Indeed... here's my top ten tacky list :drunk:
1) Worry Angel
2) Anything Elitech branded (steam mops that dribble water all over the place - hand-held vacuum cleaners that have the suction power of a turtle)
3) Seal electrical items
4) 50 feet flat hose which dribbles (they have VT showing that!!)
5) Golddigga boots. Ugh.
6) Gold 'finish' jewellery
7) Christin Lars
8) Tommy & Kate
9) Jump suits that could potentially get you shot if you wore one at a zoo
10) Allfine netbooks which have less computing power than a ZX Spectrum
11) James Russell
Love it! xD
Even though there are some which I agree with i.e. the gold 'finish' jewellery
I did laugh at the flat reel hose VT when I saw it. - personally I think it's a great ides (if it didn't leak!)
I don't want to come across horrible, or that I'm backing bid up But what is wrong with Cristin Lars? It may not be a name you've heared before, but it can still be good. The Mini vacuums they have at the moment are very good, and can actually pick the demo carpet off the floor! (can a turtle do that?!) Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think they do seal items anymore. And I got a seal speaker system, touch screen for a megadrop 3 years ago, and is still going strong. The Jump suits are great! Just a bit of fun! I personally got mine from ebay for £9, but it doesn't make it tacky I can agree with number 11 though
I will thankyou for commenting though, as I did want to know what people thought was 'tacky' on bid.