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It's not a range for me. Not just because of the prices but I'm not a fan of blue stones full stop. I did flip over in the adverts and there were sell outs so recession or not someone somewhere was buying.
why not, there are people with plenty of money available to spend so they have no reason not to have it. I'm sure they wouldn't offer it if they thought it wouldn't sell

Of course, I understand that there ARE people with money but I just thought QVC were being rather insensitive when we are currently in the season of "giving and receiving" and there are thousands of families struggling to produce even the smallest gifts for their offsprings as well as put a decent meal on the Christmas table.

To be honest, I really didn't think the range was particularly good value for money either when you consider the accompanying diamond-weight but that's just my personal opinion.

Gonna upset a lot of folks...but recession..sorry there isnt such a thing..its media brainwashing! Ok There are people out there who genuinely hard up, but most people pleading poverty are middle classed who are still hardly any worse off than they ever have been, but they listen to the news too much and believe it when it tells them they have not got any money....weatherman syndrome I call it...if the weatherman says its gonna rain, then its 'gonna rain'. The banks will be doing well out of this so called recession, because all this non spending means that these peoples bank accounts are growning instead, cos the money they have has to go somewhere and its into their savings...this new 'tight' era helps to put small businesses out of business. Austerity..Pah! Will be interesting to see if anyone on here actaully agrees with me on not
I must admit that in my neck of the woods there is very little evidence of a recession, credit crunch, call it what you will. M&S food dept was being stripped by a plague of locusts yesterday, those little canape bits and bobs don't come cheap. New stores are opening up - Primark, John Lewis/Waitrose, new cinema, restaurants, planning agreed for 3400 new homes and a new railway station. Houses are sold within a couple of weeks, including 2 new builds put up on land where a bungalow was demolished - just gone for £645,000 each but they have hardly any land around them :taphead:

Admittedly we are a commuter town for the City and West End of London so not representative of the country. I can't imagine what it must be like for some people in former industrial towns where factories, mines etc have closed down.

Sorry I don't mean this to be a boastful post, it's just that we seem to have a bigger divide between "rich" and "poor" at the mo (but define rich and poor !)

Linda xx
It was interesting in our 24 hour Tesco last night, at about 10 pm there were quite a few people in but not unbearably busy. Most of them had a LIST and were sticking to it, ticking things off as they went. I know some people do that regularly but it's the first time I have seen the majority doing it for the main christmas food shop.
Gonna upset a lot of folks...but recession..sorry there isnt such a thing..its media brainwashing! Ok There are people out there who genuinely hard up, but most people pleading poverty are middle classed who are still hardly any worse off than they ever have been, but they listen to the news too much and believe it when it tells them they have not got any money....weatherman syndrome I call it...if the weatherman says its gonna rain, then its 'gonna rain'. The banks will be doing well out of this so called recession, because all this non spending means that these peoples bank accounts are growning instead, cos the money they have has to go somewhere and its into their savings...this new 'tight' era helps to put small businesses out of business. Austerity..Pah! Will be interesting to see if anyone on here actaully agrees with me on not

I must admit that in my neck of the woods there is very little evidence of a recession, credit crunch, call it what you will. M&S food dept was being stripped by a plague of locusts yesterday, those little canape bits and bobs don't come cheap. New stores are opening up - Primark, John Lewis/Waitrose, new cinema, restaurants, planning agreed for 3400 new homes and a new railway station. Houses are sold within a couple of weeks, including 2 new builds put up on land where a bungalow was demolished - just gone for £645,000 each but they have hardly any land around them :taphead:

Admittedly we are a commuter town for the City and West End of London so not representative of the country. I can't imagine what it must be like for some people in former industrial towns where factories, mines etc have closed down.

Sorry I don't mean this to be a boastful post, it's just that we seem to have a bigger divide between "rich" and "poor" at the mo (but define rich and poor !)

Linda xx

I kind of agree. Apart from some businesses closing (but that happens all the time anyway right? Just like evolution of life) there is little, real sign of a recession. It's like the whole global warming thing - the earth goes through very warm periods and very cold periods, you only have to look back over time. I'm not saying global warming doesn't exist, just people jumping on the media bandwagon without any facts and unwilling to look at the science behind it winds me up.

I'm afraid a lot of what the media spurn out is propaganda, and a lot of the 'sheeple' who believe it are those unwilling/unabe to think for themselves. It's never going to change! What makes it worse it that the meeja these days are made up of uneducated buffoons who can't write properly, let alone construct an unbiased, factual piece of writing! The intellectual truly are a dying breed.

