please give rocks a chance


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Registered Shopper
Aug 1, 2008
Can you remember when rocks started we used to laugh along with them when they had the gremlins in.But i feel there is far to much negative thoughts towards rocks and that can not be good for the morale of the team at rocks.There is bargains to be had as i have had some this week. I feel we just need to give them some time to get faster with more drops and let them decide the best way to sell there gems. Steve did say that we could soon put a pre bid on all 2000 items in coloured rocks just imagine what you could end up with.I support you Steve and your team and i know many others do so come on everyone be a little more understanding over the next few weeks.
Absolutely agree, Alwaysskint!

The change in the site is huge and people naturally don't like change. We just need to get a used to it, and understand that mistakes will happen while they and we get used to all the changes.

Just be patient. The bargains are still there, and the fun is still there.
Can you remember when rocks started we used to laugh along with them when they had the gremlins in.But i feel there is far to much negative thoughts towards rocks and that can not be good for the morale of the team at rocks.There is bargains to be had as i have had some this week. I feel we just need to give them some time to get faster with more drops and let them decide the best way to sell there gems. Steve did say that we could soon put a pre bid on all 2000 items in coloured rocks just imagine what you could end up with.I support you Steve and your team and i know many others do so come on everyone be a little more understanding over the next few weeks.

Absolutely agree, Alwaysskint!

The change in the site is huge and people naturally don't like change. We just need to get a used to it, and understand that mistakes will happen while they and we get used to all the changes.

Just be patient. The bargains are still there, and the fun is still there.

Very well said Alwaysskint and Sheffield Owl. I'm still a fan and 100% behind Steve and the team.
I hope the glitches and problems get sorted soon, keep at it steve, carol, barry and all the behind the sceens crew! Im sure it will all come together soon! xx I only watched till about 8pm and judging by some of the overnight posts all did not go to well for you, nothing like having a bad day at the office with lots of people watching you is there!!!! fingers crossed for you all for the next few weeks! :41::57:
We are all behind rocks and have been from the start. Its just frustrating and as you saw yesterday even Carol lost the plot for a while. Unfortunately it is human nature. I am sure Steve and company would be grateful for all the feedback - good or bad so they can than look at how to impove it and get all the customers back on side.

I have had a few bargains yesterday and have a long haul coming on Tuesday. Nothing new for me (who know me) but the new format is going to give my CC a well earned rest:D!
It will take a while to get used to the format and how to bid but Im sure Steve and the team will get all the glitches sorted and one thing that is certain , they do listen , much more than can be said for a lot of chanels ,
I'd like to add my support for Steve and all the crew too. I can understand the need for change as Rocks is a business and I'd rather have this format than nothing at all. There are still good deals to be had - 6 (hopefully lol) items in my basket since the change.

Hang in there team and good luck with sorting the problems.
here here alwaysskint! I agree with you totally we all need to cut them a bit of slack and let them get used to the new system after all its only like anyone of us starting something new at work and having to get used to it.
From what i have read on here i think alot of people are giving rocks a chance and are sticking with them. I do understand though that if the reason you liked rockstv was the fact they had a different auction format to other channels then this new format may not appeal.
Well the signs are good! Tonight has been much much better so far. As much fun and interactivity as the 'old days' and the gremlins are definitely fewer. The auctions are good and speedy too.

Have also noticed that the first crash does seem to be going to CR price almost every time, which is excellent news.

Well done to everone at Rocks! There were always going to be gremlins, but they are getting ironed out really quickly, after all the new format has only been live for 4 nights!
I agree with all of you and to be honest i cant remember what i used to do in the evenings before rocks lol
I think the change from one format to this was very sudden a shock to the system for most of us but like you have all said lets give um a bit of support till its all sorted before deciding if its still good
Thank goodness, no problems at all last night, such a relief to be able to enjoy the evening chatting and grabbing. I was even one of the lucky ones that got the pearl and carnelian bracelet for nothing - result or what!

:17::18: it was a bit manic last night and even tho i didnt have to log in so many times i was still f5 -ing to my hearts content and wanted to give up completly...i cant checkout as there are items in basket but no checkout mfeature button to press so dont know there what to do ,have emailed so will have to wait ... my total im allowed in basket is showing full even tho its not ...theres plenty of room to fill it up guess its only watching i am allowed to do tonight OH will be ok with that ............
I managed to checkout fine last night though I know many are having problems......very strange.....but last night was infinitely better than Saturday,though poor Carol was losing the plot!!:30:

I hope you all manage to get your baskets sorted soon,Tony et al must be working feverishly to get things sorted.

Like Mad I managed to bag a free bracelet and got the matching necklace earlier,I usually miss these things so feel rather lucky.:59:

Now what will the numbers be this Wed/Sat I wonder...............................:18:
Hi Alwaysskint, did you manage to get your Rhodolite and diamond ring in the end? I hope you did, it was a great price :thumbsup:.

Can I just say that the CS team was at their very best again last night!
I have yet to come across better CS anywhere, well done, always a pleasure.
free items??? well done girls. that mustve put a smile on your faces lol

I didn't go online last night and probably missed some extra special things. never mind I've got some other bits coming and will need to make some tough decisions.
I know that Steve and his team are up against it at the moment. Am keeping my fingers crossed that they manage to sort the glitches and they can relax a little into a new rhythm of sales as well as increasing their clientbase.

Yes I whinge and get frustrated but that's because I know how good they can be and because I know some of the staff personally - sadly newcomers to the site might not be so forgiving... I cannot fault the product or my dealings with RTV - they are superb on so many levels and it's such a shame the IT issues haven't been purrfected.

My main criticism is that, even without the glitches, the new format is not quite as interactive as it was before and not as enjoyable - it seems rushed/intense/chaotic like juggling umpteen balls and trying to have a conversation at the same time. I'll give it another go and hope that the glitches decrease very soon. I'd hate for them to lose loyal supporters, but even my patience has a limit lol
change is always hard but without it rocks couldnt survive, we still get better quality and prices better than some places i could mention. Try buying this quality on the high street for these prices,as for the gremlins feed the mouse that runs the system lol, all will be sorted soon
I am trying so hard to like this new system but i still miss the fun of bidding and sniping and the going going and thump gone part of it.
its just buying now and even though its still good value its not so much fun as before
I will of course still be there i still have an addiction lol and still need more bling so i guess I'll shut up now and get ready for my next fix lol
i still miss the fun of bidding and sniping and the going going and thump gone part of it.
its just buying now and even though its still good value its not so much fun as before
I agree, and though I'm trying hard not to grumble any more, I find I am not watching much now. I have only bought two items since the new format - and the second of those was only to justify the postage for the first :39:

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