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A list? Z list is more realistic.

As for using her as an endorsement for the 'Health Reset' - well, that's like using Harold Shipman as an endorsement for the NHS.
šŸ¤£ Even Z is too high - they'd have to invent a whole new category for her, talentless doesn't begin to describe it, and I'd think the word 'celebrity' is used somewhat loosely. Still, let me see......make-up delivered each week in a tanker, nails like talons, talks utter bull....yes, she'll fit in a treat.
I can just imagine Ellis Ward offering a free diabetes test with every Tanzanite ring purchased in a couple of years time - or Dave Troth offering a free hemorrhoid check with every Jadeite ring purchase. Buy one ring, get your other ring checked out for free.
Dare I ask? Does DT's 'treatment' involve a substantial piece of very cold Jade? :p
So, Steve was on with Ellis earlier - flogging fibre products.

Steve showed comparison photos of him back in 2020 alongside a recent photo.

It was clear that the recent photo is after he's been working out in a gym. He was toned, muscly and has a 6 pack. The 2020 photo of him showed him with a bit of a belly.

The difference in his physique is excellent - fair play to him for improving his health.

HOWEVER, it was disgraceful to imply that the before and after photos are as a result of him managing his diet and eating more fibre.

That physique WAS NOT achieved through diet alone. It was achieved by obvious gym work supplemented with a careful diet.

More misleading!
before and after photos
I love those. You get a 'golf ball' (usually women) and a 'pencil' after. As you say they may be the same person, but I actually look at the two to see if there's any same bits: usually the change is so drastic, it's really unbelievable. Especially when they say they were taken 'minutes' apart.
You can get plenty of fibre (I'm from the "roughage" generation) from totally natural or minimally processed foods. Again, he threw potatoes into Dante's Inferno. Bonkers. Steamed, skin-on or baked potatoes are nutritious. Not convinced at all that you need to buy his heavily-processed space fillers in plastic bags and boxes.

I caught 5 minutes, during which Ellis mentioned that she was going to show us how to get involved, that they'd done the prebiotics, were going to do the probiotics, show us how to get involved, then do the collagen and finally show us how to get involved. Pretty sure that all three have dubious real benefits and border on being a useless, scaremongering scam. If you eat a varied diet with plenty of natural fibre, you don't need the worms or either of the "-biotics" (one produces the other, naturally).

He might have a point about seed oils (use fruit pressed oils, such as olive oil, and butter). Again, though, this is largely a generation thing. He will have been brought up by a generation influenced by those who endured WWII and rationing, where any form of fat was scarce, and food producers were encouraged to grow crops for sustenance as much as for nutrition. Yes, margarine should probably be avoided but it was created for a very good reason. Manufacturers of Ultra-Processed "food"s - where high levels of fats, emulsifiers, salts and other chemicals are used - ought to be worried. Nowadays, particularly recently, cooking in the home can be done with gadgets designed to use less added fats. There is a quiet revolution going on in the home kitchen, I think. I still think the answer is information sharing and not producing highly-processed alternatives.

Off to just check that I remember how I can get involved. Absolutely.
So, Steve was on with Ellis earlier - flogging fibre products.

Steve showed comparison photos of him back in 2020 alongside a recent photo.

It was clear that the recent photo is after he's been working out in a gym. He was toned, muscly and has a 6 pack. The 2020 photo of him showed him with a bit of a belly.

The difference in his physique is excellent - fair play to him for improving his health.

HOWEVER, it was disgraceful to imply that the before and after photos are as a result of him managing his diet and eating more fibre.

That physique WAS NOT achieved through diet alone. It was achieved by obvious gym work supplemented with a careful diet.

More misleading!
So, Steve is on Gemporia, promoting his Primal range. Good for him! But can't he remember his days as a 'gem-hunter' in the company that made him a success? If he does care, he should get back in there & make some changes - bring Gemporia back to what we all used to love!
So, Steve was on with Ellis earlier - flogging fibre products.

Steve showed comparison photos of him back in 2020 alongside a recent photo.

It was clear that the recent photo is after he's been working out in a gym. He was toned, muscly and has a 6 pack. The 2020 photo of him showed him with a bit of a belly.

The difference in his physique is excellent - fair play to him for improving his health.

HOWEVER, it was disgraceful to imply that the before and after photos are as a result of him managing his diet and eating more fibre.

That physique WAS NOT achieved through diet alone. It was achieved by obvious gym work supplemented with a careful diet.

More misleading!
I looked at his photo and biog. on the Gemporia website today. When I'd wiped my eyes, it occurred to me that you can do a lot with photos these days....and ain't Photoshop wonderful.

The high fibre diet....well, let's hope the door leading from the studio was kept open...:oops:
The presenters could do with some fibre supplements - because they're all full of s**t. It might help solve that problem.

As for the supplements, Ellis likes to tell us how she swears by them. Well, she was off sick around three weeks ago - and last week, she went on holiday to Rhodes. When she returned, the other day, Ellis said, on-air, that while she was on holiday, she was ill again......

So much for these supplements keeping everyone healthy, and the 'Sundar' range of 'healing crystals' curing everything under the sun.........
The presenters could do with some fibre supplements - because they're all full of s**t. It might help solve that problem.

As for the supplements, Ellis likes to tell us how she swears by them. Well, she was off sick around three weeks ago - and last week, she went on holiday to Rhodes. When she returned, the other day, Ellis said, on-air, that while she was on holiday, she was ill again......

So much for these supplements keeping everyone healthy, and the 'Sundar' range of 'healing crystals' curing everything under the sun.........
But the supplements and crystals only work when there's an R in the month...or when the moon is in the seventh house and Jupiter aligns with Mars.
You shouldn't mention Mars. All that processed sugar is no good for you :p

I know people that have had a Mars bar that are still well.

I know of two presenters that claim that Primal and Sundar products can improve your health - and they've both been off sick.

How odd.................

Anyway, I would type more but I'm just off to have my Slimsho.................... Snickers.
I know people that have had a Mars bar that are still well.

I know of two presenters that claim that Primal and Sundar products can improve your health - and they've both been off sick.

How odd.................

Anyway, I would type more but I'm just off to have my Slimsho.................... Snickers.
I would think the medical condition it gives is a very long's called the Pinocchio Syndrome.
Steve is on promoting his huge (!) book Fibre First. As someone who has done the health reset (and lost a lot of weight) I'm not so sure about this, it feels like a keto version of the old F Plan in order to sell those low carb noodles. I actually hate to sound so cynical as I thought the health reset was really good (in spite of a lot of typos), but I'm not going to get this, even on Kindle!
Between the crystals doing their work, the fibre and the supplements, the sickness absence rate should be zero.
Between the crystals doing their work, the fibre and the supplements, the sickness absence rate should be zero.

Yet despite that, Ellis was on again at the weekend telling us she felt ill again.

That's the third time she's been ill in six weeks.

This is the same Ellis that raves on about how good the Primal products are.

I don't think she's the best person suited to endorsing Primal........
I think he will get Gemma Collins in the studio to launch it, they've been on Instagram together promoting those noodles. That's going to be a loud day on Gemporia!

Will she fit in the studio? I haven't seen her recently, but it wasn't that long ago she looked like she'd eaten the equivalent of three Jake Thompsons.

As for those noodles. We tried them once. They're unpalatable, rubbery, and not pleasant at all.

I can't see how anyone could possibly enjoy a meal consisting of those.

We ended up putting ours out for the pigeons and mice to eat - and even they turned them down.

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