What is also annoying and short sighted is those people who say others shouldn't be spending or enjoying their wealth because "there's a recession on". What?! Both me and hubbie work really hard at stressful jobs and I'll be darned if I'm not going to change my car/decorate my house (whatever) because Tom, Dick and Harry in the next town have lost their jobs!

Ets I repeat what I said in the other thread. There will always be people worse off than others, and the good people will do what they can to help. You can't expect Q to not promote their wares in case someone watching takes offense because they can't afford it!! That is bordering on ridiculous and is no way to run a business. It's sensitivity gone too far!!

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There is a recession. It is afftecting some more than others. In my case pay freeze for the umpteenth year running, and bills and prices rising. We are coping, but we are lucky. My heart goes out to those who have lost their jobs. They still have a mortgage or rent to pay, and children hoping father christmas is coming this year.
I am sure they worked very hard too.

By all means spend your money as you like, it keeps the economy going.

A little sensitivity would not go amiss thiugh.
There is a recession. It is afftecting some more than others. In my case pay freeze for the umpteenth year running, and bills and prices rising. We are coping, but we are lucky. My heart goes out to those who have lost their jobs. They still have a mortgage or rent to pay, and children hoping father christmas is coming this year.
I am sure they worked very hard too.

By all means spend your money as you like, it keeps the economy going.

A little sensitivity would not go amiss thiugh.
I totally agree and in Belfast i can see the recession. Lots and lots of businesses closing down . My second year with no pay rise, and petrol going up,and food and
electric, its a struggle managing on my monthly wage. And i don't even want to think about retiring, couldn't afford to . And even in my job they keep adding more things to what we're supposed to do, to save money, but i'm just thankful i have a job. I think its a depressing time :(
True, I agree, I know of people who are petrified this Christmas about the future, had very good jobs, commuters, then BAM! Call to see their boss & please collect your personal belongings & leave the office, the EU basic redundancy will follow. People with mortgages, kids etc, very sudden & something many simply aren't used to.
I do wonder at QVC sometimes. They had a 59ml pot of perricone cream & a small bottle of serum on for £300!! YES £300!! I nearly fell off my sofa! Then they were selling a N Nights bedding set saying that you, (us mere mortal viewers), can buy the neutral set as a wedding pressie if we know someone who'se getting married in the summer! Priceless as we're still in Dec lol!
The nature of the world is there will always be the haves and the have nots. Shops will always sell million dollar diamonds, Q will always sell some luxury items and showrooms will always sell Rolls royce or Bentleys. Some people will always have more money than others and some people will always be disatisfied and want more of everything not just money and yes there will always be those who have no money or less money. Recession or no recession, its the circle of life but I begrudge nobody nothing unless they`ve stolen it and I also never begrudge businesses selling whatever they choose if they think they have a market for it. Throughout our lives a majority of us will go through the fiscal feast or famine stages, skint as students, skint after getting our first mortgage or having our first child, even more skint when suffering a redundancy, a lost salary when someone leaves you or dies, skint when educating your kids, paying for their weddings, buying the first pram for a much longed for grandchild, the list is endless. But in amongst all of that are the feast days too, when we`ve worked hard or saved hard for whatever we choose. The famine might last days, weeks or even years and so might the feast days too. So live and let live, covet no man or woman`s lifestyle and begrudge nobody nothing.
The nature of the world is there will always be the haves and the have nots. Shops will always sell million dollar diamonds, Q will always sell some luxury items and showrooms will always sell Rolls royce or Bentleys. Some people will always have more money than others and some people will always be disatisfied and want more of everything not just money and yes there will always be those who have no money or less money. Recession or no recession, its the circle of life but I begrudge nobody nothing unless they`ve stolen it and I also never begrudge businesses selling whatever they choose if they think they have a market for it. Throughout our lives a majority of us will go through the fiscal feast or famine stages, skint as students, skint after getting our first mortgage or having our first child, even more skint when suffering a redundancy, a lost salary when someone leaves you or dies, skint when educating your kids, paying for their weddings, buying the first pram for a much longed for grandchild, the list is endless. But in amongst all of that are the feast days too, when we`ve worked hard or saved hard for whatever we choose. The famine might last days, weeks or even years and so might the feast days too. So live and let live, covet no man or woman`s lifestyle and begrudge nobody nothing.

