Question about the one dress....sorry to bring back nightmares folks!


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Jun 24, 2008
It's been bugging me has this, sad, I know...but can anyone tell me how the lady who invented the Bobo dress gets away with it? When I first heard about the one dress, I suspected it would be similar to the Lydia Silvestry Infinite dress, which is still available btw, but when I saw the show to all intents and purposes it looked EXACTLY the same. The only differences I could see is that the Bobo version was available in four colours, and the Infinite just the black and red version. Surely there must be some copyright issues here.

I posted on the Bobowoman facebook page, and asked what the differences between the two dresses were, and the spokesperson replied that they'd never heard of Lydia Silvestry and the infinite dress, yet it was invented in the 1970's and up to very recently has been all over the shopping channels! They said that the material would definitely be different, as the bobo woman dress has a four way stretch. The fabric definitely looks identical cotton jersey/lycra mix or whatever. The Infinite dress website gives all the gen on the fabric wheras Bobo doesn't. Also Ms Bobo reckoned that the infinite dress probably didn't have the amount of different styles you could wear it....well that isn't true either, as the infinite dress, as the name would suggest offered at least 3 times as many suggestions as to how to wear it, and also comes with an instructional dvd.

I know there's been similar mysteries on shopping telly products hence the disappearance of MDL's Italian Marble powder that he proudly professed to have invented, and that there was nothing like it in the world to compare. Yet a year or two later up pops Jerome Alexander with his version, and him saying exactly the same thing. Now MDL's (which was the best btw, has gone) and changed for a different powder....why?

Maybe if I'm a bit thick, but if I came up with an idea I wanted to sell, I'd be searching the archives with a fine tooth comb to make sure my idea was completely orginal, and that I wasn't going to be breaching any copyright laws. I'll be perfectly honest, I know NOTHING about copyright, only that I thought it was bought to protect the inventor, creator, author or whatever from being ripped off by other people. Can you sell copyright? I guess you can, but then if that was the case with the bobo thing, they would have said...maybe not.
Hmmm maybe we could club together and come up with a rival itsacatflapwrap/scarf ensemble :mysmilie_82:

If we start now, we could maybe put an offer in on the windmill in a couple of years :mysmilie_701:
Hmmm maybe we could club together and come up with a rival itsacatflapwrap/scarf ensemble :mysmilie_82:

If we start now, we could maybe put an offer in on the windmill in a couple of years :mysmilie_701:

Yeah great idea....wot about a pair of flat shoes with retractable killer heels? From workplace to partaaaay with a quick twist and a click....and of course we'd have to produce some extortionate extras to compliment these shooz..clip on diamante embellishments and some removable straps so you can change the style in seconds.....hey, I can almost smell the windmill....or was that just the wind?:mysmilie_17:
When I saw the one dress thought how tangled you'd get - doing that and perhaps wearing itsawrap trousers underneath!!!

Serously though - they can't say they've not checked out their rivals - if people on here know others surely they should?
I think I just caught a whiff too :mysmilie_17:

Hey, has anybody come up with the idea of turning a brolly into a handbag.....or vice versa? :mysmilie_374:

maybe a brolly which could be turned into a cape when it stopped raining...? would save you having to carry the brolly.....
now I know I've too much time on my hands - need to get back to work methinks..... :flower::flower::flower::tongue:
Just looked up the Infinite Dress - how similar is that!!

Also you can get if from the USA on Ebay for £29 - postage included!!
Just looked up the Infinite Dress - how similar is that!!

Also you can get if from the USA on Ebay for £29 - postage included!!

Similar's not the's the same flippin' dress! When I questioned this on the bobo woman website they said they'd never heard of it, and the material was different, I beg to differ. Like I say, I don't know quite how they got away with it...oh well!
What I can't understand, is how anyone buys the thing. I switched on last night and caught a few minutes of the slot. That woman who claims to have 'invented' the dress with her friend ( they did it over a bottle of wine.. you'd have to be drunk to come up with something so godawful) had a red one on, she has the same colour hair as me and it clashed like mad. The top of it was so tight she was bulging out of it at all points. Debbie looked like she had borrowed an old dress from her mother and as for that poor soul they use as a second model! Has she looked in the mirror?!? She looks ridiculous.
Its the 'It'sacrap' syndrome isn't it? The same folk as buy from Moira C will buy this dress. Has anyone alerted The Infinite Dress people to check it out? Looks the same to me.
What I can't understand, is how anyone buys the thing. I switched on last night and caught a few minutes of the slot. That woman who claims to have 'invented' the dress with her friend ( they did it over a bottle of wine.. you'd have to be drunk to come up with something so godawful) had a red one on, she has the same colour hair as me and it clashed like mad. The top of it was so tight she was bulging out of it at all points. Debbie looked like she had borrowed an old dress from her mother and as for that poor soul they use as a second model! Has she looked in the mirror?!? She looks ridiculous.
Its the 'It'sacrap' syndrome isn't it? The same folk as buy from Moira C will buy this dress. Has anyone alerted The Infinite Dress people to check it out? Looks the same to me.

I must admit I was tempted to alert the Infinite dress people about it, I don't know why 'cause in the grand scheme of things, I guess it doesn't really matter, but it just annoyed me when I watched it on IW and heard this woman, saying it that she had come up with the idea. As I said, I did question this on their facebook page, and I don't know whether what I said is still there, but I got quite a patronising reply. tbh, that's why I asked on here whether any one knew anything about copyright. I didn't really want to start causing a problem on Graham's site if I opened up a can of worms. Like I say, it doesn't really matter, but I have to say it is bugging me mainly 'cause I sat there hearing this Bobo woman tell the IW viewers that she'd invented this garment and that there's nothing else like it in the world...yes, that's probably a good thing 'cause it's a bliddy awful monstrosity. As I said before the only similar thing I've seen on my years of Shopping telly, is the Italian Marble powder invented and created by Mario De Luigi to disappear, then Jerome Alexander selling his version saying that he invented it, maybe that is true 'cause MDL doesn't make his any more, was he forced to withdraw it...who knows?
I know if I thought I'd invented a new concept, I'd sure as hell check out whether it had been thought of before, before I started selling it, and passing it off as my own!
I still can't get past the name Bobo. :thinking:

WHY call yourself the name of a clown???
(unless you are setting out to be laughed at that is) :tongue:

Like the itsacrap, I love the Bobo dress for its entertainment value.
Wouldn't be seen buried in it, but it's fun laughing at others wearing it, trying to convince us it's not clinging and there isn't enough static in it to get us to Venus.

I was just flicking through the channels last night and came across this dress!!! It's horrendous! Even DH when he walked into the room said "what on earth is that woman wearing - it's waaaaaay too tight for her"! The model wearing the grey one looked like a sack!


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