Please stop Alison.....


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Caught a bit of Alison Young the other day, think it was Doll 10, and I see she’s still banging on about “dual nationality” whatever that means, the rest of the four minutes I watched it was full mostly of “for you” and “as well” with just a few extra words to bulk out the sentences. The new younger breed of QVC shoppers must look at the resident beauty sales woman and think what on earth is she waffling on about. 😂😂😂

As for “rapid fire” Keenan, for the sake of my blood pressure, I just can’t watch her.
You're the same age as me Brissles and I feel exactly the same as you. It's quite depressing at times to think that time is running out and I lie in bed some nights worrying about all the stuff I have in my loft. Then I think blow it someone else can clear it out when I'm gone. Live for the day and enjoy every minute.
I don't know how other 70 + year olds feel, but age never bothered me, inasmuch as I didn't have a breakdown when I reached a birthday with a nought on the end, BUT BUT BUT I felt so different at being 70; yes I know many dont reach that age, and am grateful for small mercies, but being 70 pulled me up short, as the past 10 years from 60 flew by in a second, and two years have already gone, so its 8 left to 80 - if I get there; but its the 'mortality thing' that hits me. Just knowing that the number of years left are finite, despite being relatively mobile, and am totally independent, its thought provoking. And if I hear another person say "age is just a number" ........................ on occasions it bloody well isn't, its a sign that we don't live forever, and time to start clearing the drawers out !!
Puffin. just leave enough cash for a professional to do it!
My father was a hoarder and I became ill working full time and travelling every weekend to clear and sort but only making a small dent in the “stuff”. Eventually I found a company who came in like a hurricane and did it in a day. The only thing is there was no looking through things we had to shift tons of personal paperwork and sort through that but by that time if I’d seen another plastic bag full of Poundland type stuff I would have been sectioned.

The biggest plus was that once cleared the house could be put on the market otherwise it would have been years
Caught a bit of Alison Young the other day, think it was Doll 10, and I see she’s still banging on about “dual nationality” whatever that means, the rest of the four minutes I watched it was full mostly of “for you” and “as well” with just a few extra words to bulk out the sentences. The new younger breed of QVC shoppers must look at the resident beauty sales woman and think what on earth is she waffling on about. 😂😂😂

As for “rapid fire” Keenan, for the sake of my blood pressure, I just can’t watch her.
Excellently put Shopperholic, she drives me mad with her phrases, to the point that I just can't watch her shows anymore. what on earth is wrong with her? Time for a new 'beauty expert' I think, but she still probably generates a lot of sales for Q, so can't see it happening any time soon.
Puffin. just leave enough cash for a professional to do it!
My father was a hoarder and I became ill working full time and travelling every weekend to clear and sort but only making a small dent in the “stuff”. Eventually I found a company who came in like a hurricane and did it in a day. The only thing is there was no looking through things we had to shift tons of personal paperwork and sort through that but by that time if I’d seen another plastic bag full of Poundland type stuff I would have been sectioned.

The biggest plus was that once cleared the house could be put on the market otherwise it would have been years
My neighbour recently lost her brother who lived on his own, and the siblings had the unenviable task of clearing the house - he was an industrial hoarder ! The same for the rest of us who have to empty the properties of relatives.

I am quite mindful of this, and continually have ruthless 'clear-outs' so the mantra of "it might come in useful" turns into "no it bloody wont ! I don't have time to "do" useful'. Good jewellery no longer worn is being given away. The garage is almost a hazmat no-go area - I venture in there and come out covered in tinsel - the amount of Christmas decorations dumped in there borders on the obscene, amongst the rusty paint tins, obsolete ladders, furniture projects that didn't materialise, pictures in broken frames, and unused garden equipment, it becomes overwhelming. :eek:
There's a whole 'thing' now, around 'Swedish Death Cleaning', which is literally about people taking on the task of, 'getting their affairs in order, and clearing out junk.

There's even a couple of books about it, though I've never read any.
Excellently put Shopperholic, she drives me mad with her phrases, to the point that I just can't watch her shows anymore. what on earth is wrong with her? Time for a new 'beauty expert' I think, but she still probably generates a lot of sales for Q, so can't see it happening any time soon.

Yeah AY repetitive presentation is as stale as those beauty products they’ve got in clearance now.
We had a loft clearout a few years back. Two skips and it all went. The best bit was a courtly old gentleman knocked on the door and asked if we'd mind if he took a very old violin case poking out and we said of course not, then he said well I want to tell you what I need it for - it's to house parts from an antique gun collection and would we mind if he used it for that! It was fascinating to see people picking out stuff from our rubbish - some people seem to make a living from it and it was all junk.

We've still got an empty loft.

Then another clearout at the beginning of lockdown and a whole lot more stuff was shredded (4 binbags full) or binned. Bliss. But there's always scope for improvement in the garage, so I keep telling Mr C. He's a hoarder, I'm a chucker-out if it can't be sold.
There's a whole 'thing' now, around 'Swedish Death Cleaning', which is literally about people taking on the task of, 'getting their affairs in order, and clearing out junk.

There's even a couple of books about it, though I've never read any.

Well I think its more of a common sense attitude, but its a good title for someone wanting to sell a book !!!

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