I can't 'like' on the app, so this is me liking your post :D

Sent from my Sony Tablet S using Tapatalk 2
There is a recession. It is afftecting some more than others. In my case pay freeze for the umpteenth year running, and bills and prices rising. We are coping, but we are lucky. My heart goes out to those who have lost their jobs. They still have a mortgage or rent to pay, and children hoping father christmas is coming this year.
I am sure they worked very hard too.

By all means spend your money as you like, it keeps the economy going.

A little sensitivity would not go amiss thiugh.

Thank you Weathergirl.

There is a recession of the worst kind in this country at the moment. I lost my job in May and there is very little chance of me getting another one in the foreseeable future. Thousands of young people have had to emigrate to Australia and Canada in the past couple of years to find work (my son included).

I'll stop feeling sorry for myself now shall I? I don't begrudge ANYONE their money, which they have worked hard for, but also I don't like the implication that some of us are moaning over nothing.
it's bad where I live, a very dear friend was made redundant two days ago, all the jobs seem to be part time, shops in the main shopping centre are empty, and I know that I have really cut back on my spending just to be able to keep my head above water. There are bad rumours going round at my work about yet more cuts which is not good for morale. I don't care what QVC sell but it does cause me to have a sharp intake of breath at times and I think that if I was able to pay that amount for jewellery I would not buy it off the telly and have it shoved through my door in a padded brown envelope!
Always seems strange to complain that QVC sell things that are above average in's how it always has been and always will be. Some people can afford luxury good and some can't.

An interesting example which shows that expensive items can be actually be very good for less rich people would be Jaguar cars...very expensive and not everyone can afford them...but they are made in the UK in Coventry and keeps thousands of people in work...if people stopped buying them then there would be more people out of expensive product is not always bad.
q have always been pricey and always will be. What i object too is being told that I won't notice the first easy pay coming out of my account as though its nothing.I will actually because every penny counts at the moment because there IS. a recession and the pennies are tight.
I don't begrudge anyone anything and i don't care how they spend their money. But please lets not forget there are lots of people struggling through no fault of their own and they have worked ****** hard all their lives.

Big hugs too Itchy and anyone who has lost their jobs.
I kind of agree. Apart from some businesses closing (but that happens all the time anyway right? Just like evolution of life) there is little, real sign of a recession. It's like the whole global warming thing - the earth goes through very warm periods and very cold periods, you only have to look back over time. I'm not saying global warming doesn't exist, just people jumping on the media bandwagon without any facts and unwilling to look at the science behind it winds me up.

I'm afraid a lot of what the media spurn out is propaganda, and a lot of the 'sheeple' who believe it are those unwilling/unabe to think for themselves. It's never going to change! What makes it worse it that the meeja these days are made up of uneducated buffoons who can't write properly, let alone construct an unbiased, factual piece of writing! The intellectual truly are a dying breed.

What is also annoying and short sighted is those people who say others shouldn't be spending or enjoying their wealth because "there's a recession on". What?! Both me and hubbie work really hard at stressful jobs and I'll be darned if I'm not going to change my car/decorate my house (whatever) because Tom, Dick and Harry in the next town have lost their jobs!

Ets I repeat what I said in the other thread. There will always be people worse off than others, and the good people will do what they can to help. You can't expect Q to not promote their wares in case someone watching takes offense because they can't afford it!! That is bordering on ridiculous and is no way to run a business. It's sensitivity gone too far!!

Sent from my Sony Tablet S using Tapatalk 2
That is so eloquently said and so very true. As for who said shops are closing on the high street..well thats because the 'sheeple' do listen to the news and stop shopping...and shops cannot exist without shoppers. Its a vicious circle. The comment about jaguar later in the thread is so correct...I have an online shop and it is evidently clear how people take notice of the news and the lies they are fed. Sales will be good, but the day that 'recession' is mentioned on the news...Bam! the sales stop.As the news changes to different stories over time sales pick up what happens. the press have to hold us done again and say that word again and guess what...yeh, sales stop. If people were hard up sales would stop permanently...its the media and people taking notice.Recession and austerity do not exist and neither does global warming...just the cycle. watch any programme going back over time...the 60s..what gets mentioned...the recession...the 70s...recession...the 80s...Maggie and her recession...90s....more recession...and now....So let people spend their hard earned money without having 'recession' pushed down their throats and have fun with it if they choose not to hoard it...'just incase'. Just in case, may just never happen!
Itchy I really hope that next year brings you a new job. It is tough out there for lots of people. May it get better for all.

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