above. They have the audacity to ignore us and we have collected 100 signatures in a day.
If you are the head office company we ask you to bring this to their attention, because it certainly there non action or ignoring us is definatelly NOT showing Quality Value & Convenience, that QVC claims to stand for. Thank you."
I'm all for reduced P&P prices but I can't really see that email having any effect whatsoever, but good on them for trying. Was it someone from here that wrote it?
It would be great if it works but it won't. QVC know that they have an audience out there who do not have access to the internet and still ring up to buy things. A lot of people are also reliant on family members/friends taking them out to go shopping so these people probably buy from QVC more often than they would like. In a thread a few weeks ago I said that QVC prey on these people. That was probably the wrong choice of word but its true. QVC are living in the past. There has been a recent thread about the website not being up to date and the fact that it very often doesn't work at all just about sums up their attitude to internet shopping. Everyone who uses this forum knows that loads of websites give free P & P and QVC must know that but it doesn't bother them because they have their poor captive audience who cannot use/do not have access to the internet. A recent example of extortionate P & P - the Bobbi Brown shimmer brick,I was tempted by the 2 easy pays but at £3.45 to send it, I do not think so
I have said for years, QVC make money out of the P&P. The courier who delivers it is paid 50p I believe each package?
On US QVC they moan about shipping as well, never made a difference.

Infact what QVC US do now is have a prepaid label with the package and if you return they take the cost out of your refund. Trouble is its $6 and people can post it back themselves for $3. But if you do want to return and pay your own postage you have to send to a difference address and phone up to get it. Many times QVC US take the $6 anyway and people complaining alot as it takes ages to get it sorted and refunded.

I have been waiting for QVC UK to try it.
All about choice at the end of the day what forums we chose to look at. Variety is what's needed and it would be dull if they were all the same. I say good on the person who is trying to get something off the ground. Nothing wrong with a bit of 'people power'. I also think tsvs are not as popular due to high p&p the loci one yesterday did not sell out despite being on several times yesterday!
This is the email the organiser of the petition has sent to QVC USA because QVC UK won't give an answer. "As the mother company of QVC UK, we want to be heard. On the QVC UK Facebook page, we have set up a petition because we are not happy with the over priced constantly fluctuating p&p. We not happy that light weight items in fashion/jewelry/cosmetics/footwear vary so much with each item shown. We are also not happy that an item, say a dress - same style in a different colour, has to be ordered alone and p&p is added to both items. If i pick one yellow and one red dress, perfectly the same, i them need to pay p&p twice as they will not send them together. We are equally not happy that some European QVC centres would charge one flat fee for p&p, when our p&p could be £2.50 for the same designers item, then pau £6.99 p&p for a similar item. Also, many online shopping sites do not even ask for p&p, they are just glad to have the business.
BUT, the worse part of this is that QVC UK will not even answer our concerns on Facebook or indeed on an email sent to them on Friday 25th Feb outlining all the above. They have the audacity to ignore us and we have collected 100 signatures in a day.
If you are the head office company we ask you to bring this to their attention, because it certainly there non action or ignoring us is definatelly NOT showing Quality Value & Convenience, that QVC claims to stand for. Thank you."

Good grief they don't believe in giving people time to reply eh? Today is only 27th, only two days since they sent e-mail and it is weekend!!! :emo:
QVC will only address the P&P issue when sales go down significantly. I bought a lot of items on the Southwestern Silver shows the 3 days that it was on and it hurt that there wasn't a daily rate or programme/show or range rate or basket rate ... something.

I have to order 2 different ring sizes to see which one fits. So one ring will be going back at the end of 7 days under DSR (maybe both, who knows). It's a hassle to have to do it this way, but I am determined not to keep anything that isn't the colour, quality, size I expected and I don't see losing the original P&P to QVC (even through I have to pay return postage).

At last year's Southwestern Silver anniversary shows, all items had free P&P. I wonder how successful that was for QVC and SWS. This time there were a few anniversary prices and a few easypays but no free P&P that I can recall.
I think the emailer would have gained a bit more credibility with the people at QVC who read it if she'd bothered to check her spelling & grammar before sending it.
I have said for years, QVC make money out of the P&P. The courier who delivers it is paid 50p I believe each package?

You forgot the middle man - Hermes & other companies who take a cut. Without knowing exact details of contracts it's hard to know who's making the profit. The only thing we do know for sure is the courier isn't! :wonder:
lets be honest, we do not need anything we buy on qvc, lol i have proved that to myself as i have not bouught anything from them since the F A R T campaign started on here.

so really how can we complain about something we have a free choice about, its not the same as complaining about petrol prices or car insurance or public transport or utilities, which we have to have (well i suppose the petrol/public transport is optioanl to a certain degree for some)

QVC sells things for us to aspire to, rather than what we require, they are the shopping equivelant to online bingo, which is afterall just a load of balls to rip us off (or provide entertainment dependant on you point of view)

I have said for years, QVC make money out of the P&P. The courier who delivers it is paid 50p I believe each package?
My courier told me that they are paid £1.00 for 1 parcel to deliver and £1.30 for 1 parcel to collect.
Infact what QVC US do now is have a prepaid label with the package and if you return they take the cost out of your refund. Trouble is its $6 and people can post it back themselves for $3. But if you do want to return and pay your own postage you have to send to a difference address and phone up to get it. Many times QVC US take the $6 anyway and people complaining alot as it takes ages to get it sorted and refunded.
I have been waiting for QVC UK to try it.
I hope that QVC UK don't do it, it looks like the things may be in a big mess if they introduce this system.
While I like most WISH QVC charged less for P&P no one is forcing me to buy from them, I am free to choose to buy from Amazon or Ebay but I choose to buy from QVC as I like the 30 DMBG as it gives me confidence that if I change my mind or it doesn't fit.
I live in Cornwall and the nearest big shopping center is Plymouth which is 50 miles away so not convenient for just popping to the shops to look see, as it where, so I will continue to buy from them.
To me, it just seems rather pointless. Yes, QVC's P&P is higher than some, but as a person with free will, I sometimes CHOOSE to shop there because of the MBG (ok I know this can sometimes be a sticky issue too) or because of the value of a set of products eg a beauty TSV. If a particular product is available cheaper elsewhere and I want to buy it from there - I will, weighing up the issue of whether I would be able to "try it out" for a month and send it back....or not.

No-one is pointing a gun at my head and forcing me to buy from QVC. It's entirely my choice. Also, QVC seem to be transparent about their P&P, ie the cost of it is clearly shown on screen, meaning the consumer can make an informed choice about whether they wish to part with their dosh or not.

If there was absolutely no other place to shop, no other option at all, then I could see the point of a petition. But this isn't the case. Much as I hate the argument "if you don't like it, don't shop there" in this case, I'm afraid I agree.

I really can't see QVC taking any notice of this and to be honest, why would they?

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