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China Girl

Registered Shopper
Sep 15, 2010
Pippa is on the Philosophy hour shouting and screeching to rival AY,it's so bad I've turned the sound down.She seems to be like this all the time now,more than she used to be,although I have never really taken to her.Do they think we need to be shouted at to buy something?:down:
I found Pippa rather annoying during the Philosophy show tonight, she was shouting and constantly talking over Robyn. Normally I don't mind Pippa apart from her "yeah yeah yeah's".
Most of the presenters are getting on my nerves nowadays. They shout, gurn, get hyperactive, sell too hard, can be economical with the truth, are outrageously insincere and the men have stepped up their levels of smarminess. Some of the women are ridiculously flirty or brown-noses.

They rely on silly phrases which mean nothing but irritate the viewer (on-trend, £50 and change, peace of mind, un........believable. absolutely superb, can't live without, I've got one of these at home, why trudge to the high street and pay for parking, etc etc etc....) The one thing they have reduced is actually giving us the info we need so we can make an "informed" purchase.

They've obviously been given their orders from on-high. Perhaps QVC UK is not hitting sales targets set by their US HO ?

I hardly watch now - a few mins a day. Now I watch Cash in the Attic with my mid morning coffee and rich tea bikkies.
I never have the sound on these days when I watch. If something catches my eye I will look on the website for the info, read the reviews and google it, then 9 times out of 10 never buy it.
Ye gods in the Philosophy hour the camera came back to Pippa a bit too quickly and she was in mid gurn. It was a close up and lets say Hammer Horror would have been proud. No idea what she was sniffing but sure as hell I don't want to smell it.
Pippa or Pipa (??) is one of the MOST annoying sales ladies on Q imho, so insincere it hurts. And she could have your eye out with that nose.... :devil:
there are worse things than qvc...

if you think qvc is lame look at the argos shopping channel. the goods are really lame and the presenting even lamer.
also the p&p seems to be a minimum for everything £5.95.
Pippa or Pipa (??) is one of the MOST annoying sales ladies on Q imho, so insincere it hurts. And she could have your eye out with that nose.... :devil:

Its one thing commenting on a presenters style, but to comment on her physical features is in my opinon very low
I like Pipa.

I did not see the Philosophy hour, did not hear her so can't comment on her performance, but I do think Pipa is one of the more tolerable presenters.

There is only one person I really dislike on Q.
I'll take Pipa over sickly Claire Sutton any day thanks!

Wanted to watch the Dress Outlet this morning but couldn't as Ms Sutton was doing her usual Ceebebees voice and I just couldn't watch.

No comments on Pipa's appearance from me.....:happy:.....but agree she was too loud and shouty on that Philosophy show........
however on the flipside she was quite restrained in the Tova hour earlier in the evening.....imho ie !
No personal comments on appearance from me, I can't comment :doh:

Regarding Pipa I posted this on a previous thread, so sorry to those who I bore with it before.
Whilst presenting an OTO item there was a problem with the item detail graphics.
She quite clearly said this is at an amazing, amazing ..... OTO price, whilst waiting for it to appear, we'll all see what the price is very shortly.

Also I recall her once mentioning Jill's coming up next, I can't remember what the hour is but it will be amazing.

Though on the whole I'm finding there's a good deal of lack of preparation from the presenters more and more now.
I find all too often they wing their hours, with a lot more reliance on the shows guest.
This becomes all to evident when they ask questions which are not to provide information for the viewer, but because it's clear they haven't prepared and don't have an idea on the item.
I'm sure this is why they all too frequently pour out with the same stock phases to fill time, pausing to allow the guest to add the valued information the viewer requires.
Did anyone see the time when Alison Young actually slapped one of the Bare Minerals girls across the face? It really was a slap too and I felt quite embarrassed. I think Alison should have made a public apology. That sort of thing would just not be tolerated on the High Street so how is she able to get away with it? It doesn't exactly set a good example does it?
She's a bit of an oddball to me. I find her quite irritating and wish she would stop constantly changing hair colour! Mind you then I wouldn't be able to keep falling about laughing when people post about her looking like Pepe le Pew etc! :mysmilie_483:
Did anyone see the time when Alison Young actually slapped one of the Bare Minerals girls across the face? It really was a slap too and I felt quite embarrassed. I think Alison should have made a public apology. That sort of thing would just not be tolerated on the High Street so how is she able to get away with it? It doesn't exactly set a good example does it?

Yep, many did, we had couple of threads about it, here is one

Pippa is on the Philosophy hour shouting and screeching to rival AY,it's so bad I've turned the sound down.She seems to be like this all the time now,more than she used to be,although I have never really taken to her.Do they think we need to be shouted at to buy something?:down:

Yea Yea Yea

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