Pointless Rant!


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Jan 15, 2012
The clue is in the username
I am confused (yeah yeah yeah, no sniggering out there in 'digital land'), but I always thought the first day of the week was Sunday (except if it is a 'working week' (not something I know anything about, seen as the wonderful PM and cohorts have been paying my wages for the last decade or so )(yes I am a 'dole bludger', so any connotations you want to make about me and that particular scenario please feel free (they are probably all going to be super accurate (especially if they are in the negative)))

Yes, I also know that the above English Grammar is not super-accurate, (in any way shape or form), but to all you teachers, or ye olde 'English Police' out there, please don't judge too harshly, as my brain is slowly turning to 'mush' owing to the fact that it is not being used to its full extent :)

Right back to the origional ranting for this post, what is the first day of the QVC week?

The reason I ask is that I have just been watching the QVC Selection hour and they are selling tights, for £12 (I kid you not), I mean really who is going to pay that for that? The blurb on the top stated that they were 'New This Week', well if Sunday is the first day of the week, then surely it should have been a 'new today'. Now I know this is a 'pointless rant' (ah that is a good name for the title thread, hang on...., just type it in the appropriate place!), but it was just a tad confusing, could anyone enlighten!

Ramble over!
Well the week on the TV guide runs Monday to Sunday. But who knows if they are consistent?????? They aren't generally are they!
I've always considered Monday to be the first day of the week, hence Saturday and Sunday being called the "weekend" as in end of the week, and Sunday being a day of rest after the busy week, but as for the QVC staff and it being "busy" especially presenters who just stand and talk and live in their own little world.......who knows?
I've always considered Monday to be the first day of the week, hence Saturday and Sunday being called the "weekend" as in end of the week, and Sunday being a day of rest after the busy week, but as for the QVC staff and it being "busy" especially presenters who just stand and talk and live in their own little world.......who knows?

Me too and the three paper diaries I have all show Monday as the first day on the page. In the bible, wasn't Sunday the final day, when God had a rest after all the tiring earth-creating stuff?
Me too and the three paper diaries I have all show Monday as the first day on the page. In the bible, wasn't Sunday the final day, when God had a rest after all the tiring earth-creating stuff?

Thanks Andi, we've got a calendar that we hang in the kitchen, that too starts the new week on a Monday :mysmilie_3:
Thanks one and all for putting me right, I am always amazed and not only why people read my 'pointless rants' but that people also reply and conversations (well in a digital format), start anyone would think that what I type is 'mildly interesting' (sorry for deafening, with the sound of the trumpet that I have just blown, due to my arrogance!), I just always assumed that Sunday was the start of the week, guess then that I am (shock horror), in the wrong (I mean come on how often does that happen (well on a scale of one to ten) ten (obviously)! No I have just done a 'quick google', which I guess I could have done before I started this 'pointless rant', and yep you are all correct (which is obviously going to be the case), Monday is classed as the first day of the week in the International Organisation for Standardisation (yep, there is such a thing), classified Monday as the first day of the week, I suppose this is because we live in an ever secular/multi-faith world and as such instead of preferencing one day of the week over another 'a la a religion', they [IOS], decided to have a the start of the working week (though saying that this is becoming less and less so seen as more and more people are working at the weekend), as the first day of the week.

Thanks once again for all your comments, guess that means those tights had featured on various Morning/Lunchtime shows during the week, but still £12 seemed a lot to me for a pair of tights!
Yorkrose why do you always do yourself down ? I find your posts just as interesting as anybody else`s and as worthy of replies. Your opinion is as valid as the rest of the forumites on any subject you,me or anybody else deem to talk about. You are obviously intelligent, literate and observant so please stop telling us your opinion and posts are not important to the forum, they are !
Yorkrose why do you always do yourself down ? I find your posts just as interesting as anybody else`s and as worthy of replies. Your opinion is as valid as the rest of the forumites on any subject you,me or anybody else deem to talk about. You are obviously intelligent, literate and observant so please stop telling us your opinion and posts are not important to the forum, they are !

Yorkrose, totally agree with Vienna, it's one of the reasons why I like this forum - people post interesting and intriguing questions/statements and make really valid points, which make you think. Life out there in the real world is so damn depressing and prosaic, it's questions like yours that provide a welcome bit of thoughtful escapism - never apologise for that :mysmilie_59:
Yorkrose why do you always do yourself down ? I find your posts just as interesting as anybody else`s and as worthy of replies. Your opinion is as valid as the rest of the forumites on any subject you,me or anybody else deem to talk about. You are obviously intelligent, literate and observant so please stop telling us your opinion and posts are not important to the forum, they are !

Thanks for that, I am one of life's 'half-empty' people and no matter how many people say otherwise (and again thank you for your very kind comments), I am still am 'half-empty'.

Though I think I am going to once again 'simmer down' my postings for the time-being! (possibly :mysmilie_14:_
YR, I too am a half empty person and I even depress myself at times! I'll bet you are a bit of a perfectionist (comes with the HE syndrome IMO).

Great thing about this forum is you can come and go as you please and know someone else is even more ranting than you at any particular moment- but the craic is good in Cricklewood and that is what lightens it all. Ye Gods if we were depending on Q making us happy we would wait a long long time. The only thing it is now good for is to take the ****.
Going back to the week, I know that not all people use Monday to Sunday. My newspaper bill/week runs Sunday to Saturday and it was always my understanding that by convention in private property letting, the rental week ran Sunday to Saturday. But that was decades ago and the convention probably no longer applies.
To my knowledge, I think it's always been Monday to Sunday. I remember in school (now that's going back some 45 years) and we were taught then that Monday starts the new week, that's why like I say, Saturday and Sunday are called the week end, and deliveries like the ever slow QVC, say three to five working days, working days being Monday to Friday.

Saying that, I think different religions and some companies have different views. But all I've ever known in Britain is Monday is the first day of the week, and Sunday the last.
Yorkrose, totally agree with Vienna, it's one of the reasons why I like this forum - people post interesting and intriguing questions/statements and make really valid points, which make you think. Life out there in the real world is so damn depressing and prosaic, it's questions like yours that provide a welcome bit of thoughtful escapism - never apologise for that :mysmilie_59:

Trouble is you don't have to 'live in my mind' 24/7 then you will know how annoying/depressing/infuriating/'blumming annoying' that really is!
Thanks again and I according to my mother I have a 'weird outlook of the world' and tend to see things slightly differently from others, hence the 'weirdness' (sometimes) of my posts!

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